One Against Seven Thousand

Since the day he received Byakuran's message, Jesse Zack had gathered all the members of his mercenary legion and made all the necessary preparations before heading to Millefiore Castle. In the sea not far from here, there were seven large warships, each carrying a thousand mercenaries. This force was indeed formidable.

And Jesse Zack's mercenaries were somewhat decent, certainly much stronger than Krieg's men in the future. However, in this world, the outcome of battles was not determined solely by numbers, especially when facing someone with Color of Supreme King Haki.

"Heh, do you really think that seven thousand small fries can scare me? If you have such confidence in your men, then let me show you something. After that, you can see your creator!"

The Mare Ring on Byakuran's finger suddenly glowed in orange flame, and a pair of white wings appeared on his back. Although these wings didn't emit light like when he absorbed Dying Will Flame, it still showed the immense amount of Dying Will Flame he possessed.

Following that, he lifted Jesse Zack with one hand and flew outside. As they approached the coastline, it became clear that seven large warships were heading towards their location. Each of these ships was equipped with numerous cannons, and in terms of firepower, they could easily reduce a city to smithereens.

"Haha! Believe me now? This is my invincible mercenary legion. Each of those ships is a former Marine Warship modified specifically for us. After they were no longer needed by the Marines, I spent a fortune to buy and remodel them! In other words, my mercenaries are not much different from the Marine's Buster Call!"

Jesse Zack laughed maniacally. Even though he was held by Byakuran like a chick, he still felt he had the upper hand, thanks to his formidable legion.

"The world sure seems nice when you are this naïve, huh?"

Hearing Jesse Zack's laughter, Byakuran couldn't help but speak. "Do you think Marine's Buster Call is all about firepower? Without the supervision of a Marine Vice Admiral, many people can easily destroy five warships before they can even fire their cannons. Moreover, the firepower on those ships is updated regularly. So, your legion is a budget version of Buster Call, and a significantly downgraded one at that! If you truly had Buster Call-level military might, you may even have a place in the New World!"

What Byakuran said was the truth. Buster Call-level military might was formidable, and even many major pirates in the New World struggled to contend with them. Besides the five Vice Admirals, the soldiers on those warships were all elite fighters, far surpassing Jesse Zack's mercenaries. In fact, they could easily handle ten opponents each, if not more.

So, calling his legion a "budget version" of the Buster Call was actually praise.

"Heh, bluff all you want for now. In just ten minutes, this place will be within my legion's range. I want to see how you'll beg for mercy on your knees by then!"

It was unknown where Jesse Zack got such a confidence as he still believed he had the upper hand even though he was powerless in Byakuran's clutch.

"You may be right, considering the warships' speed, they will get close enough in ten minutes, but do you know that your ship is now within my Color of Supreme King Haki range?" Byakuran slowly opened his eyes...

Byakuran's gaze became much more serious, and a powerful Color of Supreme King Haki wave swept the surrounding like a fierce wind. Even though he had only awakened it, it was enough to knock out the people from North Blue.

After a few seconds, the mercenaries on the seven warships all fell one after another. On rough ratio, only one person out of two hundred people could stay conscious upon getting hit by Byakuran's Color of Supreme King Haki.

The seven warships stopped their advance, and among the seven thousand mercenaries on board, only about forty remained conscious at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Zack was stunned. He had never witnessed such a terrifying scene. Byakuran appeared to have done nothing but exuded an overwhelming aura, and all of his subordinates fainted?

Although he had felt the formidable aura earlier, it shouldn't be strong enough to make people faint.

Zack himself wasn't been affected by Byakuran's Color of Supreme King Haki due to his strength. However, his subordinates were different. They should have been elite fighters, but they all were knocked out.

"This... how is this possible?" Zack was dumbfounded. He looked at Byakuran, who seemed completely calm, unable to believe what had just happened.

"Next, you and your subordinates can bid farewell to this world together," Byakuran said calmly as he tossed Zack onto one of the warships. Then, his wings turned black, and he placed his hands ahead of his chest. His Dying Will Flame began to condense, distorting even the surrounding space.

This move was similar to Giotto's X-Burner, and it was enough to destroy seven warships!

"Black Flame Attack!"

With a burst of black energy, black flame was blasted from Byakuran's hands. The terrifying Dying Will Flame instantly engulfed the seven warships that belonged to Zack's mercenary legion!