
Chapter 47 Megalovania

POV Isamu

This society is too fragile, destined to fall at any moment... So, if the fall of this society is inevitable... I will hasten its fall and in the process reap all the benefits.

With the world's eyes now on Japan, the government will be severely pressured to find a quick solution to this mess and that's when my little pawns scattered all over this world-sized game board surround the king.

Unlike other villains, my moves are carefully calculated and I always keep my eyes on my target. However, despite my careful planning, there is still one big wild card that could throw my future plans off balance…

A few moments ago I hacked into the security cameras that were still running in the city of Musutafu and through a small holographic screen generated by my watch I was able to observe my reckless older brother putting himself in danger. "I'm not at all surprised." I hum contemplatively licking my lollipop as many ideas begin to form in my head.

My older brother Izuku is the wild card in this game and one of the most important pieces on the board.

"What are you looking at on that little screen? Something went wrong?" Melissa asks looking at me slightly as she monitors the autopilot and our flight course on a holographic screen in front of her.

"No... It's nothing I can't solve." I respond by waving my hand dismissively, deactivating the holographic display on my watch as I begin to type rapidly on the laptop in front of me before a pair of technologically advanced goggles emerges from my backpack.

"My reckless brother is always looking for a way to get himself into trouble because of his hero syndrome and it is my responsibility to prevent him from killing himself in the process." I snort with a slight smile putting on my glasses.

"...Because that's what a brother should do." I whisper sending an encrypted message to a couple of phone numbers before activating my glasses.

At this, Melissa's eyes widen in astonishment before an ear-to-ear smile slowly spreads across her face. "So the little dark lord really cares about his brother." She whispers covering her mouth with a hand before looking away from me and starting to mutter about how adorable I am.

Maybe I should accidentally activate her ejection seat and teach her a lesson… However, right now my priority is another.


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"Link Start!"

Then a peculiar song began to play throughout the Hydra Quinjet.

****Play Megalovania!****


POV Izuku

When martial law began, my body froze and my mind went blank, not knowing what to do. I remember holding my little brother's hand tightly, I remember Kacchan's angry yelling trying to push people out of our way, and I remember we took a shortcut through some streets in complete chaos…

It was supposed to be a shortcut to get us out of harm's way!

It turns out that we ended up in the middle of a confrontation between a crowd of very angry people against the police forces and the heroes who were trying to retake control of the city.

"Dammit... Let's find another way." Kacchan growls looking quickly around him, now holding my little brother's hand as a large figure walks past us immediately drawing my attention.

"…I will blow them up and show this society my pain."

I hear that man whisper, causing my eyes to widen before he stops in the distance and begins to exclaim his hatred for today's society before growing his belly even bigger and belching a small explosion.

My analytical skills immediately kicked in and I quickly came to a conclusion… That person's Quirk is very dangerous.

At that moment, the obese and dangerous man begins to roll toward the policemen and heroes as if he were some kind of human bomb. They are in danger! I have to warn them!

Then my legs moved on their own and I quickly emerged from the crowd as my little brother yelled for me to come back along with a furious shout from Kacchan before I was in full view of some of the officers and heroes. "Watch out! His quirk must be some kind of emitter related to gases and explosions!" I exclaim at the top of my lungs pointing at the dangerous man rolling toward them.

My warning got its way, causing the officers and heroes to back off a bit in preparation for the impact until eventually, a stinking explosion shot up into the sky, causing my eyes to widen in astonishment before Kacchan dragged me back abruptly.

"Damn, nerd! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kacchan exclaims furiously grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me violently. After the stinking explosion, some people started to run away while other people rage even more causing the screams from the crowd around us to intensify.

"I think that's enough." My little brother says seriously next to him, looking at me with disapproval in his eyes before looking around us and narrowing his eyes like he's a predator looking for potential threats.

"My legs moved by themselves…" I stuttered, clenching my fists before being interrupted by another furious yell from Kacchan.

"This is not the time to play the fucking hero!" Kacchan exclaims clenching his teeth in frustration before releasing me but not before approaching my ear and hissing something that left me completely frozen. "You just put the brat in danger."

My heart skips a beat when I realize that because of me we are now in danger. My actions have put my little brother in danger… If something happens to him, I would never forgive myself!

"A big guy at six o'clock." My brother hums standing in front of me protectively with his hands behind his head calmly before Kacchan steps in front of us protectively causing sparks to start flying from his hands.

"You! You chose the wrong side by warning the damn dogs of the commission!" A very angry muscular man with six arms exclaims, advancing intimidatingly toward us cracking all his knuckles. "I'll break your arms and that will teach you to keep your mouth shut." He growls causing some of the people around us to move away from us while other people just stare at me with hate in their eyes not daring to intervene.

All Might, what would you do in my place? Why right now, I doubt very much that your smile can restore the confidence of these people in the heroes... and that terrifies me. People have gone crazy!


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As this occurs, my little brother takes his cell phone out of his pocket with an incredulous look. Did he get a message? Is it mom?! Will the communications have returned?

However, immediately after he checked the content of the message, his eyes widened and his entire body tensed before desperately beginning to search his front and back pockets along with the pockets of his backpack. All this until finally, he pulls an item out of one of his backpack pockets with a relieved expression on his face.

What? What was the content of the message? And why is my brother now holding black sunglasses in his hands? However, my thoughts were immediately interrupted by Kacchan's threatening shouts.

"Take one more step and I'll blow you up dammit! I'll kill you!" Kacchan exclaims pointing his hands in the direction of the menacing person approaching us with a bloodthirsty smile on his face as I clench my fists tightly. Even if I still can't control the One For All…I won't let Kacchan or my brother get hurt!

Then as a small current of green electricity began to spread up my right arm, a small hand gripped my hand tightly, causing my eyes to go wide and I immediately stopped my quirk.

"Get down!" My little brother exclaims with a small crooked smile on his face using the black glasses and throwing us to the ground before a powerful jet of pressurized water passed over us, knocking down and sending many people flying abruptly including the person who tried to attack us.

My little brother's reflexes are impressive... Although for just a fraction of a second, I thought I saw something strange through his glasses...

My little brother certainly hides a lot of secrets.

Then some strange music started playing through all the megaphones that were still working in the surroundings making the whole situation even stranger than it already is.


POV Toga

I find myself lying on the ground next to Izuku~Chan and Baka~Chan, my breathing erratic and my heart beating incredibly fast as I stare wide-eyed at a strange message floating in front of me.

A floating message as if it were from a retro video game along with a mini-map and much more information that only I can see through these strange sunglasses modified by my favorite little bag of blood, Isamu~Chan.

*Very good, Toga~Chan. Now... Let's Play!*

*Quest 001: Escape!*


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* The city is being relentlessly decimated by law enforcement in a fight against anarchists. Protect Izuku at all costs and head to the point marked on the mini-map while continuing to impersonate me. *

* I will be monitoring the entire situation through the glasses you are wearing along with the security cameras that are still running in the surroundings to establish the best course of action and update the mini-map. *

* Don't disappoint me Toga~Chan! *

At that moment, the pixelated figure of Isamu~Chan winks at me before disappearing along with the floating message, as the mini-map starts to update, causing a bloodthirsty smile to spread all over my small face.

All this while in the distance music is heard that fits perfectly with all this. (Megalovania)

This… is like a video game.

"Dammit, what the hell is wrong with the police? That was close." Baka~Chan growls clenching his fists as Izuku~Chan watches me intently with a hint of suspicion in his eyes before he quickly shakes his head. "I didn't know you had eyes on your back, you little brat... Not bad." Baka~Chan whispers with a small smile of pride completely ignoring my sunglasses. Although it was Isamu~Chan who warned me about the danger, I will accept the compliment.

At this, we quickly stand up taking a careful look at our surroundings as my cheeks begin to flush with excitement as I inhale the sweet scent of blood that is in the air before slowly licking my lips.

Focus! I have to protect Izuku~chan! Although… he would look very adorable covered in blood… Lots of blood. Focus, Toga! Isamu~Chan trusts me and I won't let him down! He extended his little hand to me when no one else did and he gave me purpose. So I will give my best!

"We have to get out of this place! Right now!" I exclaimed with my breathing accelerated, raising both hands in the air, immediately calling the attention of Izuku~Chan and Baka~Chan who until a few moments ago was desperately looking around in search of an escape route.

"I know a safe place not too far from here." I say hastily, backing away from them as a crooked smile spreads across my face. "Follow me!" I exclaim defiantly leaving them behind in a state of confusion and shock as I quickly start heading to the point marked on the mini-map before a floating message appears again.

* Security forces have divided into several groups in order to cover more ground and encircle the entire area. One of those groups is headed your way! *

* Side Quest: Don't Get Caught!

"Isamu!" Izuku~chan exclaims in a wide-eyed panic running after me while my heart is beating incredibly fast.

"Damn brat! Come back!" Baka~Chan exclaims with fury and concern letting out a couple of explosions behind him to push himself towards my direction trying to catch up with me. "This is not a fucking video game!" He exclaims, causing me to burst out laughing as I jump over an unconscious riot officer and borrow his police baton before running on through the chaos.

"Hahaha! You're wrong!" I exclaim with a maniacal giggle remembering the words that Isamu-Chan told me long ago while a crooked smile begins to spread all over my face. At this, I smacked the stomach of an anarchist with my police baton who had gotten in my way, knocking him down quickly as some blood splattered on my face.

I can feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins and the heat of the blood splashing on my face along with the excitement in my chest as I continue to run being chased by Izuku~chan and Baka~Chan who are desperately running after me.

"Because we are all players! We are players in this huge Battle Royale called life!" I exclaim passionately spreading my arms out to my sides in dramatic fashion as battle cries, explosions, and mayhem ripple out everywhere.

Then I look at the mini-map with a defiant smile. I am ready to face any obstacle that comes my way… This is my time to shine!


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POV Third Person

"Run Toga~Chan! Run!" Child Emperor exclaims, chuckling slightly with a lollipop in his mouth, amusedly watching the whole situation through his technologically advanced glasses while he types at an impressive speed on his laptop.

All this, while a song continues to play at full volume throughout the Hydra Quinjet, the song being none other than Megalovania.

"The difficulty level is about to increase." He hums slyly with an evil grin, watching through the cameras as Suneater and a group of riot officers sneak up through an alley trying to block all escape routes.

At this, Child Emperor bites down hard on his lollipop as a defiant look spreads across his face before beginning to push many buttons on his laptop, setting up the safest route for Izuku, Katsuki, and Toga to escape.

"My eyes are like those of an eagle! I can see all! Hahaha!" Child Emperor laughs proudly out loud after updating the mini-map used by Toga before his eyes widen and he starts coughing like a kitten with hair down his throat immediately drawing the attention of Melissa who simply snorts and shakes her head.

"Have you choked with the lollipop?"

"No ..." Child Emperor responds with difficulty, quickly diverting his gaze away from Melissa before his breathing returns to normal with a victory smile on his face, enjoying his lollipop again as if nothing had happened.

"...It's nothing I can't solve." He hums with a little shitty smile, tilting his head innocently as he winks at Melissa mischievously. "It takes something a lot stronger than a lollipop to stop me."





To Be Continued...


In the next chapter! Chapter 48: Abracadabra!


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