The Rebellious Spiderman

Eric hesitated slightly, missing the chance to answer first. There was no helping it; the clues in the video were too scarce, and he knew nothing about Peter Parker beforehand. He had to guess and rely on luck. Wanda chose option a, while Eric chose option b.

After answering, the countdown ended, and the correct answer was announced:

[Team A answered incorrectly. Player Wanda Maximoff and player Peter Parker each lose 4 points.]

[Congratulations to Team b for answering correctly. Player Eric Lensherr and player Logan Howlett each gain 1 point!]

Wanda blinked and said with slight embarrassment, "I can't believe I got it wrong... Peter, the enemy you encountered must be different from the other Spider-Man. I should have thought of that earlier."

Peter was even more surprised, "Why would it be Dr. Connors? He's supposed to be a good guy!"

Wanda shook her head, "He might have been forced, or maybe there's some other secret. Peter, you have to remember not to trust others too easily in the future, or you'll suffer a great loss."

Meanwhile, the screen started playing the video of the correct answer. Deeply guilty over the sudden death of his uncle, Peter also decided to avenge his uncle and pursue the robber who shot him. Following some clues, he ventured alone into the dark corners of the city.

But due to his lack of experience and youthful vigor, Peter quickly got himself into trouble. Despite his superhuman strength, he was still inexperienced and ended up surrounded and outmatched by street thugs.

However, Peter was smart. After returning home, he began to devise ways to enhance his fighting capabilities. He developed a device that could shoot webs and fashioned a masked suit. Fully equipped, he then exhibited the flair of Spider-Man.

Of course, this made the audience compare him to another Spider-Man from a parallel universe. While both could shoot webs, one did so directly from his body, and the other needed a device, making this Peter seem more like a scientist with strong practical skills.

"I think this Spider-Man is also quite good. No matter what, he's better than that little guy who relies on Iron Man everywhere. Honestly, compared to these two Spider-Men, that kid seems too naive."

"I feel the same. That little guy is more like Iron Man's son than Spider-Man, especially during his emotional battle with Thanos. But let's not forget, these two Peter Parkers are also kids, but they're clearly much more independent."

"Um, I don't really like this Peter Parker; he's too rebellious. I prefer the shy, introverted Peter Parker who doesn't talk much. But regardless of the version, I believe all Spider-Men are good people who help others."

The Spider-Man revealed in the quiz game was now one of three known versions. The Avengers' Spider-Man wasn't seen often, but because he was involved in the major event with Thanos, he left a deep impression, particularly during the moment when Thanos snapped his fingers, and Spider-Man, expressing his despair, crumbled into dust in Iron Man's arms, leaving many viewers tearfully accusing another Spider-Man, the Tobey version, of being a counterfeit.

It wasn't until the future video of Tobey's Peter Parker was released that people realized that this shy, introverted Spider-Man was superior, and now this more handsome, confident, and brave Spider-Man with a rebellious streak was also cool, leading many young people to rave about him. So, in comparison, the Avengers' Spider-Man seemed to lag behind these two.

It's quite normal, given that the Avengers had many notable superheroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, etc. Spider-Man didn't get much screen time there, whereas the other two Peter Parkers were undoubtedly the protagonists without any other superheroes stealing the limelight.

As people discussed and watched the screen, Peter's life as Spider-Man wasn't smooth sailing. He got hurt, fell down, and sometimes came home with a bruised face. But he quickly fell in love with the adventurous life of leaping over walls to fight crime and uphold justice, making quite a name for himself in New York City. People called him the "volunteer policeman," though the real NYPD officers were annoyed by this masked troublemaker.

So, when Spider-Man chased criminals, the police would arrive at the scene, their guns not aimed at the criminals but at Spider-Man. Without a doubt, this scene made a strong impression on the viewers.

Public anger is once again being directed at the authorities and police, who have now seemingly resigned themselves to criticism. Initially outraged, they wonder how they've come to be cast as the villains.

This has also sparked resentment towards the superheroes, blamed for the predicaments the police find themselves in, though they have now grown accustomed to this.

If it were the shy, unassuming Tobey Maguire version of Spider-Man, he'd likely just turn and walk away when misunderstood by the police. But the Spider-Man in the video is more rebellious. He dodges all the bullets fired by the police, flips behind them, grabs a handgun and throws it far away, taunting them, "I've done all the work you should be doing, and this is how you repay me?"

Naturally, the police relentlessly pursue him. Meanwhile, Peter is deeply immersed in his Spider-Man activities, and on the other side, Dr. Connors continues his research on the transgenic serum. Thanks to the decay equation algorithm provided by Peter, the experiments show new progress, allowing test mice to regenerate severed limbs using lizard DNA. However, much remains to be done before moving on to human trials, requiring more time. But his financier, Oscorp, run by Norman Osborn, cannot wait.

Norman Osborn, unlike his counterpart in another universe who tests drugs on himself, is an old man with not much longer to live, suffering from a genetic disease passed down through his family. He is counting on Dr. Connors' research to save his life. As his condition worsens, he becomes impatient and issues an ultimatum to Dr. Connors.

Either begin human trials immediately or pack up and leave. After all, Oscorp has already acquired the semi-finished product and can proceed with the treatment without Dr. Connors.


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