
Chapter 39 Unstoppable!

Today my day has been full of events, first, my older brother had a strange nightmare in which I appeared as some kind of very dangerous villain capable of causing the cookie apocalypse. Normally I would brush this off as a run-of-the-mill nightmare, however, the One For All is the problem.

Is it possible that the former holders of the One For All are trying to subtly warn my brother about me through dreams? That would certainly be very troublesome… Or it was just a run-of-the-mill nightmare and I'm just being overly dramatic.

In any case, that will require a more detailed observation in the future to clear my doubts.

Continuing my fantastic day, the heroes decided to make their move, fed false information provided by my spy, which led them to fall into my elaborate and evil trap. Thus beginning my exciting and twisted game.

A game which spread all over the world!

And now…

Now I'm plummeting from the top of the Tower of Chaos as I cling tightly to Rover's fluffy yet resilient fur!

"Muahahaha!" I laugh out loud as my heart beats furiously as I feel the adrenaline rushing through my little body. This is fun… So much fun!

"Don't let go! Do not look down! Don't let go! Do not look down!" Twice exclaims to himself, dangling comically by Rover's tail as the upper floors of the Tower of Chaos collide with the lower floors forming a chain reaction and causing a spectacular collapse.

Although there were still heroes inside, I don't plan to worry about them, a tower collapsing on top of them shouldn't be a big problem, after all, that small group of heroes are like cockroaches, so they'll be fine… Probably.

As we quickly plummet to the ground, I can't help but think of the terrified expressions the heroes in the Forest of Chaos will put on when the unstoppable force of Hydra descends upon them.

Rover then smashes some trees upon landing destroying everything within a few meters of him due to the shock wave while Twice and I still cling tightly to him before the dust completely covers the entire area as the Tower of Chaos collapses behind us.

At this, the screams of panic coming from the heroes around the Tower of Chaos and the Forest of Chaos did not wait.

It's time to go home and to do so I have to go through the Forest of Chaos full of heroes... However, this time, the world is not watching me through a camera, so I do not intend to hold back.

Right now… I am Unstoppable~



POV Third Person

Moments before the Tower of Chaos Collapse.

With the Wild Wild Pussycats.

"Kota needs his parents! Don't let that thing control your actions!" Mandalay exclaims, nimbly jumping back and dodging a whip of water while the rest of her team is held inside a prison of water holding their breath.

In front of her is the hero duo Water Hose with red eyes and being controlled by a mind control hat on their heads. "Water dragon!" They exclaimed in unison producing several water dragons behind them menacingly.

Mandalay is on the verge of collapse, her hero outfit a mess with injuries all over her body not to mention her team of heroes won't be able to hold their breath much longer. It is the first time in her life that she feels so helpless.

"Fusion!" The Water Hose hero duo exclaimed in unison clasping their hands together causing the water dragons behind them to merge into a giant many-headed water beast. "Water Hydra!" They exclaim pointing their clasped hands in the direction of Mandalay.

"I failed…" Mandalay whispers, falling to her knees with wide eyes watching the huge Water Hydra closing in on her. "We all fail." She whispers before being struck by such a powerful force as her fellow heroes watch helplessly wide-eyed from the water prison.

Then the Water Hydra along with the water prison immediately dissipates, freeing the heroes who begin to take big breaths and shakily get up from the ground except for Mandalay who is badly injured on the ground.

"Mandalay! Mandalay! Tiger exclaims holding Mandalay in his arms as fear begins to settle in the hearts of the Wild Wild Pussycats.

As this occurs, the Water Hose hero duo fall to their knees gasping for air as two fried hats fall to the ground.



It's all they say before falling to the ground unconscious due to quirk exhaustion.

"Was Child Emperor really the cause of all this? Tell me… what kind of child are we dealing with?" Pixie-Bob asks weakly with a blank look on her face as her hands and legs shake.

The silence of her companions was all the answer.

When All Might destroyed the generator located in the depths of the Tower of Chaos, the mind control hats (Dor-15) were remotely disabled. This knocked out the hero duo Water Hose along with Uwabami who were immediately taken to the medical camp along with Mandalay.

Deep in the Forest of Chaos and surrounded by several exhausted and injured heroes, Moonfish fell to the ground in a vegetative state following the failure of the Dor-15. Moonfish's unrecognizable body due to the forced evolution of his quirk returned to normal soon after and was quickly restrained much to the relief of the heroes present.

However, minutes later and in the farthest part of the forest, Muscular remained conscious but disoriented after the failure of the Dor-15.


"Muscular! Smash! Haaaa!" Muscular exclaims grabbing Gang Orca by the leg before repeatedly slamming him into the ground creating a bigger and bigger crater.

"Gang Orca!" The old hero Yoroi Musha exclaims wearing his signature samurai armor and shakily gripping his katana tightly before charging at his opponent. "Fifth Stance, Samurai Slash!" He exclaims at the top of his lungs as his katana crashes into Muscular's back producing a shallow cut.

"Damn insects!" Muscular exclaims in frustration throwing the mangled hero Gang Orca into a pile of trees before muscle fibers begin to cover the wound on his back and his attention is focused on the samurai hero. "I will crush you! And then I'll smash the damn brat!" He exclaims covering his fist in muscle fibers and swinging his fist at the old samurai hero who froze with wide eyes.

Then Fat Gum pushes Yoroi Musha to the side and intercepts the blow with his powerful belly causing his attacker's fist to sink into the hero's body fat. "Fat adsorption!" Fat Gum exclaims at the top of his lungs as his belly starts sucking on his attacker's arm.

It was at that moment, that a great tremor spread throughout the forest, drawing the attention of all the heroes and policemen involved in the operation. The Tower of Chaos began to collapse.

Taking advantage of the hero's distraction, Muscular instantly covered his other arm in muscle fibers and delivered a powerful blow to Fat Gum just below the chin, sending him flying a great distance and freeing his trapped arm.

"If you move... I'll rip you in half." Muscular growls menacingly watching the tower collapsing in the distance. This threat completely freezes the samurai hero Yoroi Musha who, upon finding himself outmatched by such a bloodthirsty opponent, loses his determination and succumbs to his most primitive instincts.

Yoroi Musha, a hero with decades of experience, is admired by many people and is on Japan's top 10 list... He didn't move a single muscle.

Even if his determination was completely destroyed and even if his honor was tarnished by not summoning up the courage to rush his opponent. He doesn't want to be torn to pieces at the hands of this monster, he wants to live and will definitely announce his retirement at the end of this disastrous operation.

Not all heroes will risk their lives in the sense of duty, after all, not all heroes are altruistic and there is no way to enjoy the fame and glory obtained if they are dead...

"Brat... I'm coming for you!" Muscular exclaims ignoring everything around him as a vicious smile begins to spread all over his face. "I'll crush you slowly!" He exclaims cruelly before starting to run towards his main target, charging and smashing anything that gets in his way.

Following this, the samurai hero Yoroi Musha drops his katana to the ground before falling to his knees and removing his samurai helmet. "I have lost the path of a hero, I have lost the path of the warrior... I do not deserve to be called a hero." He whispers looking at the huge column of dust rising in the distance.

"Dark times are ahead... Very dark times." He huffs, accepting the end of his career as a hero.


In another location and flying through the rubble of the Tower of Chaos, is the Ryukyu dragon hero with a makeshift bandage around her head and holding the unconscious heroes Nighteye, Power Loader, and Hawks in her claws.

"The plan has failed miserably." Eraser Head whispers watching the Tower of Chaos collapse as he holds on tightly to Ryukyu who nimbly dodges some flying debris. "Guys... Please be strong." Eraser Head whispers through clenched teeth in frustration and worry.

"They probably made it out of the tower in time… I bet you my supply of Taiyaki." Gran Torino says coughing up some blood and gasping for air as he holds onto Ryukyu's back tightly. Gran Torino exceeded his limit a long time ago, which is why he is on the verge of collapse, remaining conscious by sheer force of will.

"Even if the little brat tries to escape, dozens of heroes are blocking all escape routes." Ryukyu says, watching the heroes on the ground quickly heading towards the area covered in dust and debris where Rover landed as several armed drones provided by I-Island also rapidly approached.

"And as long as I'm in the air, I won't lose track of him… We'll definitely catch him and take down this evil organization!" Ryukyu exclaims with determination just before the drones start shooting at the heroes on the ground.

"What?! What the hell is going on?!" She exclaims, her eyes wide in confusion before two drones quickly take up position behind her.

"The damn troublesome brat is what's going on." Eraser Head snarls as his right eye twitches violently just before the drones open fire on them.

"Damn! Hold on tight!" Ryukyu exclaims performing various evasive maneuvers and descending at high speed as two self-guided missiles get closer and closer to her. "Brace for impact!"


In another location, in the logistics camp.

"We have lost control of the drones!

"All systems have stopped responding!"

"The tower has collapsed, I repeat, the tower has collapsed!"

"We still can't make contact with the outside world or establish a connection to the satellites!"

"Sir! What should we do?!

Due to zero contact with the outside from the moment the operation began and after losing all contact with Sir Nighteye after he and his group entered the Tower of Chaos, the entire chain of command now rests on one person.

With his hands behind his back and with much of his chest bandaged, David Shield with an unfazed gaze watches Ryukyu's draconic figure crash into a clump of trees in the distance. "Prioritize the evacuation of the injured to the nearest hospitals." He commands firmly as some heroes and policemen in the logistics camp look at him with hope and admiration.

It turns out that when the battle droids emerged from the ground, attacking the logistics camp at the start of the operation, they immobilized and stunned all the police personnel along with the few heroes guarding the place except for David Shield and his men.

Therefore, when the staff began to wake up from the daze, a rumor quickly spread throughout the logistics camp.

A rumor about how David Shield plugged his laptop into the head of a destroyed droid and infiltrated his programming while his escorts repelled and protected unconscious personnel from droids attempting to take their unconscious bodies underground. According to rumor, the fight went on for many minutes until finally, David Shield managed to hack and disable all the droids.

Due to this supposed act of heroism, he and his men earned the respect and admiration of many of the people around the logistics camp. After this, his injuries were quickly treated while two of his men were taken to the medical camp.

This rumor was obviously false, but an excellent cover for him and his men. The truth is anything but heroic. After leaving the Tower of Chaos through an underground passageway, they quickly shed their tactical suits and returned to the logistics camp, disabling the droids guarding the site and manipulating the situation in their favor.

"We've just been informed that Child Emperor on top of a gigantic creature is coming on a collision course towards us!" A police officer exclaims in panic, trembling and holding a police radio in his hands. At this, many officers and some heroes present in the logistic camp observe with wide eyes a huge column of dust rising above the forest along with many explosions getting closer and closer to the camp.

"Sir... do you think we did the right thing by coming here?" A hero stutters with a completely pale face as he slowly backs up a couple of steps just like other people.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." David responds cryptically by clenching his fists and watching chaos rage uncontrollably everywhere.

Although he did not fully agree with Child Emperor's eccentric and twisted plans, he could not refute the projected results and the impact these plans would bring to the world. For a better future… That's what he desperately wants to believe.

Then, something happened that for many would have been considered a stroke of luck, however, it was the opposite.

"We have access to the satellites!" An officer exclaims with hope shining in his eyes just before his laptop screen is flooded with notifications from the outside and the phones of everyone present start flooding with missed calls and notifications.

A few seconds passed where there was only silence between the officers and heroes in the logistics camp, all trying to understand what was really happening behind the scenes...

"I… I must abandon the operation… I'm sorry, I have to go back to my city." A hero whispers squeezing his phone tightly before starting to quickly retreat.

"Son? Stay at home, close doors and windows! Dad will be home soon!" An officer exclaims holding up his phone before leaving his assigned position and beginning a hasty retreat.

State of emergency, martial law, riots, and lawlessness, all this while the calls coming from different hero agencies do not stop… This triggered a mass panic and affected the already fractured morale of the heroes and officers deployed throughout the forest.

"Start the retreat."


"Where are the reinforcements?! Where are the damn reinforcements?!"

"Stop him!"

"There are riots in numerous cities!"

"Help! Please help!"

"Tokyo has fallen, I repeat, Tokyo has fallen!"

"Block the way!

"He's unstoppable!"

"I'm going to quit." One hero whispers frozen in shock and a blank look on his face as his fellow heroes run desperately trying to get out of the way of the huge hound of the nicknamed demon boy. "I can't go through with this…" He whispers, breathing heavily in panic and despair as his phone and radio don't stop ringing. The sound of explosions, battle cries, and panic are heard throughout the forest.

At that moment, all the heroes present knew beyond any doubt… That before them stands the true mastermind of Hydra.

An incarnated symbol that drives all heroes to despair...

"...I'll have to look for another job."


****Click to see image****


…The Symbol of Chaos.




In the next chapters...

Chapter 40 Bang!

Chapter 41 Dessert Time

Chapter 42 He who laughs last laughs best.

Chapter 43 Chaotic Symphony Part 1

Chapter 44 Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame

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