
Chapter 40 Bang!

POV Isamu

~With smiles, I can fool a whole city...~

I mentally hum as a song plays through the headphones embedded in my gas mask. As expected I have a wide variety of songs stored for every kind of situation and now it's time to leave the stage and no one will stop me.

My escape plan is simple... maybe too simple and impractical but I'm sure it will make a big impact on the heroes. After all, today's big performance also needs a big ending.

And what better ending than going through the Forest of Chaos full of heroes using my titanic and adorable puppy!

I'll show them how strong I am... I'll show them that I am...

"I am unstoppable!" I exclaim happily, my eyes wide and sparkling with amusement as my fully amplified voice is heard throughout the forest overlapping the screams of the panicked heroes thanks to my voice modulator.

"I'm a Porsche with no brakes!" I exclaim, watching in fascination at the path of destruction behind me as Rover continues to charge into everything in his path, stopping at nothing… striking fear into the hearts of the heroes.

"I am invincible!" I exclaim, spreading my arms out to my sides theatrically as numerous holographic screens materialize around me.

"I am the Symbol of Chaos!!!"

I exclaim at the top of my lungs, raising my fist in the air and jumping with happiness as if I were the happiest child in the world.

As this happens, dozens of heroes get out of the way after completely losing the will to fight or even stand in front of my titanic pup and get trampled.

Through the holographic screens around me, I can see some heroes hidden among the trees frozen in fear, gritting their teeth and sweat running down their faces unable to attack.

However, seeing the gigantic female figure Standing in our way, I can't help but grin from ear to ear. I guess determination still burns strong in the hearts of some heroes.

"You ruined my debut!" Mt. Lady exclaims very angrily and tightly holding a heavy piece of rubble like some kind of weapon as she digs her feet into the ground and prepares to intercept us.

Although I suppose stupidity burns in their hearts too

"Let's see what you're made of Nee~Chan!" I exclaim defiantly holding on tightly to Rover as Mt. Lady swings the heavy chunk of rubble before the mighty impact.

Immediately after, small pieces of debris, destroyed trees and a large amount of dirt are thrown everywhere as Mt. Lady is dragged backward. "I will never forgive you for ruining my chance to shine." She snarls, arms outstretched, gripping my titanic pup's muzzle with all her might as she continues to be dragged backward without slowing.

She has a lot of nerve to get in the way, considering that my pup is capable of creating a ball of energy and disintegrating her at any moment. However, that would be very counterproductive to my plans since these heroes are just trying to capture me, unlike Captain Celebrity.

I guess I can play with them… just a little bit.

At this, I quickly adjust the volume of my voice modulator to the standard setting and position myself just above Rover's head. "Hey hey, Nee~Chan!" I exclaim happily, pretending innocence and instantly drawing her attention as a pair of robotic tentacles slowly emerge from my backpack along with a video camera.

Mt. Lady was originally supposed to debut in Musutafu but due to the butterfly effect caused by me, her debut would take place in this operation where fame and glory would be assured by taking down a growing criminal organization.

However, they did not count on my cunning… Hehehe.

"Don't worry, your debut will be immortalized in the depths of the internet!" I exclaim playfully extending one hand forward and pointing at Mt. Lady while holding a video camera with my other hand. The blackmail material is also very important to my plans.

"Action!" I exclaim and instantly the two robotic tentacles detach from my backpack and fly toward her. Immediately after, Mt. Lady's eyes widen as robotic tentacles pierce a hole in her hero suit and begin to randomly crawl all over her gigantic body beneath her suit.

Unfortunately, I haven't implemented x-ray vision in my gas mask yet, so I can't know exactly what's going on under her suit, but looking at her face starting to blush, I can come to a conclusion.

I really am a wicked little shit and I love it.

"What?... What do you think you're doing?" Mt. Lady snarls through gritted teeth with a completely red face as she continues to be dragged back helplessly. "You... little devil... You're going to pay me back." She whispers between heavy breaths causing her arms and legs to start shaking.

Having a pair of robotic tentacles randomly crawling under her hero suit must be very humiliating and uncomfortable for her, which is why she must be on the verge of collapsing and I plan to speed up that process.

"You should reconsider your privileges, Nee~Chan." I hum while snapping my fingers which causes the tentacles to start emitting an electrical discharge wherever they are.

Immediately after, she closes her eyes and clenches her teeth refusing to make any kind of sound before her legs give way and she loses her balance completely causing her to be rammed by Rover and sent flying to the side.

This is what I was waiting for! The perfect shot of her crushing defeat!

Then something very strange happened while I was recording her, at that moment, she didn't let out a panicked scream as I had anticipated. "♡Kyaaaaa♡!" She moaned embarrassingly loud causing my eyes to widen before she slammed into a bunch of trees and we left her behind.

Huh? What just happened?


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Now that I think about it... it's possible that one of my tentacles accidentally... Oops.

At my little oversight, I quickly shake my head before laughing mischievously slightly. "What's done is done." I hum, happily hugging the video camera and thinking of all the potential uses for this recording, at which I can't help but smile broadly.

Mt. Lady, your destiny is now in my little hands. Muahahaha!

However, I am abruptly interrupted. "Is it my imagination or did she just lewdly scream?! Because I clearly heard a lewd scream! Or maybe not!" Twice exclaims startling me.

"Little dark lord... Did you have anything to do with it?" Twice asks, his shield now strapped behind his back and holding a gamepad in his hands as he watches an unconscious Mt. Lady in the distance before turning his head in my direction. Twice was preventing any hero from approaching from behind, which is why I hope he didn't see the tentacles and tied the dots.

Twice considers me his first friend, but also over time he has come to consider me as the little brother he never had, which is why sometimes he tends to be a bit overprotective and exaggerated with this kind of thing.

"I had nothing to do with it!" I instinctively exclaim before hiding the video camera behind me as I feel my cheeks heat up. This is ridiculous! I feel like I was caught doing something dirty…

…And my cognitive process of a child of almost 10 years does not help me at all.

However, this brief but awkward situation quickly came to an end with the appearance of a dozen Ectoplasm clones emerging from the trees in the distance running towards us on a collision course with their hands thrown back like true ninjas.

But that was not all, more clones of Ectoplasm also emerged from among the trees with the only difference that now they were riding Earth Beasts and there were even flying beasts like dragons and gargoyles. All these beasts are the product of Pixie-Bob's quirk, who must be hidden somewhere in the forest observing the situation from a distance together with Ectoplasm.

This is a wonderfully epic sight. But a frontal attack? I was hoping they would come up with something better.

"Twice, Rover, get ready!" I exclaim quickly putting my video camera inside my backpack before two small air cannons slowly emerge from my backpack and hover over me menacingly as the distance between us and our opponents gradually closes.

I had to restrain myself not to using these small cannons inside the Tower, otherwise, I would have overheated this weapon in vain, but in this case, I think this toy is worth having fun with.

These air cannons are attached to my fingertips and are only activated by voice command... It's not very practical and was something I developed when I was bored, but it does the job.

"Charge!" One of Ectoplasm's clones exclaims, mounting a centaur made of Earth and leading the curious attack. This causes the Earth Beasts to roar audibly while the rest of the Ectoplasm clones let out a battle cry intended to intimidate me.

"Now! Fire!" Another clone exclaims by flying over an earth dragon and dropping a smoke bomb to the ground. Immediately after, several flares and smoke bombs are fired by some clones toward the surroundings making it difficult to see the terrain in front of us.

At this, I extend my small hands forward forming a pair of imaginary pistols with my hands while my air cannons suspended above me blare in anticipation of my voice command.

"Justice will always prevail over adversity!" All the Ectoplasm clones exclaim in unison epically as the Earth Beasts roar loudly. "For the future of humanity! We will defeat you!"

Then a crooked grin spreads behind my gas mask.

I'm going to enjoy this.





To Be Continued...