The Vongola Family

Douglas Bullet was known as the Demon Heir.

One of the reasons why he had this title was that he had fused his Color of Arms Haki with his Color of the Supreme King Haki. His speed and strength had been greatly enhanced, like a devil from hell.

Based on this technique, when he was on the ship, he had instructed Giotto to do the same to create Dying Will Armament.


An ear-piercing scream came out from Dimo's mouth. This scream only lasted for less than two seconds. The back of his skull was severely injured by Giotto, and it directly shattered. The naked eye could clearly see that his head had clearly changed shape.

The three-meter-long body fell straight in front of him, with pale eyes still full of disbelief.

He was also a pirate who had roamed the sea for a period of time, but he was so easily knocked down by a young man?

Everything happened too fast, and even the people around did not react.

When the Dimo fell down, everyone cheered with excitement.

"Giotto, you are really amazing!"

"You came back in time, Giotto!"

There were also some people who knew Giotto before. After all, Giotto grew up on the island, and he only left because of the arrival of Roger pirates a few years ago. He left his hometown and sailed on the sea.

Therefore, he hadn't been away for long. The people on this island certainly hadn't forgotten him. After all, when he was on the island, Giotto had been very conspicuous.

Not only his golden-orange hair but also his constant change from childhood to adulthood and his persistence had left a deep impression on the people on the island.

Perhaps many people didn't know his name was Giotto, but when he mentioned the blond boy who often trained by the sea, more than 60 of the people on the island would suddenly realise...

Oh! So it was that boy!

He let out a sigh.

"Big Brother Giotto, I'm sorry. Just now, I..."

The young man who had stood out earlier quickly ran to Giotto's side. He lowered his head and was on the verge of tears. There was unwillingness and some guilt on his face. Although he had stood up just now, he did not have the courage to pull the trigger.

At this moment, the Dying Will Flame on Giotto's body had been completely extinguished, and his expression had become gentle.

"Crowley, it's good enough to take the first step. And in the situation just now, if you shoot rashly, it will cause more trouble."

Hearing this, Crowley was stunned and then nodded determinedly. He was only two years younger than Giotto, and he had been training with Giotto since childhood. However, he did not have the opportunity to board the Pirate King's ship.

"I know!" "Come to think of it, Brother Giotto, how long can you stay this time? Can you take me with you when you go out to sea?"

Crowley said with a face full of expectation.

To be honest, he also wanted to become like Giotto and strong enough to protect his hometown.

He didn't want to see the scene of the pirates wreaking havoc in their homes in his life, especially when he saw how powerless he was, which made him feel deep hatred for his powerless self!

"I don't intend to sail out to sea again..."

Giotto smiled, then patted Crowley on the shoulder and said slowly, "My luggage and companions are on the small boat over there. If I remember correctly, your navigation skills are very good, right?"

Crowley was stunned for a few seconds, and then his expression immediately became excited. "I got it!"

After answering, he immediately jumped into the sea and quickly swam toward the small boat where Reborn was.

Seeing his reaction, Giotto couldn't help but cover his forehead. He was planning to ask Crowley to help him maneuver the ship, but who would have thought that this kid would actually jump into the sea?

Although the distance wasn't too far, this behavior was more or less a bit of an illness.

Secon Island.

This island was famous for its hot springs, and it was also one of the magma reservoirs in the New World. It was rumored that this island was called Endpoints. There were three of them in the New World, and if all of them were destroyed, then the entire New World would be destroyed.

With the World Government's cover-up, except for some Marine and World Government's top-brass, everyone else thought that the Endpoints was just a legend to deceive children, but Giotto knew that it was real.

However, this was not what he needed to care about right now. In any case, no one would have any ideas about the Endpoints right now.

However, he needed to pay more attention to this. After all, this was his hometown to Giotto.

After Crowley brought back the things on the small ship and Reborn, Giotto instantly purchased a large villa near the volcano of Secon Island. This would be his home and also the starting point for his Family.

"Brother Giotto, I have brought all the people here!"

At this time, Crowley came here with a dozen or so youngsters. These youngsters were gathered by him on Secon Island. Those who wanted to protect the island with their own strength.

The era of the Great Pirates had begun. Now that he had returned to Secon Island, it was time to start his own business. This was the task given to him by the system. The first step was to create the Vongola Family.

In the very beginning, the Vongola Family was a vigilante group that protected the local residents. Therefore, after Giotto purchased the big villa, he asked Crowley to gather some youngsters who wanted to pick up their weapons and protect the island in this chaotic era.

Seeing these young people, Giotto slowly stood up and swept his gaze across everyone.

"I think on the way here, Crowley has already told you what we are going to do by gathering together. Everyone knows what happened before, but at that time, no one stood up to resist. At this rate, the island can only be at the mercy of others, especially in this era. I do not want to see such a thing happen."

"And if we want to put an end to such things, there is only one way to go, and that is to become strong enough!"

One of the young men stared at Giotto and suddenly asked, "Then Brother Giotto, are we pirates when we band together?"

On the sea, people were either Marine or a pirate.

Hearing this question, Giotto shook his head and said, "No, we are completely different from the pirates. If we have to say it, we may be a special mafia. If you are willing to join, then stay. If you don't, just turn around and leave."

After a long time, no one left, including Crowley. Perhaps it was because of the ordeal with the Skull Pirates earlier, but their eyes became more and more determined.

Seeing such a scene, a smile of relief appeared on Giotto's face.

Very good, then from now on, the Vongola Family is established!