Shiki Arrives

Secon Island

"Jihahaha! So this is Secon Island, Vongola Family's headquarter." Suddenly, a wild and arrogant laughter echoed in the sky. Following the laughter, a man with golden hair, resembling a majestic lion, descended from the sky. He used two swords as if they were his two feet. This man was none other than the legendary pirate, Shiki the Golden Lion.

"Shiki, you sure have the audacity to pick a fight in our headquarters!" In a flash, G appeared on a nearby rooftop. He had a bow on his hand, and his Observation Haki was locked onto Shiki.

The moment he sensed anything seemed amiss, he would immediately take out Shiki. However, he didn't want to engage in a battle here. Although Vongola Family was powerful, a direct confrontation in their base could lead to significant losses. He knew about Shiki's strength and the incident where he threw battleships at Marine Headquarters.

It was safe to say that Float-Float Fruit was quite a threat when the user fought in your base.

"Hahaha! You must be G, right? I didn't come here today to cause trouble, but to discuss some matters with little Vongola. Even if I wanted to fight you guys, it wouldn't be today, and it definitely wouldn't be on your home turf!" Shiki laughed maniacally.

The Golden Lion Shiki laughed heartily and said, "And I advise you to take your hand off the gun. Those bullets of yours won't take my life, but they might attract quite a few 'gifts' that will fall from the sky!"

This was a blatant threat, but it seemed to be effective. While Vongola Family was indeed powerful, if Golden Lion Shiki dropped warships and islands onto their base, it would put Giotto and the others at the spot. It was like a meteor shower; even if they could crush it into pieces, it would still cause a considerable damage.

Upon hearing Shiki's threat, G's face became quite grim. If this weren't Secon Island, he might have beaten Shiki to a pulp.

G thought it might be necessary to have Verde develop something like a barrier to avoid further threats from individuals like Shiki.

"Then you may have to consider whether I can kill you before you send those 'gifts,' Shiki."

Just at that moment, a baby emerged on another rooftop. Unlike G, he decisively aimed his pistol at Shiki with an intimidating look.

"Baby in suit? No, the person who's capable of injuring even that Whitebeard. The world's strongest hitman, Reborn, right?" The moment Reborn appeared, Shiki immediately knew that he was bad news. Since Reborn hadn't lifted the curse, he wasn't stronger than G, but no one could ignore his killing intent! 

"Ciaos! I never expected that I'm quite well-known. Even a legendary pirate from the previous era like you has heard of me, and since you came all the way here despite knowing that we're here, I find it a bit strange," Reborn replied with a smile before adding. "Certainly, your Devil Fruit ability can cause devastating damage to our base. But at the same time, you should be prepared to bid farewell to this world if you do that. I believe you're well aware that G, Lampow, me, and Fon can finish you off."

Indeed, Secon Island's guards possessed tremendous strength, even surpassing that of the Marine Headquarters. Even if Shiki raided Secon Island with Whitebeard, it would be extremely difficult for them to leave unscathed.

The main reason they hadn't done anything to Shiki was because they didn't want Secon Island to be damaged. However, if Shiki went too far, Vongola Family wouldn't mind relocating to another base as long as they got to bury Shiki. 

"Jihahaha, of course I'm well aware of that. Everyone in this world should've known how powerful Vongola Family was, but like I said, I just come here to discuss some things with little Vongola. Even if I want to fight you, it won't be today, especially on your home turf!" Shiki laughed maniacally.

This was when Giotto came out of his training room and flew toward Shiki, "If there's something you want to discuss, just say it, Shiki! I don't have much time to waste on you, and your mutated animals are pretty annoying for us. To be honest, sacrificing an island in exchange for killing a legendary pirate like you may not be such a bad idea in my opinion."

Despite what he said, Secon Island was his hometown, and there were many civilians here. Starting a battle here would lead to casualties he wished to avoid.

"You won't be Vongola Primo if you actually do that. I've done my homework to look into the information about you. If I'm not confident, I wouldn't have come to your base," Shiki said confidently. "I'm interested in one of your men named Skull. I'm intrigued in what his body is made of. Of course, I understand the importance of the Arcobaleno to your Family. So, I'm only here to obtain a sample of his blood. How about it?"