Chapter 1: Astaroth - Daemon Princess

Vincent regained his senses from the strange dream with all his women and close friends around him. 

'Ah, finally back...'

"Are you alright, darling?" Silvari's soft voice sounded as she entered the room with a hot drink of tea and some snacks, placing them on the living room table.

He reached out to the warm cup of tea with a slight smile, feeling like he knew Efrita and Silvari much better now. 'I am glad to be back; these girls are so....'

Vincent felt warm, surrounded by all of his lovers. However, suddenly the moment he poured some milk into his tea, a throbbing pain filled his head as if someone were calling out to him, demanding his presence.

'What the hell is going on?' Vincent thought, trying to shake off the strange sensation. But the pain only grew worse, the voice louder and more insistent.