Catch Me If You Can!

Chapter 38 Catch Me If You Can!

POV Third Person

"Sonic Cataclysm!!!" Present Mic exclaims from a distance unleashing a powerful and controlled sonic wave that rushes harmlessly right above the defeated figures of Midnight and Mirko who are sprawled on the ground breathing heavily.

At this, the two clones responsible for neutralizing both heroines try to quickly retreat in the direction of the great iron throne in the distance before being hit by the sonic wave and receiving Present Mic's fury.

"My head is going to explode! Kyaaa!" Toga exclaims covering her ears tightly as she falls to her knees and grits her teeth with a desperate look on her face before the small figure of the Child Emperor clone stands in front of her protectively.

Despite considering himself a mere disposable clone, he has one goal in mind… To do everything possible to fulfill the goals of the original and have fun in the process…

Even if he no longer feels the presence of the main clone... Even if he feels a void in his chest gradually expanding throughout his body... Even if he has to sacrifice himself, he will gladly do so. After all, he is also a part of this exciting game!

"Don't dissipate now, Toga Two!" He exclaims crossing his arms in front of his face as small wounds begin to form all over his body and part of his gas mask cracks slightly due to the strong sonic waves produced by the Present Mic. "We are the last line of defense, we have to hold off the heroes for as long as we can! The original is counting on us!" he exclaims fervently with a defiant smile stretching out from behind his gas mask.

"Let's put on a show they'll never forget and have fun in the process!" He exclaims pointing his small hand in Present Mic's direction as his last working robotic tentacle hovers erratically above him. "Until then, stay with me!" He exclaims clenching his fist before the tentacle disengages from his pack and is shot at full speed at the hero.

At this, Present Mic's eyes widen, jumping back and parrying his sonic attack just in time to dodge a robotic tentacle that crashes to the ground inches from him. "That was close." Present Mic whispers, watching the strange robotic tentacle wriggle on the ground before small robotic paws unfurl from the tip of the tentacle like a mutant insect.

"Oh god, no…" Present Mic stammers, his face completely pale and unable to use his Quirk in time before the robotic tentacle jumps out and wraps around his face increasing his phobia of insects to extreme levels. "Sni…pe." He screeches with his eyes rolling back and falling like a board to the ground.


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As this happened, Toga stared wide-eyed at the clone's back in front of her, specifically his neck before a force of will began to spread throughout her body. "You're right, I don't plan on dissipating until I'm satisfied." She whispers ominously standing up before licking her lips.

Then Toga's eyes shine with determination as she wraps her arms around the little clone's body and lifts him onto her shoulders before starting to run towards the massive iron throne. "What are you doing?!" He exclaimed, feigning confusion and hiding a small smile behind his gas mask before a bullet crashed into the ground a few millimeters from them.

"Tch." Snipe growls in frustration from behind a column after missing a shot that should have taken down both clones at the same time. At this, he draws a smoke bomb from his belt and throws it, quickly covering much of the area with thick smoke before advancing towards Present Mic who is writhing on the ground trying to remove the robotic tentacle from his face and mouth.

"Don't move." Snipe says seriously walking forward and pointing his gun in the direction of Present Mic in the distance before pulling the trigger and firing a burst of bullets through the thick smoke with the help of his quirk.


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At this, the bullets quickly head towards the target and impact against the robotic tentacle causing many sparks and short circuits until finally a terrified Present Mic is released from the terrifying robotic tentacle.

"That was… disgusting and scary!" Present Mic exclaims before taking a deep breath as he kneels on the ground trying to catch his breath and watching the figure of the strange robotic tentacle destroyed on the ground in front of him with several bullet holes.

"Oh, god…That thing was inside my mouth." He stutters in a panic before remembering how Mirko was pinned down which caused his face to turn completely green before emptying his stomach.

"This is not the time or place to grieve." Snipe huffs reloading his weapon as the smoke begins to clear. "Once the smoke clears we will be easy targets for the enemy." He whispers pointing his gun now with ammunition in front of him.

"So help Midnight and Mirko!" He exclaims pulling the trigger after spotting his targets in the distance and firing a series of bullets that make their way through the smoke in the direction of his targets before the bullets are epically intercepted surprising the hero.

While Snipe rescued Present Mic from the malevolent robotic tentacle, Toga took the opportunity to retreat towards the Iron Throne carrying the small clone on her shoulders until they reached a small compartment on the floor with supplies still inside.

"The long night is only the beginning of the end of the age of heroes!" The clone exclaims dramatically, swinging a lightsaber and intercepting another bullet as Toga stands behind him rummaging through the supply bin for something useful.

At this, Present Mic quickly runs to Midnight and carries her in his arms while she is still very weak due to lack of blood. "Sorry, I let my guard down." Midnight whispers coughing a bit as the tower begins to shake heavily.

"Damn, damn, I'm weak... I'm still very weak." Mirko growls in frustration slamming her hand to the ground as she shakily stands up, she has partially regained control of her limbs so her movements are erratic and uncoordinated. This was due to the powerful electrical current that ran through her entire body, affecting some important nerves.

"The path to the amphitheater is blocked by those clones and from what I see, this tower won't last much longer... We must get out of here!" Snipe exclaims firing his weapon in the direction of the clone who has fun nimbly blocking the bullets with his lightsaber.

"Huh? They leave so soon? But you guys just got here!" Toga exclaims taking out some kind of rocket launcher from the depths of the compartment as a crooked smile spreads across her face.

"Toga Two, wait... That's very..." The clone warns rushing at her and trying to grab the dangerous rocket launcher from her hands which causes him to fall to the ground on top of her as the rocket launcher is fired. "…Destructive." He huffs over the naked body of the Toga clone before quickly standing up and taking stock of the situation.

At this, everyone present watches as the missile flies in the direction of the main door of the throne room before splitting into dozens of small but powerful missiles which destroy the doors and many of the columns. This causes a chain reaction in the remaining columns which begin to collapse soon after.

"Oops." Toga chuckled, standing up quickly with wide eyes.

At that moment, the speakers spread throughout the entire throne room begin to play a tune, causing the Child Emperor clone's eyes to widen before a crooked grin spreads behind his gas mask. For him, that melody symbolizes that the plans of the original have been successfully put into operation.

*** (Play Game of Thrones: Light of the Seven) ***

"The long night has begun! The fate of the world now lies in the hands of a little boy!" He exclaims happily as little by little large chunks of debris begin to fall all over the throne room. "The real Game of Thrones has just begun." He says proudly jabbing his lightsaber into the ground before a pair of arms wrap around him and Toga's fangs sink into his neck.

"Chaos and fun!" He exclaims unfazed by the fangs embedded in his neck as the heroes desperately run trying to escape the avalanche of debris that is coming closer and closer towards them.

"Fire and blood…" Toga babbles happily, feasting on the sweet blood of her favorite prey as her cheeks are flushed and her eyes sparkle with happiness before a tear of happiness slides down her face.

"An infinite game!" He exclaims hugging Toga and closing his eyes tightly before being crushed by a mountain of rubble next to the Iron Throne... Ending the brief but chaotic history of both clones.

A small story that is intertwined with many other stories which form the prologue of a great story badly told.

The story of a boy and a wish.


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POV Child Emperor

Moments ago in the amphitheater.

Before dying and being reborn in this world, I had a wish... The whim of a 13-year-old boy before dying abruptly because of the decisions of some adults. Then my wish came true affecting the lives of countless people around this world and even knowing this...

I will never regret it!

"Amazing." I whisper, looking wide-eyed at the spectacular explosion that occurs in the sky above me as a crooked grin hides behind my gas mask before starting to laugh out loud. "A little boy has turned the world upside down!" I exclaim at the top of my lungs as a sense of pride spreads through my entire body.

The big game is just beginning.

Then the sounds of firing turrets grow closer as the sound of large footsteps rapidly approaching comes from a huge hole in one of the destroyed walls of the amphitheater where my main clone had entered earlier.

Shortly after, Rover's huge figure pushes his way through the gaping hole and enters the amphitheater growling loudly while above his head is Twice holding his shield and searching desperately for me with his gaze scanning every inch of the destroyed amphitheater.

It's time to leave the stage in style.

"Rover! Twice! Over here!" I exclaim happily throwing my hands in the air next to an unconscious Hawks, this immediately catches the attention of my little giant cub and my loyal minion Twice. Right after, Rover begins to pounce towards me as his tail flicks erratically and his eyes shine with happiness.

However, it seems that they are not the only ones who have set their sights on me.

"My lord! We have problems! A couple of problems!" Twice exclaims frantically pointing at the two figures chasing them.

"Child Emperor! You are in a lot of trouble!" Eraser Head exclaims swinging in the air using his capture weapon and nimbly dodging the laser shots from the turrets as if he were some kind of spider-man. That's so cool!

Meanwhile, Gran Torino is using his Quirk to propel himself through the air and walls at an impressive speed which brings him ever closer to Rover. However, what caught my attention the most, was the fact that he is using one of my lightsabers to deflect some laser shots as if he were the real Master Yoda.

That old man… He really is amazing.

Then, Gran Torino crashes into one of the turrets alarming the little gunner. "The infidels have breached our defenses!" I hear the little gunner exclaim as Gran Torino sneaks inside the turret swinging his lightsaber.

"Justice Has Arrived!" I hear Gran Torino exclaim from inside the turret as Rover continues to rapidly approach my direction.

"Hail Hydra! Kyaaa!" I hear the gunner's scream as the tip of a lightsaber protrudes from the turret spraying a slime-like liquid before the safety mechanism activates causing the turret to immediately disengage and crash to the ground.

The life expectancy of my clones is terrifyingly low not to mention the fact that these clones are clones of my main clone which injected himself with compound H and exploded into thousands of pieces a few moments ago. Therefore, the rest of the clones generated by him will dissipate shortly.

"Gran Torino!" Eraser Head exclaims, swinging in the air and drawing his retractable staff as Gran Torino bursts out from inside the destroyed and smoking turret, swaying from side to side and covered in the clone's slimy remains before pouncing again.

Why don't they give up once and for all? Their bodies must be on the verge of collapse after fighting my artificial intelligence, going through a ruthless mandatory dance session, and fighting my chaos clones. These heroes… Really are good heroes.

Which is actually bad for me...

I have no time to waste, if I underestimate the heroes right now I will put myself in a precarious position. "Rover, don't stop! Twice, release the charge!" I exclaim, walking a few feet away from the unconscious Hawks as my huge pup speeds toward me without slowing down.

"Let's go home!" I exclaimed holding the straps of my backpack tightly before Rover's sharp teeth rush towards me and he lightly bites my backpack picking me up from the ground and suspending me in the air while he continues advancing rapidly without stopping at anything.

So while I'm being suspended in the air like some kind of pup, I watch the unconscious figures of Power Loader along with Sir Nighteye being thrown off the top of the Rover by Twice.

"Happy landing! I hope you break a lot of bones!" Twice exclaims happily making a heart shape with his hands towards them.

By doing this, the remaining heroes have to decide whether to help their injured fellow heroes or go after us, so the answer is more than logical. Not to mention that the tower has started to shake harder and harder due to the multiple clashes the Tower of Chaos is reaching its limit so it's only a matter of time before the imminent collapse.

As a result, Gran Torino's eyes widen and he drops his lightsaber to the ground before immediately changing course and catching both heroes unconscious just in time to prevent them from crashing to the ground. "Eraser Head! Go for the brat!" Gran Torino exclaims holding a pair of unconscious heroes on his small shoulders as he lands next to an unconscious Hawks before beginning to breathe heavily.

As this occurs, Rover continues to run forward towards a huge concrete wall at the far end of the amphitheater whereupon he does a quick head movement and lifts me into the air allowing me to land on his head. Immediately after, bolts of electricity begin to focus on Rover's mouth.

With Gran Torino out of the equation, the only obstacle that is still hell-bent on stopping me is…

"Games over, Child Emperor!" Eraser Head exclaims swinging acrobatically in the air with multiple burns visible around his body before forcefully hurling his retractable baton at the remaining turret, striking the gunner and dissipating him immediately causing the turret's firing to cease.

"Eraser Head… You are troublesome." I huff, crossing my arms and watching the hero perform a three-pronged landing on Rover's back a few feet from me.

"The same could be said of you, troublesome little brat." Eraser Head growls breathing heavily and holding tightly to his capture weapon as a few drops of blood fall from his hands.

By now, Eraser Head must have realized that it's impossible to win this fight. The destructive power of my little cub makes him a little weapon of mass destruction at my disposal, not to mention Twice's abilities and the tricks I still have up my sleeve.

The purpose of Eraser Head is to buy time for the rest of the heroes to surround us. That's something I can't afford in this situation. "Twice, neutralize him!" I exclaim pointing at Eraser Head with my hand as Twice yells fiercely holding his shield in front of him before lunging at the hero.

"I will protect the little dark lord! I will protect my first friend!" Twice fervently exclaims holding his shield with one hand as he extends his other hand forward and begins to spawn a copy of Dabi. However, the copy was not completed due to his quirk being nullified by the hero thus initiating a quick exchange of blows.

Rover then shoots a powerful ball of energy instantly destroying the concrete wall in front of us while above the sky through the destroyed roof of the amphitheater, I can see the figure of Ryukyu flying in her dragon form scanning the entire area.

"Child Emperor!" Eraser Head exclaims exhausted receiving a shield hit in the stomach which makes him fall to his knees and drop his capture weapon while his eyes are bloodshot keeping his sight on Twice at all times. "I will definitely… I will catch you." He growls defiantly.

Is that a challenge? I accept the challenge with pleasure!

At this, a smile spreads behind my gas mask. "Shota Aizawa!" I exclaimed rushing towards him while clenching my fist and swinging my arm forward at the same time that a boxing glove comes out of my backpack taking the hero by surprise.

Immediately after, my small fist slams into the hero's face as my boxing glove punches the hero hard in the stomach effectively pulling him away from us, causing him to fall off Rover's back and roll across the floor leaving him behind.

"Catch Me If You Can!" I exclaim defiantly at the top of my lungs as Rover leaps through the destroyed wall allowing us to escape to the outside of the Tower of Chaos before beginning to plummet from the very top.

Then the Tower of Chaos began to collapse epically.

This life is definitely... Exciting!




To Be Continued...