Same Path, Different Choices

Arthur's conviction was unwavering, or rather, it had become his obsession after experiencing these events!

It was this power of conviction that allowed him to barely suppress the erosion of the insane ramblings, but he knew it was just treating the symptoms and not the root cause. After acquiring various skills, Arthur began addressing the issue, stumbling upon a mysterious organization- The League of Shadows.

Here, he met Ra's Al Ghul and upon interaction, discovered that Ra's Al Ghul wasn't necessarily a villain. Of course, Arthur was aware of his true nature—a man dedicated to destroying Gotham. However, the Ra's Al Ghul possessed what Arthur desperately needed, such as extraordinary combat skills and a mysterious power to soothe the mind.

Identifying himself as the Batman of justice, Arthur understood that their paths weren't aligned. He sought to use the Ra's Al Ghul for his own enhancement. If they could coexist peacefully with Gotham, that would be ideal. However, if trouble arose, Arthur would make sure Ra's Al Ghul knew who was in charge in Gotham!

After undergoing training with Ra's Al Ghul, Arthur indeed underwent a qualitative transformation. His abilities improved significantly, and he found a balance between madness and calmness. He could enjoy the talents brought by the insane ramblings while ensuring his sanity remained intact.

However, Arthur realized this balance was fragile. Any disruption could lead to severe consequences. He also became aware that he seemed to be retracing Batman's path—losing parents, receiving training from Ra's Al Ghul, and adopting a demeanor increasingly resembling the perpetually calm Batman.

Is this truly what he wanted?

Arthur sometimes felt lost, but he had no choice. Driven by the conviction to seek revenge and save Gotham, he could only become Batman. To suppress the darkness and madness within, he was forced to become calm and forge a heart that was both solid and icy.

"Hehe... I'm starting to understand Bruce Wayne more."

Returning to the long-lost Gotham, Arthur noticed little change in the city. It remained shrouded in the clouds of sin and corruption. Even Wayne Manor, once burned, had been rebuilt. The only change was Alfred, the loyal butler, now with graying temples. Seeing mature and composed Arthur Wayne brought him immense relief. However, upon learning that Arthur hadn't let go of the obsession for revenge, Alfred sighed deeply.

He informed Arthur that he had been secretly investigating the fire at Wayne Manor, uncovering many suspicious points. The night had both hired bodyguards and police protection. It shouldn't have allowed a group of thugs to sneak in and set fire. Yet, it happened.

Arthur had investigated himself back then but couldn't discern the conspiracy with his limited abilities. Hence, he decided to become Batman and personally investigate.

Alfred revealed that he had discreetly investigated the police officers patrolling around Wayne Manor and the hired bodyguards Arthur employed. Initially, there seemed to be nothing unusual, but as time passed, Alfred made some discoveries. Several people involved in that night's incident had suddenly disappeared over the years—both police officers and hired bodyguards.

Now, it was clear that these disappearances were likely linked to the mastermind behind the arson. It was a crucial clue.

Arthur comforted the aging Alfred, assuring him there was no need for further fatigue. Since he had returned, he would take care of what came next.

He first crafted a batch of equipment in the Batcave, then visited the police station late at night. After meticulously searching the files of the missing police officers, he found little. However, he approached Jim Gordon.

Batman and Gordon had been longtime partners, making this a routine operation for Arthur. He learned that Gordon was currently investigating a missing person case. Using this as leverage, Arthur proposed a deal—helping Gordon solve his case in exchange for assistance in keeping an eye on the police and finding clues about the missing officers from that fateful night.

After some negotiation and maneuvering, Gordon agreed to collaborate. As they jointly investigated the missing case, they unexpectedly discovered that this seemingly ordinary case was linked to a police mole. Further investigation revealed that Found clues to the missing police officer!

Arthur was overjoyed and captured the mob boss who had information. After severe torture, the boss remained defiant and refused to talk. When Arthur mentioned the Wayne Manor fire, the mob boss mocked, blaming the Wayne family for their own misfortune.

Thomas Wayne's mayoral campaign caused chaos, turning the mob boss from a regular worker into a criminal after losing family in the turmoil. He blamed the Wayne family for the tragedy in Gotham.

Filled with rage, Arthur, recalling that night, he was on the verge of killing the mob boss. Gordon arrived, taking a couple of punches from Arthur, and restraining him.

"He deserves to die! This scum's hands are stained with blood. I have to kill him to let the innocent victims rest! Let me kill him!" Arthur, in a frenzy, pleaded.

Gordon, battered, blocked Arthur, who was furious. The mob boss, beaten and bruised, kept laughing, calling Arthur a freak and claiming he was no hero.

"Look at you, you are a freak, a lunatic! Do you think you are a hero? Haha, look in the mirror, you're just a Joker!"

At the insult "Joker," Arthur stopped, and a wide smile appeared on his face. Indeed, he was a Joker, playing Batman and mimicking his no-kill rule

His eyes turn icy-cold, and laughing uncontrollably, he declared to the mob boss, "I'll make sure you die happily and joyfully!"