Sniper in the Flower Capital

Hearing this question, Fran hesitated for a moment before saying, "Mammon-senpai, huh? I'm not too sure, but I'm quite confident in my own illusions. If I have to say, I think I won't lose to him."

He indeed never competed with Mammon in his infantile form before, let alone Mammon in his true form. However, Fran was very confident in his own illusions. He was a top illusionist who could even fool Vindice. However, he didn't really know if he could win against Mammon

"Won't lose? Gu ra ra ra, Frog Head brat, do you want to be my son?"

As soon as Whitebeard said this, Marco facepalmed. He should have expected his Pops to do this. After all, this was his Pops they were talking about.

"Huh? I'm sorry, but I have to refuse. Furthermore, if I agree, Bell-senpai will definitely kill me before boss. Besides, regardless of what people say, I am still Varia's Mist Guardian."

Fran shrugged and said casually, "That aside, I didn't come here to chat with you. It was Colonello and the others who told me to declare war... Well, something like that. Now that my job is done, I better leave. To be honest, I don't like the atmosphere here."

"Brat, do you know what will happen if you talk to me like this here?"

Whitebeard felt that this little brat in front of him was quite interesting, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't be angry. He slowly stood up, and the powerful Color of Supreme King Haki immediately pressed down on Fran. But at this time, Fran didn't seem to feel anything at all. His expression remained unchanged.

"Uhhh... Whitebeard-san, Colonello has something to say to you. Although I'm reluctant to say it, they will probably bury me alive if I don't say it."

Fran scratched his frog head, seemingly still considering whether he should say what Colonello and the others said.

"If you have the guts, just say it! I also want to know what he wants you to say." Whitebeard said.

He didn't care what this Colonello guy had to say. At most, it would just be just some intimidation, and he was already sick of hearing these things.

Seeing Whitebeard's reaction, Fran no longer hesitated. He directly said what Colonello and the others had told him to say to Whitebeard. "Colonello told me to tell you that all of you are already within his sniping range. If you still intend to attack Wano Country and start a war with will be shot down!"

Hearing this, Marco instantly flew and observed the surroundings. There was no island as far as his eyes could see. All he saw was Moby Dick and Varia's ship. In other words, there was no suitable place for this Colonello guy to snipe them as far as his eyes could see.

The world's best sniper might be able to snipe from outside their field of vision, but this was the sea. The vast sea messes with one's perception. Even the world's top snipers would find it difficult to snipe accurately from that distance.

Perhaps Vongola Family's sniper was really good, but that didn't mean he could snipe someone from beyond his field of vision, right?

This was what Marco was thinking at the moment!

"Don't bother trying to find him because you can't see him from here anyway. Colonello is now on the mountain near Flower Capital. He is preparing to snipe you there." Fran kindly reminded at.

However, his reminder made all of Whitebeard Pirates laugh. Even Whitebeard's eyelids twitched hearing that.

Sniping them from the mountain near Flower Capital?

Was Vongola Family so naive? Don't tell me this froghead in front of them took his comrade's joke seriously, right?

"I'm done here. If Whitebeard Pirates really want to start a war, Colonello will shoot you down once you get one kilometer ahead... Well then, goodbye!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fran disappeared out of thin air.

Whitebeard and the others were baffled. How far was this place from Wano Country? Moreover, the Flower Capital was in the middle of ​​Wano Country. Just how unbelievable did that sound?


After Fran left, Whitebeard Pirates' crew couldn't help but laugh.

"Sniping us once we travel another kilometer? Let alone one kilometer, if that guy's bullet can reach this ship in 5 more kilometers, I will cut off my head and kick it like a ball!"

"Hahaha! Do you have no respect for the Vongola Family whatsoever? If I see a bullet flying, I will catch it with my face!"

They laughed and mocked as Varia's ship sailed away.

Fran, who stood on the deck, took out a Den Den Mushi. After making a call, he said, "Colonello-san, it seems they have not given up on attacking Wano Country. Judging from their current speed, they will soon enter the sniping range!"

Far away in the distance, near a high mountain cliff in Flower Capital, a huge sniper rifle had been assembled. Colonello stood beside it and said confidently, "I know, hey! Once they're about to enter the sniping range, just inform me. Hey! I am ready!"

Colonello was a natural-born soldier. He fought bravely and decisively. Because of this, he knew better than anyone what war meant. Once he confirmed that this was a war, he would not show any mercy!