Chapter 125: Father Of The End - Part 2

Her mother walked around free from the pressure, even if Aldan wanted to pressure this woman. She would only slap him like a fool and sit on his back like a queen. Her eyes narrowed upon watching the flow of aura around her son-in-law. Although his form had changed, he was still a handsome young man in her eyes.

'He looks so cool! Haha, good, my little Ifritah has the best taste. I know she's watching somewhere…. Why does that girl still roam around in her child form in this world? That dragon she showed is me! Stupid little girl, how cute, so old, yet still loves her mommy!'

"Huh? What's this sense of fear? My son-in-law, what are you doing?"

Vincent focused his mind on a specific shape. He once cast this spell with the help of the system and his sins. It was not something he was proud of, but the system and his bloodline taught most of his chants and spells, and he needed more vision and ability to use them to the fullest.