
Giotto would never go for such a reckless idea before because even though his physical strength had improved, there was still a big gap between him and these close combat specialists.

Especially people like Kaido Big Mom, who could ignore most attacks.

But now it was different. The Sun Mark he got from Yan had boosted his physical strength. Thanks to the high-speed regeneration from Sun Flame, he wouldn't mind taking any injury as long as he could injure Sengoku in exchange!

Even if Kong's attack hit him, it would not affect his current combat strength. At most, it would only further consume his own lifespan.

It wasn't that Giotto didn't cherish his own life. That was simply his best choice now. If he fought normally, it might take forever for him to defeat Kong and Sengoku.

And while he was busy with them, there was no telling what unforeseen incident might happen.

This was not their base. They were an away team this time. Thankfully, the Five Elders had not shown up until now. If it dragged on for too long, they might decide to show up.

It would bring a huge chance even if only one or two of them appeared!

These people held the highest authority in World Government, second only to Im. Giotto didn't think that they merely held so much authority. After all, how could they seize such authority in the first place without a considerable power of their own?

That was why Giotto didn't hesitate to use his lifespan as a price to defeat one of the opponents. And the lucky person he chose was undoubtedly Admiral Sengoku!

After all, in this situation, Kong was obviously stronger than Sengoku. As a more skilled fighter, Kong's reaction speed was better than Sengoku, so aiming for him might not be as effective.

Of course, part of it was because Sengoku had an enormous size when he used his Devil Fruit power!

It was golden and big, so it attracted a lot of attention!

"Sky Flare!"

"Steel Fist!"

Giotto and Kong shouted at the same time while Sengoku focused Color of Arms Haki on his back. He wanted to mitigate the damage from Giotto's punch as much as possible. He had fought with Giotto on Ball Island. Naturally, he knew how powerful Sky Flare was.

"Bam! Bam!"

Two loud sounds resounded. Sengoku and Giotto were both sent flying. Sengoku left a trail of blood in the air, and his eyes showed almost turned white.

Although Giotto was sent flying and could feel the intense pain, he immediately used Dying Will Flame's propelling force to stabilize himself in the air.

As he hovered in the air, the severe injury on his back began to recover at speed visible to the naked eye.

However, this time, the recovery speed actually slowed down a lot. It wasn't that the Sun Mark had weakened, but rather because Kong's Color of Arms Haki damaged his internal organ from inside.

Giotto clearly knew that Kong had a high mastery of Color of Arms Haki. There weren't that many people who could do Internal Destruction like him.


Even then, Giotto didn't show any signs of stopping. He rushed out with both Dying Will Flame and Color of Arms Haki in an attempt to punch Kong's chest.

Seeing his opponent's fierce attack, Kong immediately launched his own attack. He used Shigan to counter Giotto's attack. In his opinion, Giotto had fought for quite a while. He had also taken on many attacks in succession. Kong believed that Giotto would be exhausted sooner or later, so Giotto wouldn't fight so recklessly!

However, this time, Kong's prediction was clearly wrong. Instead of punching right into Kong's Shigan, Giotto grabbed Kong's wrist instead, letting Kong's Shigan pierce through his left shoulder.

At the same time, he opened his right hand that was facing Kong and concentrated his Dying Will Flame there.


X-Burner was launched at point-blank range! Kong was completely enveloped in it. Because his left hand was firmly grabbing onto his opponent's wrist, the recoil of the X-Burner did not send Giotto flying. Kong also couldn't escape and was forced to take Giotto's X-Burner head-on!


After the violent explosion, Kong broke free from Giotto's clutch and distanced himself from Giotto. His entire body turned pitch black. It was obvious that he was using Color of Arms Haki's domineering aura to cover his entire body to block X-Burner.

Fortunately, Giotto did not have much time to charge X-Burner this time. The Fiamma Voltage was not that high. Otherwise, Kong wouldn't be able to block it even if he was fully covered by Color of Arms Haki.

While Kong was still panting, Giotto closed the distance in an instant! Kong's eyes widened as Giotto was right in front of him at this moment. He could feel the impending danger at this time. It took him some time before he eventually concentrated his Color of Arms Haki on his chest.

At this moment, Giotto's hand, which was enveloped in Dying Will Flames, tore through the air as it landed on Kong's chest.


The Color of Arms Haki on Kong's chest was almost overpowered in the blink of an eye. He spurted a mouthful of blood as he was sent flying.

Seeing Kong being sent flying, Sengoku was stunned as he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

He knew very well how strong Fleet Admiral Kong was. Just how strong Vongola Primo was if he could even overpower the Fleet Admiral.

Suddenly, Giotto coughed out a mouthful of blood as he fell down. The Sun Mark on his body disappeared, and Sky Qilin reemerged next to him.

Indeed, the Sun Mark provided him with tremendous strength and recovery ability. However, his body and spirit had reached their limits. Even if he still had his fighting spirit, he didn't have enough Dying Will Flame to maintain the Sun Mark.

"Is it finally over?" Sengoku thought to himself as he saw Giotto's current situation.