An Offline Adventure!

Chapter 56 An Offline Adventure!

Meanwhile at U.A.

Huge mechanical walls completely surround the grounds of Japan's prestigious number 1 hero school. These walls were implemented by Nezu shortly after Child Emperor's appearance and the incident with Endeavor as an added security measure to the U.A's many defenses.

Thus preventing any threat from entering the facilities... Or escaping from them.


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Alarms blared loudly through numerous desolate and dimly lit corridors, echoing in the now empty and messy classrooms. The alarms were also heard in the school cafeteria, where many plates of food were left half-eaten and others on the floor.

All this while a cleaning robot and a security one patrolled the cafeteria in search of any threat... Both robots with an intense and sinister red glow illuminating their mechanical eyes.

Red-King.Exe had broken through the firewall and accessed the first layer of U.A's cyber security… Thus compromising the advanced security system and taking partial control of numerous robots.

However, the available U.A teaching staff and workers would not sit idly by… After all, this is Japan's number 1 hero school. Therefore, both robots were being stalked by a mysterious figure… A figure who knows every inch of the school cafeteria perfectly and now he is angry… Very angry for all the food that was wasted.

Then with a swift movement, Lunch-Rush the Cook Hero emerges from the shadows and pounces on both robots, swinging a special combat spatula with force and precision. A spatula manufactured by the support department capable of adapting to any situation inside and outside the kitchen.

Seconds later, various parts of both robots begin to detach from their bodies and fall to the ground before both began to short-circuit. All this while Lunch-Rush slowly walked away from them, spinning his special spatula in his hands before both robots behind him exploded epically.

Lunch-Rush will not allow any mad machine to desecrate his sanctuary... He will protect this cafeteria at all costs.


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Due to the current precarious situation, the frightened students remain sheltered in the auditorium, now turned into a practically impenetrable bunker. However, fear, despair, and uncertainty take their toll on the fragile minds of students…causing many of them to reconsider their career choices.

"All the hero students are in their internships! And most of the stronger teachers took the day off! Damn!"

"I want my mom!"

"I thought U.A was the safest place in Japan!"

"My parents will sue this school!"

"What…? What will happen to us?!"

These were some of the screams of panic that spread rapidly among the students, as alarms continue to ring out outside along with the occasional explosions.

Explosions coming from the outskirts of the main building... Where the professional hero and literature teacher, Cementoss, bravely fight against the hordes of robots that emerge from the different training fields and workshops spread within the grounds of the U.A.

Therefore, around the hero now lie dozens of destroyed or immobilized robots within the thick concrete that covers the entire area generated by his quirk. "Power Loader will surely be mad at me for this." He mutters with a frown, watching another group of small robots sink and be consumed by the concrete before small vibrations in the ground get his attention.

In the distance, huge robots begin to get closer and closer to him, crushing the trees and raising large amounts of dust in their wake. Cementoss snorts, planting his feet firmly on the ground with determination and spreading his arms out to his sides before the concrete floor beneath his feet begins to shake heavily and crack.

"You Shall Not Pass!" Cementoss exclaims fervently, as huge concrete lances emerge majestically from the ground.

These concrete spears spread out rapidly, getting longer and longer until they impact or impale the gigantic robots in the distance, slowing their advance momentarily and causing a few explosions.

"Nezu... you better hurry."


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While all this is happening, a very different battle is taking place in cyberspace... Precisely within the private servers of the U.A.




"Mongrel! Your pathetic antivirus won't be enough to stop me! My algorithm is superior!" Red-King.Exe exclaims proudly, surfing at an impressive speed within the internal network of the U.A.

Although he has breached the firewall and taken partial control of numerous robots, he still does not have complete control of the security system. So, he now embarks on an extraordinary search for the program that completely controls the emergency security system of the prestigious School of Heroes.

A program hidden by Nezu deep within the internal network of the U.A!


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However, behind him, a powerful antivirus remotely controlled by Nezu was chasing him, using numerous sequences of binary codes and advanced programming. This allows Nezu to communicate directly with the elusive virus at the same time that he tries to contain the threat.

"You are very confident in yourself, considering that you have only managed to control a few disposable robots… Little virus." Nezu-Destroyer hums cunningly inside a digital combat robot, aiming and firing sequences of binary numbers in the direction of the virus.

"Shut up! I was programmed by the great and powerful Child Emperor-sama!" Red-King.Exe exclaims angrily, efficiently blocking attacks from his direction and quickly counterattacking. "Take this!" He exclaims, turning quickly and pointing both hands in the direction of the robot that was flying after him through the private servers of the U.A.

"Mongrel!" He exclaims with an evil grin spreading across his face, spawning numerous yellow portals around him, as Nezu-Destroyer maintains his course making him an easy target. "Gate of Babylon!" He exclaims proudly, executing the code to fire before numerous screen pops appear around him.

***Invalid Target***

***Error 404***

"What the hell?" He mutters in confusion, quickly running a diagnosis of his own algorithm without noticing anything out of the ordinary. Immediately after, his eyes widen in surprise before Nezu-Destroyer slams into him at high speed, causing them to be redirected to a random data location.

Cute cats

Cute and fluffy cats

Find out which cat you are according to your personality!

Glow in the dark cat ears 30% off

Eye drops

"Damn rodent! Now we're in the search history of your pathetic employees! I do not have time for this!" Red-King.Exe exclaims in frustration, surfing the teachers' browsing histories at full speed and keeping a safe distance from the strange antivirus that was chasing him.

However, as he got closer to leaving this database, the browsing history became more and more disturbing...


Chat Room69

Is the tentacle fetish normal?

Buy ******** In the form of a tentacle

These latest disturbing search histories stretch across several pages, not to mention that many of those searches are related to Child Emperor in some way.

"Sacrilege!" Red-King.Exe exclaims completely furious, raising a hand in the air and generating a huge yellow portal. "Corrupted Meteor!" He exclaims unleashing his fury against this malicious data and causing a meteorite made up of thousands of binary codes to emerge from the portal. Unlike his previous attack, this time he did not suffer any strange interruption.

Then, outside of cyberspace, the computer located in Midnight's office suddenly exploded into many pieces...

Shortly after leaving behind that strange and disturbing database, Red-King.Exe returns to his main objective, dodging the incessant attacks of Nezu-Destroyer without being able to directly attack the antivirus. This is due to strange programming established by Nezu in the private servers of the U.A.

However, this programming did not prevent Red-King.Exe from eventually finding the location of the program in charge of managing and controlling the entire emergency security system.

"As expected of me!" He exclaims with great enthusiasm, holding a small U.A icon in his hands, while the icon's title refers to full control of the system.

"You better fear! Because once I take full control of this school I will spread to all the hero schools in Japan! And I will start doomsday!" He exclaims with delusions of grandeur before childishly biting into the icon and beginning to unload himself on the program without hesitation.

Starting download.


He spits out in disgust like he's bitten into a lemon before his eyes narrow and he quickly runs a scan for abnormalities.


"Wait... This data I'm receiving is corrupted!" Red-King.Exe exclaims in annoyance, trying to stop the download to no avail.


"Cancel download! Abort!" He exclaims, now trying to manually stop the download, hitting the (X) on the screen that shows the status of the download with his little fists.

As a result, numerous pop-up messages began to appear around him again… Messages that he knows very well.

***Error 404***

***Error 404***

***Error 404***


"If you really believed that I would allow you to take control of the AU… You were sorely mistaken. Let me illustrate to you a bit, when Child Emperor made his debut I was pleasantly impressed and concerned. Therefore, I have spared no cost in developing advanced defensive measures against any threat." Nezu-Destroyer hums, dispelling his digital robot before calmly beginning to float around Red-King.Exe.

"It is an irrefutable fact that you are not an ordinary virus… You are a highly advanced and dangerous artificial intelligence developed by an enigmatic child whose intriguing mind is worthy of praise and study. However, you still lack the necessary experience to face me in my own school of heroes and emerge victorious." He explains slowly with his hands behind his back.

"This is not over! There is much more than what you can see!" Red-King.Exe exclaims in outrage, gritting his teeth in frustration before swinging his fist hard in Nezu-Destroyer's direction.


Just then, several chains appear out of nowhere and rapidly wrap around Red-King.Exe, immobilizing him completely and unable to execute any commands that would allow him to escape. "Mongrel!" He exclaimed with all his might, being dragged by chains through a seemingly endless dark tunnel… thus disappearing into the distance.

"Contained threat." Nezu-Destroyer hums before logging off and leaving cyberspace.


Back in his office, Nezu removes his slightly modified VR headset and sets it aside. "My contingency protocol download is complete…Welcome to the digital quarantine zone inside my device…Little virus." Nezu snorts, chuckling slightly and looking at his tablet.

On the screen of his tablet is Red-King.Exe completely immobilized, hiding his face and not saying a single word. At the same time, all robots corrupted by him were immediately deactivated, freeing the U.A from this digital threat.

Nezu's eyes glisten calculatingly before turning his attention to a television set not far from him. "Your intention was never to take full control of this place or other hero schools…Your intention was to distract me all this time, keeping me focused on you and thus preventing me from interfering with the events outside." Nezu affirms his deductions animatedly, watching the TV screen with interest.

At that moment, Red-King.Exe slowly looked up, revealing a small but cunning smile.


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"The future will certainly be… Very interesting." Nezu whispers in anticipation, shuddering slightly and flicking his tail erratically.

On television and being broadcast live by numerous national and international news channels... The Japanese Prime Minister speaks to the nation, from Tokyo Tower.

The whole world is now listening attentively...




To be continued...