Colonello Lifts His Curse

"It seems they have no intention of listening to your advice. This war is inevitable, then. If that's the case, let me see what the Whitebeard Pirates got!"

Colonello laid down, and aimed at the Whitebeard Pirates through the sniper rifle's scope.

"Distance: 1,000, wind speed 2, post-calculation error: 2.7%. Whitebeard Pirates' 1st Division Captain Marco, 3rd Division Captain Jozu, 4th Division Captain Thatch, 5th Division Captain Vista... locked on! Evaluation: hitting all the targets at the same time is possible, but the damage caused can not be calculated."

"That should do, hey! Lift the curse!"

At this time, Colonello's Blue Arcobaleno Pacifier fell to the ground, and he returned to his adult form in an instant. His expression became serious, but he was as confident as usual.

"Can you really hit them from this distance, instructor Colonello?" One of the new recruits asked while guarding Colonello.

He was here to make sure that Colonello could concentrate on sniping.

Colonello felt that this was completely unnecessary because even if Whitebeard Pirates sped up, they couldn't do anything to Colonello as it was too far!

"Who do you think I am? However, even I would find it difficult to shoot down someone from this distance. Fortunately, Verde has strengthened my equipment. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to use it in the first place. One more thing, the reason I asked you to come here is not to ensure my safety but to carry me back after I finish sniping them. Do you understand?"

It was rare for Colonello to be so serious as he said, "In addition to the special equipment, there is another important thing. This sniper rifle consumes Dying Will Flame in my body, hey!" Just like how Primo could fly with his Dying Will Flame, my Dying Will Flame enhanced my bullet's propulsion, too! With the help of Verde's improved sniper rifle, the Dying Will Flame usage was greatly reduced. However, considering the distance, I can only shoot three times at best, and once I do, I won't even have the strength to move. Moreover, it will take about three months to recover. Therefore, I will not do such a thing unless it is absolutely necessary!

The more powerful the ability was, the heavier the toll on the user's body. Colonello was no exception.

However, after listening to Colonello's explanation, the new recruit he talked to felt that it made sense. Otherwise, Colonello could've finished off most of the enemies.

"Understood, instructor. We will definitely carry you back properly!" Some new recruit immediately said.

"Mhmm, carrying me back is a mission. You must complete it properly!"

After saying this, Colonello concentrated. He sensed the auras of Whitebeard and the others far away, and then his fingers pulled the trigger. "The first shot is for Whitebeard and those Division Captains. The second shot is for the crew of the main ship. Then the third is for the Captain of the other pirate ships. Let's see what will happen after these three shots, hey!

Colonello finally pulled the trigger. The super soldier pushed his sniper rifle to its limit!

In the sea, Moby Dick was still sailing, and Whitebeard led his men to Wano Country.

But at this time, Whitebeard's eyes suddenly changed. He abruptly stood up and picked up his Murakumogiri before looking ahead. It was a cloudless sky, but he sensed something in the sky just now.

"Pops, what happened?" Marco asked in confusion.

"Do you remember what that frog-headed brat said just now?" Whitebeard's face became serious. He kept staring ahead and said in a low voice, "That little brat said that we are within sniping range..."

"Pops, you don't take it seriously, do you? That little brat is just talking nonsense. This place is vast and boundless, and there is no sniping point anywhere. Sniping from the Flower Capital sounds even..."

Before Vista could finish his words, he saw a blue light flying over from afar with an intimidating sound. It cut through the sky and flew towards their location at an extremely astonishing speed.

Seeing the appearance of this light beam, Vista was completely stunned, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

"Don't tell me that's him! Is that sniper really in the Flower Capital?"

Just how far was this place from the Flower Capital?

And what kind of sniper were they up against? What flew toward them was not even a bullet... It was more like Kizaru's laser, except the color was blue!

Who brought an Intercontinental Laser Cannon into One Piece Universe?

"Gu ra ra ra ra, I didn't expect that the little brat was telling the truth. This attack sure is something else! Vongola Family is indeed a force that can't be underestimated, but...!"

Whitebeard took two steps forward, and a white bubble appeared on his clenched fist. The air around him cracked at this moment. "This attack is like a child playing house. Are they looking down on me?

He then threw a punch that carried a violent vibration directly at Colonello's Rain Flame. The violent force shattered the air at this moment, and the terrifying shock collided with Rain Flame's light beam...


A deafening sound echoed in the sky. However, Rain Flame's beam of light was not destroyed by Whitebeard's attack. Instead, it suddenly scattered and turned into several beams of light that headed straight toward Marco and the other Division Captains.

In the face of such a situation, Marco, the Captain of the 1st Division, immediately jumped up. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a phoenix and flapped his wings. He rammed his body into the Rain Flame's beam!