Chapter 129: Origin - Part 2

Vincent could only hear a blurred series of words while he watched those mighty divines fighting against a dark threat. However, he felt a sense of kinship with this monster. The blood-red phoenix tore apart the world, fighting endless battles before an enormous gate appeared in the sky. It tore them apart, devoured their souls and became a more twisted and fearsome monster.

He watched in awe as the red haired phoenix used his body to protect the various women who fought beside him deep wounds and scars filling his body until he dropped to one knee and panted. 

Then the man looked up towards the gate causing his pupils to shrink in suprise.

'That's the gate from my nightmare! The one that rains down light on this world! Why is this man so familiar to me? Ah, I can't think my mind is too foggy!'

A man clad in white appeared. Maybe a woman.

Vincent couldn't tell because the light burned his sight whenever he looked up towards it.