[Bonus chapter] Chapter 11: A Wolf's Courage

Momo sat with her tail slightly puffed out; she reflected on the chat with Vincent's mother in secret. Honestly, at first, she was worried his mother would shout at them and tell all of them to stop chasing her son, but Verda was strange.

'As long as we genuinely love and care for him, she won't stop us... But there will be a test...' She thought to herself as she recalled how Amira kissed Vincent in front of everyone, including his mother.

Still, after Verda beat her a few times, there was no more after that, in the late of the night, everyone heard Amira knelt in the dirt, asking for permission to be with him; it was strange; still, Momo felt it was also an example; she needed to be this forward, have that kind of drive.

If they truly loved him, they needed to show it. If they cared for him, they must do anything to protect him. Even if they failed, they wouldn't be mistreated as long as they did their best.