Our Little Brother...

Chapter 57 Our Little Brother...


***Cover/Song chapter 57***



POV Izuku

I will always remember the day my little brother was born. He was so small, so fragile… And so Kawaii! At that time an overprotective instinct had spread throughout my little body of barely four years, promising him from the bottom of my heart that I would protect him.

That day I became a big brother... And in the happiest child in the world.

Even if a few months later I would be diagnosed as quirkless and my dreams of becoming a hero were slightly hampered, my little brother stayed by my side, supporting me at all times and making the years to come truly amazing.

Then, due to circumstances that I still don't understand, possibly due to a series of strange coincidences or perhaps by the work of fate. The Symbol of Peace, All Might, entrusted me with his quirk and with it a great responsibility.

However, the One For All isn't easy to control at all... I learned that the hard way, when All Might tried to train me, which quickly turned into a night trip to Recovery Girl's residence.

That experience taught me that I have to train even harder and push my limits if I really want to fulfill my dream and keep the promise I made to my little brother.

Unfortunately, now my will and determination have been tested by a dangerous and twisted villain named Child Emperor. An S-rank villain capable of shaking the foundations of society and turning Japan upside down.

A villain who is currently holding my little brother hostage…

So, without hesitation, I began to run with all my might in the direction of Child Emperor despite the odds. "Give me back my little brother!" I exclaim firmly, completely ignoring Kacchan and Lemillion running next to me, as numerous thoughts run through my mind, each one standing out more than the last.

Even if everything seems to be going wrong!

Even when fear invades me completely!

Even if I break every one of my bones!

I stop abruptly and hold my right arm tightly as the fine lines of energy produced by my quirk begin to spread erratically throughout my body. I must concentrate! I can not fail!

Even if I end up dying!

This causes the attention of those present to focus on me, while I redirect all this energy towards my right hand, concentrating it on the tip of one of my flexed fingers and pointing quickly in the direction of Child Emperor.

I will protect my little brother! At all costs!



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POV Bakugo

My goal has always been to become the number 1 hero, to be the strongest of all heroes, and to be admired by all the extras that are under my feet. In this world, only the strongest succeed and the weak are destined for failure and a miserable life.

That's the bloody natural order of things! Perfectly balanced, as everything should be!

But for some reason, when the Nerd was diagnosed as quirkless and quickly dismissed as a complete failure with no chance of becoming a hero… I wasn't able to walk away from him.

Even though a loser like him wasn't worthy of being by my side! Even though he was a wimp with no quirk! I had to fake my friendship with him!

All this because we both shared something in common… Something that kept us together despite our differences. Something just as important as my dream of becoming the strongest hero of all. Although that's something I would never admit out loud nowadays because of my pride.

However, with the passage of time, that fake friendship with the Nerd became a reality... And I gladly adapted to this reality without even realizing it.

I guess a certain brat had something to do with it.

Many years ago.

In a few weeks, I will be 5 years old and I will become a big boy, therefore, I have decided in advance what my birthday present will be and my parents will have no choice but to give me what I want. The best birthday present in the world! I can not wait!

A smile spreads across my face thinking about my future birthday present, as I use a rock to fix a piece of wood in place, thus preventing this whole place from collapsing… Again.

It turns out that I am building a fort in the middle of a gigantic and dangerous forest! Although currently the fort is being built with some branches and stones... I'm sure in the future it will be gigantic with capacity for three people!

Even from here, I can see the Old Hag sitting on the park bench, reading her boring magazine about wild pets in the home. I don't want a damn pet!

At that moment, a voice interrupts my thoughts, a voice that I know very well. Deku is here...No, I can't keep calling him that, I have to pretend to be nice to him. Otherwise, I'll ruin everything!

"Lord Commander Kacchan! Are you here?!" The Nerd exclaims happily, stepping over the defensive bushes surrounding our fort before noticing me and running right in front of me.

"Lord Commander Kacchan! I have completed my mission!" He exclaims, performing a poorly executed military salute before reaching his hand into his pocket. "I gave the chocolates to our target successfully… Mom found me out but she didn't do anything to stop me, she even took a photo." He says quickly, slowly pulling a photo out of his pocket like it's some kind of treasure before handing it to me.

"Be careful with the photo, okay? It's super important." He mutters nervously.

"I already know that!" I growl quickly, fully focusing my attention on the photograph in my hands, as a feeling of happiness quickly spreads through my entire body, causing an ear-to-ear grin to spread across my face.

I guess it was worth spending my allowance on those expensive chocolates...

Damn! I want a little brother too!


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Later that day and after I returned home.

"I want a little brother!"

I exclaim with great enthusiasm, interrupting my boring family dinner and causing my father to spit out his drink. "What did you say, son?" He asks, chuckling nervously.

"For my birthday present, I have decided that I want a little brother!" I exclaim again, but this time with a bit of irritation. Is he deaf or what?

"I'm sorry, son, but the baby factory has closed indefinitely." He snorts, scratching the back of his head before glancing in the direction of the Old Hag sitting at the other end of the table.

"In your dreams, brat, enough is enough with a wild and incorrigible pup like you." The Old Witch responds, shaking her head in clear denial, as she tries to hide her smile to no avail.

"I'm not a fucking wild pup! Grrr!" I growl audibly, jumping up on the table and causing small, harmless sparks to start generating in my hands.

"And this is precisely why the baby factory closed." I hear my Father mutter before the Old Witch quickly picks up a small plastic bottle from the ground.

"No explosions in the house! Bad child! Bad!" The old Witch exclaims angrily, spraying me with water like I'm some kind of animal.

"Enough! Stop it!" I exclaim trying to cover myself in vain before quickly getting down from the table and taking a seat again, crossing my arms now with my slightly soaked clothes.

"Have you calmed down yet?" The Old Hag asks in a softer tone, worrying about me, but still holding the damn water spray menacingly. At this, I grit my teeth in frustration and look away.

"It's not fair…" I whisper, clenching my fists, as a feeling of helplessness spreads through my entire body. "I also want to be called oniichan and enjoy that happiness that the Nerd shares with his little brother (Sniff)… I also want to feel special." I whisper unaware of my words, causing my parents to share a strange smile with each other.

My face quickly turns red with embarrassment. "You know what?! To hell with everything! Being an only child is fucking frustrating!" I exclaim, starting to run to my room, as my tears threaten to spill out. "If you guys don't give me a little brother... Then I'll get one myself!" I exclaimed angrily, slamming my bedroom door with a loud bang.

Why can't Isamu just be my little brother instead of the stupid Nerd's little brother? I am better than him! I have a powerful quirk! I will be the next number 1 hero! It's so unfair!

Now I only have one option...

I'll do my best to get Isamu to call me oniichan! Even if I have to put up with the company of the Nerd! Then I'll become a much better big brother than him and show everyone that I'm the best!

I can't let anyone find out about my master plan… Never! However, this plan is not cheap, so I will need chocolates and cookies… Lots of cookies!


Then the years passed and many things happened.

It wasn't too hard to get Isamu to recognize me… However, the little devil called me "Baka~Oniichan" And it didn't matter how many times I threatened to blow him up. I'm pretty sure he's doing it on purpose!

So I ended up accepting the damn nickname even though it offended me a lot. However, if anyone other than the brat even dared to call me that... There would be no mercy for that unfortunate soul.

Over time I also realized that the brat hides many secrets and is more intelligent than he appears.

It turns out that shortly after he enrolled in my school several teachers were fired… And conveniently those teachers had belittled or ignored the Nerd. Even our school principal tenses up whenever the brat is around! That's not fucking normal!

And I'm sure the Nerd knows it...

That's why he works hard every day, getting good grades in school, doing his boring hero analysis, and arduously training his body... Still clinging to his stupid dream of becoming a hero.

But it doesn't matter how hard he trains! It doesn't matter how hard he tries! He will never be able to become a hero, let alone be able to keep his little brother safe... That responsibility is now in my hands.

Time later and back to the present... I would realize how fucking wrong I was.



The Nerd exclaimed at the top of his lungs, unleashing a powerful and destructive stream of air through his damn finger in the direction of Child Emperor. But what the hell is going on?! The fucking Nerd is supposed to be quirkless!

At that moment, Child Emperor nonchalantly stretched out a hand forward, causing his mechanical wings to spread forward, thus forming a damn metal barrier in front of him before the powerful impact.

"Yeah! Let's play hero and villain!" He exclaimed happily accompanied with an irritating laugh, being pushed back slightly as a result of the powerful air current that impacted against his mechanical wings.

"You guys don't get involved!" The Intangible boy exclaims, running several meters ahead of me in Child Emperor's direction before taking a deep breath and sinking to the pavement beneath him, disappearing without a trace.

My mind works at full speed to keep from falling apart, desperately trying to comprehend everything that is happening around me before another scream from the Nerd reaches my ears.

A cry charged with numerous emotions, fear, anger, pain, and above all determination... A determination to protect something very important. "I… will protect my little brother!" He exclaimed followed by another powerful blast of air shot from his fingers, causing Child Emperor to slide backward a bit with his visibility partially affected.

I briefly glance at the Nerd's figure in the distance, he is breathing heavily with wide eyes as he tightly grips his trembling right hand pointing in Child Emperor's direction. Two of his damn fingers are visibly purple, possibly fractured due to his strange and destructive power...

A power that he's hidden from me all this time… But why?! This is so frustrating and confusing! Damn!

To hell with it! The Nerd will answer all my questions one way or another after I kick this fucking villain's ass!

Therefore, I grit my teeth and continue running towards Child Emperor, circling him and quickly approaching his right side, taking advantage of the blind spot generated by the powerful gusts of air, which greatly affect his visibility.

I know exactly what is at stake! Behind Child Emperor and being suspended high in the air by a robotic tentacle, is Isamu completely immobilized and helpless.

Seeing him in that situation makes all my blood boil with anger, while several fleeting memories invade my mind.

"Thank you for the chocolates, Baka~Oniichan!"

"Isamu-Kun is also your responsibility. You did know, right? Kacchan…"

"This fort is great! Hahaha! We are like the three musketeers! What fun! Thank you for this fantastic birthday gift, big brothers!"

"I'm afraid, Kacchan, I'm afraid that I'm not strong enough to protect Isamu… So please help me protect him!"

Stupid Nerd… As if I was going to let anything happen to the brat!

Because I…

I will also protect OUR little brother!

Then a couple of explosions generated from the soles of my feet allowed me to rise into the air just a few meters from Child Emperor. All this while strong determination and anger spread throughout my entire body, pointing both hands in Child Emperor's direction before my hands began to glow brightly, ready to unleash my anger.

Despite this, Child Emperor's attention remains focused on the Nerd in the distance, completely belittling me and dismissing me as a threat to him. A big mistake for him!

This is my opportunity! The opportunity to show the world how strong I am! The beginning of the story of the future number 1 hero!

"Go to the...!"

My battle cry was cut short when a small boxing glove slammed into my stomach, forcing the air from my lungs and crashing me to the ground with a loud crash, not even giving me a chance to unleash my attack.

"Kacchan!" The Nerd's worried scream reaches my ears, making me feel powerless and weak, while I'm lying on the ground miserably, staring at the city's night sky with wide eyes in complete shock trying to catch my breath.

What the hell just happened? I didn't even have time to react… Damn! Damn! DAMN! This can not be happening!

My vision slowly begins to darken as despair, fear, and helplessness spread throughout my aching body. I must not give up! I'm supposed to be the next #1 hero and surpass All Might! I'm supposed to protect Isamu! And yet… A single blow was enough to put me in this situation.

No matter how hard I try my body refuses to move, while I fight to stay conscious, hearing small footsteps around me along with an annoying giggle before Child Emperor placed his damn foot on my chest demonstrating his superiority. Never in my life have I felt so humiliated.

Then Child Emperor's next words completely destroyed my worldview. Some words that I will never forget... Because it was a truth that I refused to accept until now.

"You are weak."

And with those devastating words, the darkness completely consumed me.

Now I realize that I was never strong...

The one who was really strong was you...



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To Be Continued...