
Next day manager was on the door... calling me... it was 6 am... I woke up and opened the door...

"Hey ava ..good morning...we are here to pick you up.. let's go.."she said.

"Yeah..." I was still in my sleep... gosh I'm so tired already.. but gotta go for shooting...

King was also standing still in black...

I can feel him.. I don't know if he slept properly last night... Teddy and he both slept outside...

"Thank you so much teddy for your help." my manager was busy saying thank you to Teddy.

I and king were getting ready to leave...

We both thanked him as well..

"I'm glad that I was able to help you.." Teddy said..

"Teddy... when your daughter come home ..call me . I'll like to spend time with her and more fans.. "I said.

"Oh... really??then she will be really happy...thank you ava.. "Teddy said..

"Yeah.... now bye bye..." I said..

We were in our car ..back to home.

"What is time of today's shooting??" I asked..

"It's ok...it is late... actually director thought until you learn horse riding and feel better with your foot..we should complete male leads part .. now the shooting will be about both of your story...then your solo shooting will be continued later..."

"Oh... why???" I asked "I am not prepared with his part. "

"Ava ...we can't waste time you know right?and further mr.chen has another shooting also....we can't delay shoot..." manager said...

"Oh.yes right...ok.. let's see."I said.

First we came to home to get freshed up...mr.chen is also there ok...he is my senior and very good actor...he treats me like his small sister he is really sweet...in previous drama I was playing role of his sister... we are close already... I'm excited to meet him....

When I came downstairs.. king was ready standing..

"King, I think you should take rest.. . I know you didn't slept properly last night.."I said.

"No... I'm ok let's go..if I feel like sleeping I'll come back .."he replied.


Our manager was already went to shooting place.. I and king both reached the place later..

Seeing me mr.chen became happy...

"Hey ava ..."he came and gave me warm hug..

"How are you?? I heard you had injury in foot??"he said..

"Yes... chen I had ..but I'm ok now... I'm really happy to see you, how are you ??"

"I'm good as always... want to tell you something interesting..."he said...

"Ohhhh.... what is it.?"I got excited...

"Not here...come to home for dinner today..."he said and looked at King who was standing beside me ..."you?"he asked King looking at him...

"I'm basil... Ava's bodyguard.." King said..

"Oh..nice to meet you..."chen said..

"Nice to meet you too.."king said..

"King chen is really good person...he treats me like his sister..."I was telling King...

"Chen...ava.. common gotta discuss the details..." director called us...

We went to discuss everything and after some time shooting stared..

In between king was sitting and laying on the bench...he took walk.. I was worried because he didn't had good sleep last night...

After completing today's shooting we were back to our home...

"King...are you coming with me on dinner at Chen's house??" I asked him.

"You want me to come??"he asked me

"If you are not feeling well then you can stay at home... I don't have any danger in his house..."I said.

"I'll drop and pick you up... actually I'm having little bit fever...so I don't think I should come to dinner.."he said.

Hearing that I touched him to check his fever...

"Oh.. let's go to hospital first.."I said.

"No ava,I'll be ok... will take medicine at night.."king said.

"Are you sure?" I asked...

"Yess..."he replied.

After getting ready I came down..may was preparing food for both of them...

"may make sure he takes medicine.." I told her...

"Don't worry ava... I'll keep eye on him..haha.." may replied...

He was waiting for me in car...so he can drop me...

"King... I think you should go into house... I'll drive by myself.."I told him.

"No... I'm not gonna listen to you... don't argue please I'm already done today.." King Said..

If you are already done you should rest... I said in my mind...there is no point arguing with him...it will further made him annoyed.. I should just listen to him...

I sat into car...he dropped me..

"Ok I'll call you when I want to come back.." I said.

"Yes...call me half an hour before.."he said..

Chen was waiting for me already...

I went into his house..

"He will be here in five minutes." his maid Said..

His home is not new for me .. I used to come here... it's like my older brothers home and I'm very comfortable here...

"Hey ava....you here.. welcome welcome.." chen greeted me..

"Thank you chen.." I said.

"Please have sit..."he said pointing at sofa..

I sat...we were having good conversation between us about what happened in last few days and everything..

"So...chen you were saying you have to tell me something..."I said.

"Yes...yes... I was about to tell you that.."he replied.

"What is it?? I'm really excited to hear.." I said.

"Before hearing... you should see..."he said and showed me a photo of girl..

She was beautiful with her long curly hairs and big almond eyes...

I looked at photo and then asked him who is she???

She is soon going to become your sister in law...her name is sana.

I was blank for some seconds...

Chen I knew never even had girlfriend is talking about wife...

"What???"chen said and laughed..

"Really?chen are you serious??" I said...

"Hahaha...yes I'm serious.."he said..

"I'm really happy for you chen I never expected this ..haha."I said.."so when you gonna marry her??and I'm excited to meet my sister in law..."

"Soon... we decided to talk with our parents.. after this shooting is over I'm gonna go to meet them .. I know mom dad will like her."chen said.

"I'm really happy for you chen .. I'm waiting to see both of you togather.." I said..

"Thank you ava... I was waiting to tell you this ..you are like my family.."he said."now let's go eat.."

"Yeah..."I said..

The food was on the table looking delicious..but I didn't felt like eating it .. I don't know why..

Before eating I thought I should call may... ask her if she and king had dinner...

I called her...

"Hey may,have you both had dinner? Did he took medicine?"I asked her..

"Yes ava...he took his medicine.. Don't worry about us.... enjoy your dinner."she replied.

"Seems like you are worried about them?"chen asked

"Oh yes actually king..." I said.

"Who is king??"chen asked..

"My bodyguard .." I told him..

"Oh..."he said

"Yeah,he is having fever and he didn't slept properly last night...so I'm little bit worried about him .." I said.

Chen didn't said anything...

Suddenly he asked.."where is mark??"

I looked at him and said... "I don't know...we didn't had conversation..."

"Ava...he is your boyfriend..chen said..you should know about him... you should care about him...but you are caring about king.." chen said.

"Yes, because he is always with me... I.. that's why care for him...."I replied.

"Taking care of someone is not bad...but I observed during shooting you were looking at him... you checked him several times..this is something strange.."chen said.

"You are overthinking chen .. there is only my care...as family.."I said.

"Ava...see... I only want to tell you that you are very close to me.. I do care for you and I understand you.."chen said.."you can lie to everyone..just don't lie to yourself.."

His words made me think about it...

After having dinner and having more chats I said "I think I should go back now... I'll call king to pick me up.."

"No ava... don't my driver will drop you home... "chen said..

"Ok chen thank you.." I accepted that...