Lizard Man

Doctor Connors felt it was impossible to conduct human trials at the moment, and he couldn't find any volunteers. However, the people from Oscorp were indifferent, suggesting that they could simply pass off the semi-finished serum as a flu vaccine.

At this point, the audience outside the screen began to curse vehemently. They weren't just cursing Oscorp on the screen but also some biopharmaceutical companies in their own world.

In the video, Oscorp's suggestion of using semi-finished products as vaccines and treating innocent people as guinea pigs was considered insane across the ocean. However, here, if not commonplace, it was at least well-known. Similar actions had occurred more than once in reality.

Doctor Connors couldn't accept this loss of humanity, but Oscorp was already prepared to proceed without him. He didn't need to help them; they intended to use the semi-finished products directly on veterans in hospitals!

With no other choice, Doctor Connors had to become his own test subject, hoping to confront Oscorp before harm came to the veterans.

At this point, both the audience and the players were puzzled. Doctor Connors in the video might have some character flaws, but he was indeed a good person. Oscorp's proposed plan wasn't unusual; behind closed doors, these pharmaceutical companies had likely conducted similar experiments countless times. If it were anyone else, they probably wouldn't hesitate and would agree immediately.

But Doctor Connors held firm to his principles, choosing to be the guinea pig himself. How could such a person be a villain?

Doctor Connors's arm was partially missing. After injecting the serum, he had a strong reaction. Unable to endure it, he passed out, only to wake up at night. To his amazement, his missing arm had grown a cocoon-like skin. After tearing it open, a brand-new arm emerged.

Doctor Connors stared at this new arm in disbelief, excited by the seemingly successful result of the human trial. He couldn't wait to inform the people at Oscorp and stop them from using veterans as test subjects. However, he learned that they were already on their way to the hospital, crossing a bridge with poor cellphone reception, making it impossible to contact them.

Despite feeling extremely uncomfortable after the serum injection, Doctor Connors hailed a taxi to find them himself. But on the taxi ride, he couldn't help but cry out in pain as the side effects kicked in. He watched as scales and claws emerged on his new arm.

Meanwhile, Peter accepted his classmate Gwen's invitation to dinner at her house. During his days of mourning his uncle's death, Gwen had been very supportive, and their relationship progressed quickly. However, upon arriving at Gwen's house, Peter discovered that her soon-to-be father-in-law was none other than the Police Commissioner of New York City, who wasn't fond of the recent emergence of the Spider-man and treated him as a criminal.

The rebellious Peter couldn't stand it and engaged in a heated debate with his soon-to-be father-in-law. The atmosphere became tense, but Gwen cleverly defused the situation, leading Peter to the rooftop to cool off. Peter recently lectured by his soon-to-be father-in-law, was in a bad mood. He, as Spider-Man, was eager for validation but couldn't understand why he was met with misunderstanding.

Faced with the gentle Gwen, Peter hesitated for a long time, wanting to tell her something but unable to. This led Gwen to misunderstand, thinking Peter was about to confess his feelings to her. Blushing like an apple, she later realized her mistake, feeling embarrassed. Planning to go downstairs, Peter hesitated for a long time but couldn't hold back. He shot out a strand of web to stick her to himself, pulling her into his arms. "I am Spider-Man."

However, the piercing sound of sirens broke the sweet atmosphere. Peter sensed trouble and couldn't bid farewell to Gwen's family, rushing off immediately. Soon after, Gwen's father also received a police report and left in a patrol car.

The incident occurred on a bridge, where the densely packed cars had blocked the entire bridge. The citizens panicked as they saw a green, immensely powerful lizard-like creature rampaging on the bridge. It had a fiery temper, easily lifting cars weighing tons, ready to throw them off the bridge into the sea.

The people in the video didn't know the origin of this lizard creature, but the audience outside the screen naturally guessed it. This lizard creature was none other than Doctor Connors, who had been injected with the serum.

The side effects of the semi-finished potion were too strong, and in the blink of an eye, it turned him into such a large green lizard.

Dr. Connors, transformed into the lizard, clearly retained his consciousness. He continuously overturned cars on the bridge, aiming to find the OsCorp executive who posed a threat to him, without resorting to excessive violence.

However, Dr. Connors also became more ruthless. In his search, he hesitated not to throw other cars into the sea, showing no concern for the innocent civilians inside.

In the end, the lizard-man found his target. The car's metal skin was as fragile as paper under his claws, easily torn apart. The once arrogant OsCorp executive now cowered in fear, as the lizard-man lifted the entire car and threw it off the bridge.

At that moment, Spider-Man swooped in, kicking the lizard-man and using his web to catch the falling car. Spider-Man had already saved numerous cars thrown by the lizard-man using this technique.

Perhaps due to the time limit of the serum's effects, the lizard-man, sensing his strength fading, decisively jumped off the bridge to flee. Spider-Man was left to clean up the mess, and while rescuing, he found a child trapped inside a car.

The sight of the masked Spider-Man frightened the boy, likely due to the psychological trauma left by the lizard-man. Peter quickly took off his mask, smiling, and said, "Look, I'm not a monster. I'm just like you, a regular person. Do you want my mask? You can play with it!"

He used the mask to distract the boy, while patiently helping him unbuckle his seatbelt, comforting him and reassuring him not to be afraid throughout the process.


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