This Road Is Blocked

"Cough cough!"

Giotto coughed and forced his body to stand back up. After losing his Sun Mark, unshakable exhaustion overloaded his brain, and he almost fainted. The Dying Will Flame on his forehead was also very weak, as if the wind could extinguish it with a blow. This was the biggest problem he was facing right now. He overused his Dying Will Flame and almost ran out of Dying Will Flame.

If he could recover his Dying Will Flame, then he would be able to regain his Sun Mark through Yan's Form Change and continued fighting.

However, the only way to quickly recover Dying Will Flame was Zero Point Breakthrough. Even so, he had to absorb an energy-type attack to do that, and he didn't think Sengoku would be as stupid as using energy attacks to help him recover.

With Sengoku's intelligence, he must have studied Giotto's fighting style. Through the Battle on Ball Island, he should be able to conclude that Giotto indeed had some kind of method to recover his strength. Even if he couldn't determine that it was Zero Point Breakthrough, Sengoku would definitely be cautious at this moment.

At the same time, Kong, who had just been blown away, emerged from the ruins and walked step by step toward Giotto. At the same time, he said in a deep voice, "Even I didn't expect you to be this strong, Vongola Primo. But coming to Mary Geoise is definitely a mistake. You won't have any chance of escaping from here!"

"Haa... Haaa."

As he panted, Giotto said, "Kong, do you think if it were Captain Roger, he would fall here?"

Hearing this, Kong suddenly froze. He didn't expect Giotto to suddenly mention that name.

At the same time, Giotto formed a triangle-like shape with both hands. The Dying Will Flame on his forehead was so weak that it began to flicker.

Seeing this strange phenomenon, Sengoku, who had fought Giotto before, instantly turned pale. He had a bad feeling and immediately shouted: "Kong-san, don't give him a chance to breathe!"

At the same time, Sengoku also rushed toward Giotto while throwing a punch at him.

However, at this time, the Sky Qilin immediately rushed towards Sengoku, baring its fangs and claws to stop him from getting close to its master. Although it might not be as strong as Sengoku, stopping him for a bit shouldn't be a problem.

Although Kong did not know what Sengoku had warned him about, he did not hesitate. The moment he heard Sengoku's shout, he immediately attacked. His body was like an arrow leaving the bow, rushing towards Giotto to finish him off.

He couldn't care less about the World Government's order. If he fought a guy like Vongola Primo with the idea of ​​capturing him alive, he'd be the losing one at the end!

It was at this time that Xanxus, who had just sent Kizaru flying, understood his boss's thoughts. Without hesitation, he aimed his two guns at Giotto and said in a deep voice, "Don't die, boss!"

Almost all of the Flame of Wrath in his body was stored in his two guns as he used his technique, Farewell Shot. A huge ball of flame engulfed both Giotto and Kong as Kong was only one meter away from Giotto.

At this moment, Sengoku was only staring at the flame. He wanted to know what happened inside. Did Fleet Admiral Kong manage to finish off Vongola Primo?

Each second felt awfully long for Sengoku. Just like Sengoku, Xanxus's eyes were also glued to where Kong and Giotto were. He had put most of his Dying Will Flame into that attack. Although he knew that Zero Point Breakthrough could absorb energy-type attacks into Dying Will Flame, he was also a little worried if Giotto couldn't withstand his attack.

After all, Giotto was quite exhausted...

"Then... I shall tell you the answer, Kong!"

The flames dispersed, revealing Giotto, who was blocking Kong's punch with his palm. A faint smile appeared on his face, and the Dying Will Flame on his forehead burned fiercely again: "Captain Roger would never fall. There's no way a person who can smile as he faces his public execution falls into despair! And neither will I! Because my Family and comrades have my back!

This was the truth. Vongola's purpose was to protect. Just like how Giotto protected his comrades and Family, the people he protected also supported him!

With such determination, how could he fall here on Mary Geoise?

Somewhere else on Mary Geoise, a man wearing a white suit and a gray mask was walking towards Giotto and the others...

But at this moment, a voice made him stop.

"I didn't expect Five Elders to send you out. From the looks of it, they seem to be unusually cautious of Primo. However, I'm afraid you can't pass. You can't interfere with the battle over there!"

Hearing this voice, the man in the mask did not even turn his head. A cold voice slowly came from his mouth, "You still have the audacity to set foot on Mary Geoise again, Alaudi?"

That was right, the person who made him stop was the aloof strongest Guardian, Alaudi!

At this moment, he was sitting on the ruins by the side, playing with his handcuffs. He said indifferently, "First of all, I can go wherever I please. And I have heard that you're pretty strong, but I have never seen you fight. I'm afraid that you have to fight me first if you want to pass."

"The strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons in the real sense, Jenuo!"

Alaudi stood up and stared at the man with the mask. His eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and his face was a little serious.

After all, this guy in front of him was acknowledged as one of CP0's strongest combatants. The aura he exuded alone would make many people tremble in fear.

"You are indeed strong. Everyone had underestimated you before. However, there will be only one outcome if you were to fight me with your strength..."

Jenuo turned his head, and his cold gaze fell on Alaudi. There was no killing intent, only infinite coldness. After a short pause, he continued, "You'll fall and then die in pain. If you do, at least the leader you are so loyal to will have a chance to survive!"