Chapter 124 Father Of the End - Part 1

Vincent sat down on the ground; since time had stopped, he could relax. He wanted to hear Efrita's voice as she could explain everything. "She won't speak to you; my little girl is timid…." Her mother sat beside him with a warm smile. He noticed her wounds healed, and now she was just a fluffy Efrita.

"Why won't she respond? Is it she doesn't trust me?"

A finger pointed at his nose and squashed it. Although he tried to resist, it knocked him back several metres before he hit a rock in the distance. Vincent felt sore all over his body before falling to the ground, filled with wounds. "Oh my, sorry…. I forgot you are still not in this realm of strength yet…. My wife looks soft but is all brute power! Haha, she's so cute!"

Aldan slammed on Vincent's shoulder a few times as thick mana filled his body and healed his wounds. He stopped acting stupid and looked at the handsome boy before him. The man was vigorous, like a living flame.