Chapter 11: Dinner With His Parents

Victor POV

Tara had slept throughout the day on Saturday, which I was thankful for. She had been through something traumatic and needed the rest.

David was punished, but in my opinion, it was not nearly enough. My father had sentenced him to six months imprisonment in the cells. When he was eventually released he’d be sentenced to scout work and demoted to an omega.

I had been out in the backyard chopping some firewood when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was a text from my mother asking me to join her and my father for dinner tonight.

She still tried with all her might to get me to come to Sunday family dinner. It was one of the main reasons I moved out in the first place.

When I still lived with my parents, my father never failed to compare me to Logan—my dead brother. I got sick of the expectations.