The Strongest Assasination Squad

Chapter 5 Strongest Assassination Squad

[Main Mission: Establishing the Vongola Family, increase Completion Rate. Current Completion Rate: 5%. Unlocking family member, Fran. ]

[Hint: the Unlocked family members will appear by the host's side in three months. ]

Establishing the Vongola Family increased the completion rate of the main mission. At the same time, a family member was also unlocked. This would be of great help to Giotto. However, that wouldn't make any progress on the other mission, which was the Six Guardians mission.

Seeing the unlocked family member was Fran, Giotto was silent for a moment.

Fran was a member of Varia, the strongest assassination squad under Vongola Familia. And as the disciple of Six Paths of Reincarnation, he was extremely skilled in illusion arts. At the same time, he also had a Hell Ring. In terms of strength, the Hell Ring was not much weaker than the Vongola Ring.

Before the discovery of Dying Will Flame, Hell Ring was used to increase the user's strength.

The combat strength of the person who used the Hell Ring would be greatly increased, but they had to exchange it with their soul, and the user could also turn from a warm person to a ferocious dictator.

In other words, only people with strong enough spiritual force could completely control the power of the Hell Ring, and Fran, as one of the top illusionists, also had a strong spiritual force that could control the Hell Ring.

In terms of combat strength, in the world of pirates, Fran was at least equal to a Lieutenant General, but Giotto was not sure if he could reach the level of a Vice Admiral.

But in any case, with Fran's help, the island would be safer.

Now, the functional force of the Vongola family, besides Giotto himself, was only Reborn, so Fran's presence was essential.

After all, the location of the island was a New World. In the future, there would definitely be a lot of turmoil.

"Hey, Giotto!"

Suddenly, Reborn walked over with a smile on his face. His eyes swept over Crowley and the others, then he turned to look at Giotto and whispered, "These are the young people of the Familia, right? Leave the training to me. What do you think, Boss?"

"Since you took the initiative to bring it up, then, of course, there is no problem."

"Oh! Master Reborn, please teach us!"

Crowley's eyes were firm, and he roared with all his blood boiling.

At this time, he would probably never be able to imagine how much he would regret this decision.

Of course, the later facts would also prove that Reborn was indeed the strongest home tutor. The people he trained would not remain weak no matter how weak they were.

With Reborn in charge of training the youngsters that joined the Family, Giotto instantly felt that he had nothing to do. The only thing that troubled him was the Family's financial problem.

Although he had brought a lot of Belly when he returned to Secon Island, the Family members would keep increasing in the future, and the expenses would naturally become higher and higher.

The Vongola family that he established existed as a mafia, but he did not intend to collect the protection fees from the people of Lincoln Island. After all, this was his hometown. Regarding the protection fees, he could wait until the territory of the Vongola Family expanded.

After considering all kinds of situations, Giotto made a decision. For now, the best way to collect funds was to rob!

Of course, it was not a ridiculous thing like robbing a home, robbing the pirates who were rioting in the New World.

After making this decision, Giotto sailed out to sea alone and handed over the Family matters and the safety of Secon Island to Reborn and Crowley, who were training.

In fact, with Reborn there, ordinary pirates would not be able to cause trouble on Secon Island.

In the sea of ​​the New World, one small boat was sailing slowly.

The flag hanging on the boat was not the flag of the world government and the Marine, nor was it the skull flag used by pirates.

It was a very special pattern, two long rifles crossed, and in the middle was a shield with a bullet engraved on it.

This was the badge of the Vongola family. The reason why Giotto chose to make this badge into a flag and hang it on the boat was to increase the reputation of the Family and help the completion of the main mission.

But now, Giotto was alone on the ship, and his face was obviously depressed.

"Speaking of which, are these pirates so poor? It has been two months, and I only got 100 million Belly from like five to six Pirate Ships?"

On the way back to the island, he easily dealt with a few pirates and got more than 300 million Belly. Now he threw away his pride and specially came out to rob pirates. It took two months, and he worked hard to barely gather 100 million Belly.

If this went on, when would he be a proper Boss?

Of course, taking the heads of these pirates in exchange for the bounty, there are hundreds of millions of Belly.

However, in this chaotic era, the Marine Headquarters in the New World was like a total joke. Aside from the G1 Branch at the entrance of the New World, only the G5 Branch was actually doing the work.

And the distance was quite far.

Generally, the bounty hunters in the New World wanted to exchange for the bounty. The most direct way was to find some middleman in the Underworld to do so. This process would cost them a high commission fee, but this was the best choice for bounty hunters.

Therefore, for the sake of a better future, Giotto now stuffed five to six heads with high bounties into a completely sealed box...

Just as Giotto sighed and was ready to continue looking for the next target, a pirate ship suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking at the pirate flag hanging on it, Giotto took out a notebook and began to search for information about this pirate group.

After confirming that the other party belonged to the bad guy group, he revealed a smile on his face.

Now, he didn't need to look for the next target. He only hoped that the pirates could provide some help to the development of his Family.


Just as Giotto was about to make a move, the Den Den Mushi he placed on the ship suddenly rang.

"Who is contacting me at this crucial time? Reborn?"

Giotto was stunned for a moment and then picked up the Den Den Mushi.

Then, the Den Mushi's hair turned golden, and its face was rough and wild. At this time, a familiar voice sounded.

"Hehehe, my disciple, you are no longer as weak as you used to now, right?"

The moment he heard this voice, Giotto frowned, "First of all, I am not your disciple. You only taught me how to fuse two powers. Second, what does me being weak have to do with you?"

"Douglas Bullet!".