Chapter 2


"Hazel!" "The phone is ringing."

"I am up."

I grabbed the phone.


All I heard was breathing.

"You're not too smart for a girl that wants to keep her brother safe."

I looked at the phone and it was the one I threw away.

"What the heck, how did this end up here?"

"I saw that you dropped it so I picked it up."

"Okay let's get our things and please leave the phone here alright?"


"Because the woman is tracking us since she has fathers phone." "Now let's get going."

I opened the door and we bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry but we have to get out of here as fast as we can."

I looked into the man's eyes.

"Can he come with us?" "Please he will be good."

"What's going on you just got here?"

I hate it when he gives me those puppy eyes.

"Sigh." "Well we are all going to die if we stay here so if you want to come now before this town dies a horrible death." "You might not believe me but if you don't come now you will die." "I can't explain, let's go."

I grabbed the man's hand and we started to run.

"Where are we going?"

Why is this happening to me? Who are these two? I got into the vehicle. Why? I have no idea what my brain is telling me that I should. I climbed into the back seat. She stomped on the gas.

"Don't you think we should slow down so we don't get pulled over?"

"Do you think they will pull us over when they are already dead?" "I don't think so I am not slowing down for anything we are in danger and the only thing I care about right now is keeping my brother safe."

"So do you mind telling me what we are running from?"

The vehicle got very silent. I can't tell if she is angry or sad but it scares me.

"My sis will be okay if you just let her be for a while." "We have been through a lot."

"Okay." "My name is Jackson."

"It's nice to meet you." "My name is James and I am four years old." "I am not sure what is going on either." "My sis wont tell me much all she said is that mother and father are dead and that they are in heaven but I know what's going on I might be four years old but I am smart for my age."

"Wow, for a four year old you are very smart." "I am sorry for your loss." "I have no idea what that must be like."

"Do you have any parents?"

"Well I know I do but I don't have them at the same time they gave me up when I was just a baby so I don't have anyone."

"Well you have us now."

This little boy is so sweet.

"Thanks." "So do we just keep on driving or do we get a bathroom break somewhere?"

"Sorry I will pull into a gas station." "I have to get gas anyway."

My brother seems to like this young man. I wish I knew why he wanted him to come with us. I put gas in the vehicle.

"James, do you need to use the bathroom?"

I looked in the back seat but James was gone. I looked around the vehicle to see if he was outside when I saw him and Jackson come out of the store.

"Sigh." "I wish you would have told me that you took him with you!" "You know how badly you scared me?!"

"I am sorry I thought it would be alright since you were filling up the vehicle."

Wow she is very up tight. We got back on the road to where I wish I knew.

It's dark out now.

"I am going to get a hotel for the night."

I pulled into a hotel and we got to our room.

"You can shower first, I will make us something to eat."

"Sis, can I go with Jackson?"


I looked over at the man.

"If that's okay with him."

"Sure I don't mind."

Her face turned bright red. I wonder what she's been through?

I heard the bathroom door slam.


I started making a hot dish when I got done. I left it on low so that the food would stay warm and I walked out on the balcony closing the door behind me. I looked up to the sky to see all the stars.

"I miss you both so much." "I wish we had more time together." "But I know one thing is for sure I will do everything to keep my brother safe."

I felt tears rolling down my face.

"Aren't you Hungry?"

I quickly wiped the tears away.

"No I am good, I just needed some fresh air." "James has taken a liking to you and I don't know why?" "But I am glad he is happy." "Also I am sorry for getting mad at you earlier, you were just trying to help."

"Don't worry about it." "I want to thank you for saving my life." "I just watched the news on my phone." "Everyone in the hotel was killed." "It looks like they are out for you and your brother, the person is only killing where you have been."


I grabbed his phone and typed all of the places that we have been and Jackson was right she is only killing where we have been. Why would the person only be after us? I gave him his phone back.


"Hello?" "Yes, hang on." "I don't know how they got my number but the phone is for you." "I will let you have some space."

I closed the door.

I grabbed the phone.


It's that same lady who has been calling me off of my phone.

"What the hell do you want? Why can't you leave us and all the other innocent people alone, no one deserves to die."

"Haha." "Do you really not know why I have been coming after you?" "Child I am just after you it's up to you to not let people die."

"What do you mean?" "Why do you want me?"

"Well that's something I am not going to tell you so if you don't want more incentive for people to die you better come to me or it could be your little brother who is next."

"Yes, fine when and where."

"The gas station you were at just met me there at midnight."


I hung up the phone and handed it back to Jackson.

"Do you think you could watch my brother for a while?" "I have to get something for myself really quick."

"Sure I will be right here."

"Well I was going to ask you to take him far away from here."

"Wait, why?"

"Just trust me I promise everything will be alright." "Leave in ten minutes."

I handed him the keys and walked out of the room. I have been walking for hours now. I looked at my watch at eleven o'clock. I hope I am almost there. I got over the hill to see a gun store. Perfect.


"Where did my sister go?"

"I am not sure but she wants me to take you somewhere far from here."

"What?" "Why would she just leave me?" "she said that she would protect me and now she is running away from me?"

"No it's not like that." "I think she is worried so she wants to see what she can do to prevent you from getting hurt."

I got James in the vehicle and started driving. I also threw my phone out the window.

"Do you think my sister will be alright?"

"Sigh." "You're a smart kid so I won't lie to you." "I don't know if she will or won't."

I hope she will be alright.

"I can't do this."

I turned the vehicle around and went to get her. I think I know where she is going. She started to come into view walking on the side of the road.


"Get your ass in here right now."

"What are you doing here?" "I asked you to take him far away from here."

"Get in, I am not leaving you behind." "You saved me, now I am saving you."

"Sigh." "Fine let's get going out of here now before I put you both in danger."

I fell asleep as the drive was for sure really long.

(Hazel's dream.)

Hahah I got your brother now I told you if you didn't do as I said that I would kill him right in front of you.

No please don't hurt him I am here now please kill me not him.

Sis I don't want to die you promised that you would protect me.

I am so sorry I tried so hard and yet I failed you. I will kill my self if you don't let him go.

You wouldn't dare.

Try me.

"Gasp." "Cough." "Pull over."

I opened the door and vomited. What was that dream all about? I know I am still with both of the boys.

"Cough." "Gasp."

"Sis are you alright?"

I climbed back into the vehicle.

"I am fine, I must have gotten motion sickness from falling asleep." "We can get going again, I promise I am fine."


"Little girl, you lied to me, now you are going to pay."

I pushed the lady out of the vehicle and climbed out myself.

"Get your ass out of here now."

I shut the door and glared at Jackson. I watched as they drove away.

"I won't let you hurt anyone anymore." "I am tired of running so if you are going to kill me do it now."

"Hahahaha." "Do you really think I want you dead?" "Silly girl I need you alive."

"Then why have you been killing everyone?"

"Because I drink blood." "Hahaha."

She tied me up with something I am not sure what it is but it reminds me of spider web yuck.


"Jackson we can leave her, we have to help her."

"I can't go back, your sister will kill me if I bring you with me." " I really want to help but I can't."

"Leave me then and go back for her please she is the only family I have left." "Never mind."

I hope she will be alright.

"I am sorry."

He is sad I will do this for the lady. I will keep James safe and if I ever see her again I have to ask her for her name.