Under Siege!

Chapter 46 Under Siege!

POV Third Person

On the edge of one of the tallest buildings in the city of Musutafu, an elegantly dressed man holds a cup of tea as he gazes at his reflection in the steaming tea. "The first act turned out pretty well." Danjuro Tobita aka Gentle Criminal, says taking a deep breath and inhaling the sweet smell of tea before looking at the majestic spectacle unfolding around him.

Dozens of police cars lie abandoned in the streets as the sound of police sirens is drowned out by the shouts of a very angry crowd.

"False Heroes! Corrupt Society! The Hero Commission are murderers!"

Smoke also begins to rise from different areas of the city, specifically where the hero agencies are located, while the electrical power begins to fail to leave much of the city in complete darkness.

The situation seems to be taken from a Hollywood movie, looting and riots spread throughout much of the city while the police forces supported by some local heroes desperately try to regain control of the city.

At that moment, Gentle Criminal on the edge of the building elegantly drinks his tea before beginning to hum a melody… A melody that echoes everywhere through the megaphones scattered throughout the city.

~London Bridge is falling down~

~Falling down, falling down~

He hums slowly and sinisterly, spreading his arms dramatically to his sides, dropping his cup of tea from the top of the building as several police helicopters fly by just above him towards the center of the city epically.

~London Bridge is falling down~

He continues to hum, pulling a technologically modified flare gun from his belt before aiming at the sky and pulling the trigger.

"My fair lady…"

Then with a great flash the symbol of Hydra appeared above the skies of the city of Musutafu in all its splendor causing fear in the hearts of many people, but fueling the flames of the hearts of many more people all around the city.

The Dark Mark Of Hydra.


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"Now, let us raise the curtain for the second act, gentlemen."

Soon after, the Hydra symbol lay over numerous cities in Japan and some major cities around the world, thus marking the beginning of the end of an era.

"Hail Hydra!" A group of Hydra agents exclaims raising their fists in the air, looking with wide eyes at the symbol of Hydra that now lies above the skies of Paris, right over the Eiffel Tower.

In another location, the air-raid sirens in the city of Moscow went off for the first time in decades, alarming the population, while powerful searchlights illuminate the sky over the city where the symbol of Hydra now lies in all its splendor just above the Kremlin.

This same situation is repeated in many cities around the world, alarming many of the governments involved, who would not sit idly by while a foreign criminal organization sowed chaos in their cities.

"Even if you take a head…" A Hydra agent says weakly falling to his knees and spitting some blood on the ground as some Hydra agents lie defeated around him along with several American heroes after a brutal confrontation. "Two more will take their place!" He exclaims with a crooked smile looking at the sky before being knocked out by a powerful blow to the back of the head.

"What the hell is going on in Japan?" Cathleen Bate aka Star and Stripe, America's number one pro heroine, asks herself, clenching her fists in frustration and confusion as she watches the symbol of Hydra light up the sky just above the Statue of Liberty.

Flying over the skies of Japan at an impressive speed, the Hydra Quinjet was getting closer and closer to its destination. "London Bridge is falling down~ falling down, falling down." Child Emperor hums happily while holding the flight controls as he and Melissa watch a holographic display showing different cities around the world with the symbol of Hydra above the skies.

"Those are a lot of cities." Melissa whispers a little worried about what all this might unleash in the future while Child Emperor's eyes just gleam cunningly. "What is the purpose of all this?" She asks in confusion as Child Emperor continues to hum happily.

"London Bridge is falling down…" He hums disabling the holographic display before looking straight into Melissa's eyes and smiling innocently causing a chill to spread through Melissa's entire body.

That innocent smile hides many secrets... After all, the worst monsters hide behind a smile.

"…My fair lady."


POV Naomasa Tsukauchi

Before leaving for Hydra's not-so-secret base, Nezu convinced me to stay in the city in case something unforeseen happened… And damn he was right.

At the start of the operation, I lost all contact with the raiding party, and soon after I lost all contact with Nezu. Then a damn live broadcast spread like wildfire and that's when I knew everything had gone to hell.

This was all carefully planned, so I highly doubt that Child Emperor really died. The fears of the Hero commission have come true... The little brat is more dangerous than we anticipated and we all fell right into his twisted trap.

We've also lost all contact with the Hero Public Safety Commission, so the last order was to put martial law in place, which means putting down any attempted riots using brute force if necessary.

Just thinking about the amount of paperwork I'll have to do after this gives me a headache. I urgently need a vacation… But first, I have to prevent this city from falling.

"This is the Musutafu Police Department! Disperse and return to your homes immediately!" I exclaim through a megaphone, wearing an armored police suit as Mirio Togata (Lemillion) and Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater), both second-year students from the heroism department, position themselves protectively to my sides.

Behind us, dozens of policemen in riot gear and a few armored police vehicles are slowly moving forward trying to retake control of the chaotic streets. All this while the cursed symbol of Hydra that lies over the city lights our way along with a spooky tune that keeps playing throughout the city.

~London Bridge is falling down~

~Falling down, falling down~

Child Emperor must be laughing at us right now. However, one thing is certain… no matter what…

Musutafu City must not fall!


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The interns were banned from the raiding party at Nezu's request, claiming that it would be too dangerous for the students until the threat level of Hydra was determined. No one objected, so the interns of the heroes involved in the operation were put into small groups and assigned to different cities where they would continue to do their patrol rounds in relative safety under the supervision of the police department.

I guess Nezu sensed that something was wrong from the beginning and took subtle measures to protect the students and minimize possible damage. However, things did not go as planned.

"Dogs of the commission!" A scruffy man exclaims, running up and swinging his fist in my direction causing Lemillion to step in front of me and parry the fist with his hand before quickly knocking out my attacker.

"Fake heroes!" Another person exclaims, floating in the air and propelling towards us with a bat in his hands before a tentacle wraps around his leg and slams him to the ground, knocking him out immediately.

"Killers! Cowards! Corrupt!"

It's some of the insults that a very angry crowd of people shout in the distance in front of us which causes my quirk to detect their exclamations as true. These people firmly believe that they are right, which greatly hinders our efforts to defuse the situation... Anguish, helplessness, and anger have taken over their hearts.

"I repeat! Disperse immediately and return to your homes! This is the last warning!" I yell again through the bullhorn to no avail before gritting my teeth as the angry yelling in the distance intensifies.

All Might, what would you do in my place?

"I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home." Suneater mutters with his face partially covered by his hood as his hands return to normal before staring at his shoes, not daring to look at the crowd of very angry people insulting him along with all of us.

"Darkness has taken over their hearts, it is our duty to illuminate their hearts again and recover their smiles together with the trust placed in the heroes." Lemillion says pointing to himself with a confident smile trying to cheer up his nervous friend. However, I noticed that Lemillion's right hand was trembling slightly… They are still young, they shouldn't be here.

At that moment, dozens of policemen in riot gear and some armored police vehicles pass us by, moving slowly and banging their police batons against their shields intimidatingly as they move towards the crowd. Meanwhile, a couple of police helicopters fly over the area and light up the crowd.

Furthermore, there are some heroes positioned in the surroundings along with some assigned interns supporting the advance of the police forces through the chaotic streets of the city causing the protesters to back off just a bit until the situation eventually reached a breaking point.

"Step aside!" A very fat man exclaims, emerging from the crowd and shoving the protesters aside with his belly. "We will change this unfair society! And we will all be accepted! At all costs!" He exclaims with determination, puffing out his belly even more and letting out a belch in the form of small explosions before dropping himself to the ground and beginning to roll toward us.

"Watch out! His quirk must be some kind of emitter related to gases and explosions!" A green-haired, freckled young student exclaims, emerging from the crowd and pointing at the obese man who is rolling on a collision course toward us.

At this, my eyes widen wide and from what I see I am not the only person who heard the warning as some officers and heroes present tensed up. "Fall back! Fall back and prepare the shields!" A sergeant belonging to the riot team exclaims, causing the riot police officers at the front to halt their advance and fall back in order with their shields positioned protectively in front of them.

Even some heroes who were planning to melee attack hesitated and quickly backed off at the student's warning.

Then our obese attacker stops a few feet away from the shield barricade pointing his butt at us before slamming both hands into his massive belly.

What the hell…

"Explosive flatulence!"

Immediately afterward, a loud explosion went up into the air, surprising everyone present and sending some officers flying along with their shields. Luckily none of them have seriously injured thanks to the warning of the young student who seems to have disappeared into the crowd.

"This society has come to an end!" Our now completely naked and skinny attacker exclaims with his fists in the air unaffected by the nasty explosion.

As this is happening, the uninjured members of the riot squad begin to put on their gas masks and prepare the tear gas. "Hydra has opened my eyes! Hydra is the light in this dark world!" He exclaims, spreading his arms out theatrically as a news helicopter begins to hover over the area.

Shit, he's a Hydra fan. This is bad, very bad... And I'm sure many heroes and officers have already realized what this means. "Lemillion, Suneater, are you both alright?" I ask seriously as both young heroes slightly nod their heads still a bit dazed. "Okay... Get ready." I say narrowing my eyes in the direction of the crowd in the distance.

"Fire!" A group of high-ranking officers shouts in unison, causing tear gas canisters to be fired in the direction of the crowd as a pair of armored police vehicles begin spraying high-pressure water jets into the crowd.

"You may cut off one head, but two more will take its place! Hail Hydra!" The skinny, naked man exclaims causing his belly to start growing again before a powerful spray of water sends him flying into an abandoned vehicle in the distance, knocking him out instantly.

"Go forward!" I exclaim pointing my hand forward, causing the riot policemen to grip their batons and police shields tightly before letting out a loud yell and beginning to charge into the crowd alongside the heroes.

We can't let Hydra continue to corrupt the minds and hearts of more people... We must end this quickly or it will be too late!

"The future of this city depends on us!"


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I hope that young student managed to escape in time… Young people like him will be the future pillars and hope of this failed society.

After what has happened… The heroic society will be severely fractured… The future ahead is dark…

All of this... Carefully orchestrated by a little boy who sees the world as a playground without ever caring for anyone.




~London Bridge is falling down…~

~…Falling down, falling down~

~London Bridge is falling down…~

~…My fair lady~

(Without anyone noticing, all the security cameras in the area focus on a certain freckled green-haired student being roughly shaken by another very angry student.)




To Be Continued...

In the next chapter! Chapter 47: Megalovania!

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