Uluwatu, Ungasan Bali. 7 years ago.

Tita, or Anindita Candra Kumara was Andini's coworker. Yet they were best friends. Tita was really worried about Andini's condition that time. She worried about how can Andini to be survived. She must raising a child without a husband.

Tita was a quiet shocking when the doctor told her and Hasigawa san that Andini had been pregnant for twelve weeks. She thankful that she didn't shock to the death. Because she really knew her best friend very well.

" How come? She doesn't even have a boyfriend. So how come Andini get pregnant? " she was so confused.

When she went back to the hotel with Hasigawa san, her head full of thoughts. She couldn't understand how can her best friend get pregnant. She really confused. Wanted to ask someone but who. She didn't know. She didn't have any clue of what happened to Andini.

" Twelve weeks... it's three months, right? It means... It could be happened in Japan because Andini go to Japan three months ago. But with who? During these times Andini had always been a good girl. " she thought.

Tita wanted to ask Hasigawa san about Andini's condition but it seemed inappropriate. So she decided not to ask Hasigawa san or anyone. No one but Andini. She wanted Andini would tell her all the stories. She would ask her after Andini was discharged from the hospital.

" There must be someone in Osaka who related to her pregnancy. "

Three days later, she picked up Andini from the hospital. That day Andini's face looked so beautiful. That beautiful face radiated happiness. It seemed like God's blessing poured into her.

" If angels really exist, maybe it is Andini. She's shinning. " thought Tita.

When they arrived at the hotel that day, everyone greet her and congratulate her. Everyone wanted to cheer for her.

At the hotel Tita shared a room with Andini. It would be easier to talk about Andini's condition at night before they both go to sleep.

After everything had done that day, Tita and Andini went back to their room. Tita took a shower first and then Andini.

" Andini. Let's talk heart to heart, darling. " Tita said to her after she came out from the bathroom. Tita patted the bed beckoning Andini to sit on the bed.

Andini smiled. She knew that Tita wanted to ask something to her. Something that related to her pregnancy. She was so calm. Then she sat on the bed next to Tita.

" Do you want to know how am I getting pregnant, Tita? " Andini said.

" Yes! Definitely yes. Listen. I'm not a woman who always wants to know about other people's business. And I don't mean to meddle in your business. But, Andini.. I am your best friend. I know that it is very hard for you to bear this problem of yours alone. Share with me. You can count on me. I don't mind being your life support. I can take care of you and your baby in the future. "

" Oh. Tita. How grateful I am to have you as my best friend. " Andini cried. And hugged Tita.

During this pregnancy, Andini became more sensitive and cried easily. Tita had read an article about pregnancy. Even if you felt excited about having your baby, it was also common to feel vulnerable and anxious while pregnant. So Andini needed someone to lean on.

Tita patted her best friend's back.

" That's what friends are for, darling. You can talk with me about anything you want to talk. I will be here when you need help. Trust me. " Tita said.

" Three months ago when I went to Osaka. I met someone. He is Hasigawa san's friend. Masaki Ichiro. That night, at the party I think someone had put something in my glass. I don't know who. But I felt my body hot like it was on fire. I felt that something was wrong with me. I wanted someone to touch me, kiss me and caress me. And at that time it happened that Masaki san drove me back to the hotel. Between knowing it or not I asked him for help to release me from that torment. And I'm quite drunk, Tita. And finally it all happened. "

" It's really unexpected! So, what happened after that? Did you promise to meet again? Surely you two promised to meet, right? Is he handsome? Tita teased her.

" Of course he is handsome. He is very tall, Tita. I was attracted to him. I mean, at first. But I realized that I had fallen in love with him. Maybe this is crazy. Falling in love at first sight and just over night. I've gone crazy, haven't I? " said Andini.

"No. Andini, you are not crazy at all. Love never chooses where and with whom you will fall in love."

"I don't even know him at all, Tita." Andini sighed.

"Then how is it going? You haven't answered my question. Did you two promise to meet again?" Tita asked.

Andini shook her head. "No. We don't promise to meet again, Tita."

"Huh!? Then what about you? What about your baby? You have to tell him, right? That's his child!" Tita was flabbergasted and exclaimed. For her this was very unreasonable.

" What should I tell her, Tita? Hi, Masaki san. I'm pregnant with your child! Is that so? " Andini asked. She shook her head.

"Yes. After all he should know. You can't hide it from him. I think it would be fairer if he knew, right?" Tita asked worriedly.

"Tita, listen to me. I don't know him. I don't know him at all. How should I convey all about this to him? I don't even know his phone number," Andini said.

" Oh, my God!! How can you be so stupid, my dear? " Tita wanted to cry. She really didn't understand about Andini at that time.

"Maybe I'm stupid. But... Tita, all of this happened because of an accident. It wasn't planned. I wasn't going to tell him anything. That morning I told him that I wouldn't want anything from him. And we just parted."

"Andini. Listen to me. Have you thought about your child's future? What if one day your child will ask about the father? Have you thought about all of this? "

Andini shook her head. "How can I tell him?"

"You just need to ask Hasigawa san for his phone number. Then save the number in your smartphone and write it there "My Child's Father" Then press the call sign and tell him that you are pregnant with his child. That's it! " said Tita.

" He should know about your baby, Andini. It is his child. It would be unfair for him if you hide it from him."

"Tita, I said to him that I don't want anything from him... I... It's the same as licking your own spit! No! "

"Listen. Stubborn! You never thought about this at the time, did you? This situation is undeniable. At first you didn't want him. But then you fell in love with him. There is a common thread that you cannot see when you meet. The universe must have planned of this. The proof is there's a baby will be present in your midst. Isn't this fate?" Tita said.

Andini nodded her head. She was trying to figure out what she had to do.

"Okay, Tita. I will ask Hasigawa san for his number and tell Hasigawa san that this is Masaki san's child. I will think of a way how to tell this news to Masaki san."

" That's my girl! " Tita hugged her.