Wanda's Married Life

The unruly Logan had no intention of teaming up with Erik. In fact, he was on guard against everything that was happening, like an injured wolf, treating any approaching target as an enemy.

Erik furrowed his brows, holding considerable doubt and cautioning himself, but remained more calm and rational, understanding the principle that one must bow their head under another's roof. Since they couldn't force their way through, they might as well follow the so-called rules of the game for now. After all, it sounded like just playing a game, which seemed harmless.

Since Logan was unwilling to cooperate, Erik didn't try to persuade him further and coldly turned his gaze to the screen.

At the same time, a line of text appeared on the screen:

[The quiz is about to begin, players please get ready. A video will be played shortly, followed by a corresponding question. Players need to watch carefully to answer.]

The four players were either perked up with full attention, showed curiosity, or observed indifferently, while the screen timely began playing a video.

The opening used flashback sequences to briefly introduce the timeline and background of the video, where Thanos was defeated by the concerted efforts of the Avengers, restoring peace to the world.

This was a familiar scene for veteran players and viewers, as the quiz game had already revealed all these details before. However, for the new players who had just joined, the video on the screen naturally astounded them.

"Mutants fighting aliens?"

Erik mused that the Avengers seen in the video should all be mutants. In his own timeline and world, mutants were still not widely known and there were subtle hints of significant division and discord with normal humans.

The future mature and sophisticated Magneto, at this moment, was still a young man. While chasing clues about the murderer of his parents around the world, he also pondered the future of mutants, holding a pessimistic attitude, believing that conflicts between mutants and humans were inevitable.

But if the video on the screen was truly a glimpse of the future, then it seemed that mutants and humans were getting along quite well.

Logan, on the other hand, didn't think so much. He was still pondering over the so-called game and wondering who had devised this conspiracy against him. That bastard Stryker?

No, he didn't have the capability. So, who could it be?

Peter was continuously amazed: "Oh my God, it's like watching a blockbuster movie...uh, this isn't a movie, is it?"

Wanda said with a smile, "No, all of this is reality that will happen in the future. Look, you're in it too. See the guy in the Spider-Man suit? That's Peter Parker. Doesn't he look familiar?"

"Wow." Peter stared at the Spider-Man swinging through the video, his eyes filled with admiration and an indescribable complexity, "Really? That's another world's me?"

He had already started to believe what Wanda was saying about the quiz game's background and information, as he thought no one would play such a big joke on him. After all, he was just an ordinary high school student before being selected as a player by the quiz game.

As Wanda watched the video, she curiously asked, "Hey, Peter, did a spider bite you?"

"No...okay, yes!" Peter's first reaction was to hide his little secret, but he quickly realized that if everything the lady before him said was true, then hiding it was pointless. He revealed that he had been bitten by an experimental spider during a visit to a scientific event the day before.

"Then you got superpowers," Wanda shrugged, "I know this part. I bet every version of you, Peter, in every parallel world gets bitten by a spider. It's like your destiny."

"Is that so?" Peter felt an incomprehensible sense of awe and immediately asked, "Do you know everything about my future... Can you tell me about my parents? Why did they disappear, and, uh, about me and Gwen..."

Wanda made a quiet gesture to him because the video on the screen started featuring her, indicating that the question was closely related to her own future, which naturally made her very attentive.

Peter was considerate, making a zipping motion across his mouth, quietly continuing to watch the video. The video played on the screen was special; it started with a colourful introduction of the timeline and background but turned into black and white, resembling an old-fashioned sitcom from a bygone era.

Of course, what seemed like nostalgic black-and-white drama to Wanda and Peter, who were from the late 20th century, was quite ordinary and realistic to Logan and Erik.

"I, I'm married, I'm really married to a robot..."

Wanda covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes complex as she watched the video on the screen.

In the video, the main characters are her and her robot husband—Vision.

They live in this tranquil and secluded town called Westview, leading a simple and mundane life. Of course, amidst the mundanity, there are some peculiarities, such as the footage being in black and white, and both Wanda and Vision not knowing how they ended up there. Vision has even lost his previous memories.

"Robot?" Peter spotted a blind spot in the video: "Uh, Miss Wanda, no offence, but in the previous video clips, wasn't your husband killed by that purple-skinned villain?"

The video starts with a brief introduction to the background and timeline. The Avengers joined forces to thwart the scheme of Thanos, but it came at a heavy cost and sacrifice, with the fallen Avengers listed as Black Widow, Iron Man, and Vision.

Wanda shook her head: "I don't know... I've seen Tony and Natasha's sacrifices, but Vision died before them. Why wasn't Vision resurrected when Dr. Banner brought everyone back?"

After the future battle against Thanos was exposed, the Avengers naturally analyzed it thoroughly, but at that time, they seemed to overlook Vision's death, which is understandable, as at that point in time, Tony Stark hadn't yet created Vision.

Wanda's mind is a bit messy, still shocked by her marriage to a robot, and the video on the screen reveals even more bizarre aspects.

Beneath the calm and warm life of Wanda and Vision in the video, there seems to be a big secret hidden. Or rather, the whole town of Westview and its residents are quite problematic. They appear to be like puppets on strings, following a 'script' and playing house with Mr and Mrs Vision.