July 20th, 2032 | Psychosis

"Should we say something?" Jake asked nervously, glancing to his right subtly.

"No." Veronica shook her head, "We shouldn't get involved in matters of this magnitude without consulting Kaze. We'll do that if things return to how they were yesterday."

"I know, but still…." He gulped, "She looks like she needs medical treatment."

The two sat in the lotus position before the lake in the Sanctuary, awaiting Kiera's arrival.

Sage lay to their right, taking deep breaths in a black muscle shirt and shorts, trying to stay sane. Her arms and legs had sickly blue veins pulsing around her meridian points.

"Kaze generously taught us a heaven-grade technique, and Kiera is risking her life and reputation to help us with practice as an optional resource." Kylie said somberly, "If Kiera has a problem with Sage, then Sage is lucky to be here."

"Lucky?" The redhead laughed hoarsely, "How foolish. Kaze sent Kiera here to collect life debts and torture me."