Chapter 1

Halloween, my favorite time of the year with all the costumes, candy,scares, and my favorite part is candy.

"Lilly, are you ready to get some candy?"

"Hell to the yeah I am so excited this might be our last year of trick or treating but it's also the last year of school for use." "I can't wait to start living free from home work."

"Haha yea I can't wait either." "The only difference from school and freedom is you have to make money to pay the bills."

"Yea I know but at least you can do something you love." "Now let's go get some candy!"

We went around town getting as much candy as possible.

"I think we must have filled up two bags each. I call that a great trick or treat, night."

"For sure I had some much fun." "But I have a feeling that someone has been following use and it's starting to get to me."

"Lilly, what are you talking about?"

I looked around seeing no one in sight.

"Don't try to scare me, there is no one around us, you are just being paranoid since it's Halloween." "Come on, let's go home."

"Hazel I am not playing around this is for real I am scared I think someone is following us and we are not safe."

"Haha." "Come on, I will protect you from anything that might come out of nowhere and scare us."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me. I don't want to get her to work up about something that might not even be there but deep down I feel like someone has been watching and following us as well. I have to be strong for the both of us.

"Will your parents be okay with you sleeping over tonight?"

"They said that they were going to be out of town tonight so I would feel safer going home with you."

We got home lights are out in the house like no one was there at all.

"Mother, father?" "Is anyone home?" "Mother said that she was going to be home for the children that come to get candy so where is she?"

"I think we should leave and go to the police before something happens to us."

"Lilly don't worry she is probably just watching TV or something as she waits for the doorbell."

I walked into the living room where the TV was on but mother wasn't there at all. I know she wouldn't have lied to me. I ran throughout the whole house but one one is to be found. I know my father and my brother are still out trick or treating. That's right, I haven't checked the basement or the bathroom.

"Hey Lilly can you please go check the basement and I will go check the bathroom?" "That is the last place I can think of to look for my mother."

"Gulp." "Y… You want me to… to go down there… B… By myself?"

"You will be just fine, there is no one here, well my mother is somewhere so she might scare you so don't worry and on the bright side there is no way anyone can get down there without going through the front doors up here so you are totally safe."

"Okay if you say so."

I turned on the light and walked down the stairs with every step the stairs made a creaking noise. This is getting very scary. I know what Hazel said but I don't feel safe at all. I go to the bottom of the stairs.


Maybe Hazel is right. I must just be scared because it's Halloween.




I heard her scream she must have scared herself she has to stop watching scary movies. I walked to the basement to see nothing but darkness and the lights wouldn't turn on.

"Lilly you better not be messing with me because it's not funny."

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a flashlight walking down the stairs but I didn't hear anything. I bet mother and Lilly are up to something just so they can scare me. They did it last year and now that I think of it they scare me every year.

"Mother, Lilly I know what you both are up to and it's not funny this just has to stop it's getting old."

With no response I grabbed a light bulb and replaced the old one and when the lights came I saw mother and Lilly laying on the floor in a puddle of blood.


I ran as fast as I could to the police station.

"Gasp." "Someone please help me."

"Hey it's alright slow down and take deep breaths."

"No… I …. Can't something horrible just happen, someone broke into my house and killed my mother and my best friend."

The police officer looked at me like I was joking.

"Please help me." "I think they want to kill more people."

They just started to laugh.

"Yea right kid go home and quite messing with us."

"Fine if you wont do anything about it I will have to take matters into my own hands."

I ran out the door. I know not all police are bad but these ones are the worst.


What am I going to do now? Oh no father and my James. I have to get home before they do. I ran as fast as I could to the house. It doesn't look like anyone has been inside yet. Good I made it before they did.

"Sis." "What are you doing home so early?"

"Hi little bro I am home early because I wanted to see you all." "Father, I have to talk to you for a minute about mother and Lilly." "Hey little bro can you sit on the steps there for me and please don't move."

I watched as he sat down.

"Hazel what's going on?"

"Lilly and I came home early because we had enough candy and when we got here mother was nowhere to be found so I asked Lilly to go down stairs then I heard a scream so I went down stairs replacing a light bulb and saw Lilly and mother dead in a pool of blood."

Tears started to fill my eyes. No, I can't let James make me cry. I quickly wiped my eyes.

"I want you to take your brother and go to the police."

"I already went to the police, they just laughed at me."

I walked over to James.

"Hey bro how about me and you go for a walk and get some ice cream."

"Yes, here is some money, go have fun."

"Wait father, what are you going to do?"

"I am going to see for myself and then I am going to the police to knock some sense into them."

"Be careful."

I kissed his cheek.

"Sis, let's go get some ice cream."


I helped him into the vehicle and got him buckled up.

"Why are we taking the car?" "The ice cream is right across the road."

"I want to take you to a very special ice cream place today alright?"

I shut the door and drive the vehicle away from the town. James fell asleep.


I hope my father is alright. I pulled into the parking lot.

"Where here."

We went inside and his eyes lit up.

"Wow, this is so cool, look at all the different kinds of ice creams." "I would like a scoop of pumpkin ice cream with whipped cream."

"I will have the same thing."

I grabbed my card and the man scanned the card.

"Why didn't you use fathers money that he gave us?"

"I will give father his money back because I wanted to pay for the ice cream it was supposed to be my treat."

"Wow I didn't know you had a job and thank you for the ice cream sis."

"Anything for my little bro and my job is a secret so it's just between me and you alright?"


We had our ice cream then my phone buzzed. I looked to see it was from my father.

Hazel, don't come back home. It's too dangerous for both of you. The killer has killed more people and it's getting out of hand. I want you to take James to Aunt Donna's place. You both should be safe there.

What about you? I am coming to pick you up right now so that all of us can go to Donna's.

No! Don't come back, you will be killed and besides I want to help the town because all of the police ran off like scared cats so someone has to help the people get out of here. I love you both, please stay safe.

I called my father but he didn't pick up. S**t I tried one more time and someone picked up.

"Huff." "Huff."

"Hello father, are you alright?"

All I heard on the other line was a woman's voice.

"You better run, I will find you and when I do you will be dead just like your father."

I hung up the phone. I can't believe it, my father is dead too. Donna's house will not be safe now either. I have to find a place for James and myself somewhere far away from here. I should have enough money since father gave me his wallet before we left like he knew I was going to need it. I pray that mother, father, Lilly, and anyone who has passed away be in a better place.

"How's your ice cream?"

"It's amazing." "We should come here more often."

"That's good." "I have to tell you something." "We are not going home tonight."


"Because something is going on in our town and it's not good." "Father told me that we should go to a place to hide for a while so I am taking you and we are going to stock up on food and find somewhere to stay."

"What about mother and father?"

"Sigh." "I will tell you when we are alone alright?"

We finished the ice cream, got back into the vehicle and drove to the nearest grocery store I went in and quickly for stuff we needed at check out I saw a cute toy bear so I bought it for James.

"Hey little bro I got you something."

"Wow thank you sis, it's so cute."

He hugged the bear tight. We finally got to a hotel and got a room.

"Well what do you think?"

"It's small."

"I know but it's a safe place." "When I was at the store I also got us clothes here's yours." "Let's get you showered up."

I have to take care of him from now on.

"Hazel what did you have to tell me?"

"Well little bro we are never going home."

"What why?"

"This is going to hurt but mother and father are gone they were both killed they are in heaven now."


I watched his face get red and tears started to fall which also made me cry. No four year old should have to go through something like this but look at what just happened.

"I am going to miss them too."

I got James cleaned up and put to bed. The crying tired him out. I know this is going to be hard but I will do everything to keep him safe and happy.



I heard someone breathing on the other end. S**t

"James we have to go now we are in danger."

I grabbed all of our things and ran to the lobby to see dead people. I wish James didn't have to see this. I threw my phone in the garbage.

"What's going on?"

"It's ok we just have to get out of here the person that killed mother and father they are after this town now so just get some sleep and I will keep you safe I promise you until I die."

It's been twelve hours of driving. I have to pull over at a rest stop and get some sleep.

"Do you have to use the bathroom?"


"Sis I am hungry."

"I will make you something when we get to a hotels so that I can sleep."

We got on the road and I finally found a hotel to stay at.

"Here you have one peanut butter and jelly sandwich." "Okay I am going to get some sleep so here are the rules: no going outside and no answering the door okay?"
