The One Thing I Won’t Give Up

"Jake, we're priming you first; sit in the lotus before me." Kiera announced, leading the blonde-haired man to the front, "Stats, you'll go last.

I expect you to appreciate Kaze's benevolence in sending me to help you by the time you're up."

Sage responded with a sarcastic smile. However, her expression twisted and warped as the day progressed.

It started when Jake cultivated the technique and screamed at full volume without pause, hyper-ventilating to continue.

Unlike Evalyn, who had her meridians healed to full health repeatedly for twelve hours, he didn't get any healing. So it was similar to running a marathon after pulling his leg muscles.

It was so bad that he couldn't cultivate, and his breathing was too erratic for Kiera to alter the Qi around him.

Veronica used Calming Heart to get his breathing on track, allowing Kiera to alter the Qi safely. Once she did, the results were night and day.