[Bonus chapter] Chapter 12: Momo's Cute Ass [R18]

Vincent's hand stroked across Momo's fair skin, her soft cheek squishing under his finger's touch as he stared into her golden eyes, their shy and embarrassed look causing his chest to tighten. 

"You're such a cute little wolf. Do you love me?" He asked with a deep voice, his fingers tapping her cheek while brushing her soft pink lips with his thumb, her warm body pressing against his as her pink nipples hardened against his chest.

She nodded slowly.

  "Good girl..." He whispered before leaning forwards and kissing along Momo's neck; he slowly kissed down below until he reached one of those luscious nipples hidden under her soft arms, her neck covered in a beautiful white silky fur that tickled his face; Vincent nipped gently at the pink teat, causing Momo to gasp loudly at first before moaning quietly as she felt his strong hands start stroking them with both gently squeezing them in his fingers. 

"Mm~!" She moaned softly.