Mark is here

On my way back I called may to ask if they are sleeping or not ...

"I'm sleeping ava ..king is in living room... watching tv... I asked him to sleep..he said once you come home he will sleep."

"Ok may, don't worry about that stubborn stone... I'm coming within 20 should go sleep.. good night."

"Yes..."she replied.

When I came back...he was sleeping on sofa... I went close to him...he was sleeping like a baby...he was waiting for me.. Maybe because of medicine he fall asleep.. should I wake up him??no.. I checked his fever.. it was normal now..thank god.

I think I should give him blanket...

I went to his room and came with blanket to cover him..

When I was covering him...he woke up..

"Mmm? did you came back??"he asked..

"Chen's driver dropped me.. "I said while covering him in blanket..

"You should have called me"he was saying in half sleep..

"Are you ok now?"I asked.

"Yes.. Don't worry about me.."he said.

I saw his eyes it were red... maybe he is too tired today...

I think I should sit here until he falls asleep..then I will go to my room...

"Ava... go sleep it's already late.."he said.

"You sleep first.."I said.

I don't know why I felt like putting my hand on his head and I did it... I was slowly giving massage to him..

"I'm ok ava..."he said.

"Yes... that's good I replied..."

"If you don't sleep I can't sleep..."he said.

"Just shut up and sleep.. I will leave after you sleep..." I said.

He just looked at me with his red eyes.. I was sitting near his head..

"Close your eyes..." I said.

He didn't said anything and closed his eyes..

I don't know what is he thinking...

His hairs are super haha...just like me...hehe

I can't guess if he is sleeping or just pretending like he is slept... I'll stay here until I feel like sleeping...

Time passed and it was 2am when I came back to my room and changed my clothes

I was really tired so I slept within seconds... I didn't even checked my phone if someone texted or called me..

I was watching something in my dream...but the aroma coming from kitchen made me wake up from my sleep...

May... why you cook super delicious food..

I think before taking shower I should go and eat haha...

When I came down.. I got surprise..

"Hey my darling...!"mark said.

"Mark .. when did you came back??wow what a surprise."I hugged him.

"I Missed you so much baby."he said...

"I Missed you too..." I said.

"I know you will be busy all day so I thought let's have breakfast with you...."he said.

"Really?"king said... while reading newspaper..he didn't even looked at us...

"What you mean really??"mark asked him.

" just came back in morning and instead of wasting money in hotel... coming here was good option.."king said.

"What you mean??"mark said...

"Baby....we both are in really good mood.. let's not ruin it .." I said.

"Then tell your bodyguard to shut up..."mark said..

May served us breakfast...

"King,come join us.. "I said.

'I and may already had breakfast...we asked mark to join but he refused..."king said,he was sitting like if he is dad of 2 children and reading newspaper..that attitude was on another level.

"Yes because I was waiting for my baby..."mark said

" sweet..!"I said.

After having breakfast...mark left.

King was still in his newspaper...

"What is so interesting in Today's news??"I asked him..

"Nothing.... I'm Just trying to avoid a great couple... reading newspaper is good option."he replied.

I pulled out newspaper from his hands...

"What ava???"he asked.

"Are you making fun of us??"I asked...

"No... I'm not."he Said.

I was about to throw my anger but thought let it go...he just want it....he want me to be angry...but I'm not falling for it.

"Ava.... I don't know why,I hate him... I'm sorry if I hurt you by my actions and words.."king said.

"Saying sorry after hurting someone is useless Mr king." I said and came up to get ready....

Entire day was good...our shooting went well...

On my way back home... I was checking social media.. I came across news...this news was really wierd..

Because it was saying that all football player of country were in rave party....before final... that's why they lost the game...

Stupid news...

If this stone watch this news he is gonna make big deal about it...

When we reached home .. I got call from mark he was asking me to go out for dinner....

"Sure mark..."I said and went to room to get ready...

When I came downstairs king asked me "whare are you going??"

"I'm going to dinner...with Mark.." I said.

"Let's go then..."he said.

I was thinking how to tell him that he can't come with me..

"Don't worry I'll be waiting outside...just enjoy your time... I'm doing my duty.."he said.

"No.... please it will be awkward for me .. I don't like to put someone on waiting and enjoy."I said.

"Ava ... I'm coming with you doesn't mean I'll be waiting there for you... it's my duty to be with you.."he said."you enjoy your dinner I'll do my duty..."

"Ok king..." I said.

Actually I was very uncomfortable with it...but can't do anything about it.

"So...?"king said.

"So???"I was confused..

"Mark is coming to pick you up or anything else.."he asked..

"Oh... mark is coming to pick me up .."

"I'll come in our car. .. don't tell him that I'm there..."he said.

"Why??"I was wondering what was the reason for saying this...

"Just don't tell him .."he said.

Mark came at my house...and called me ..

"Hey babe,I'm on gate...come fast.."he said on call.

"Yes... coming." I said.

"Ok king I'm leaving...bye" I said and left...

We were on the way...

I saw in mirror... king was behind us..

I don't know what kind of thrill he is getting by doing this...

"Ava... what are you thinking my love...?" Mark said..

"Nothing babe..." I replied.

Within half hour we reached to restaurant..

This is our favourite is where We had our first dinner..

We were having dinner... suddenly he got call..he stood up .

"Excuse me ava .."he said and went out to talk...

After some time he came and told me that he have to go..

"Really??mark??this is second time you are doing this..." I said.

"I'm really sorry my love...but it's an emergency...."he said.

"Call your bodyguard and tell him to pick up you..."he suggested.

"There is no need mark he is already there outside... "I said.

"What???"mark was shocked by my words..

"Yes... sorry I didn't told you.." I said.

"Ok.."he didn't said much and Left...

Instead of going back without eating I called King and asked him to come in,when he came we had dinner..

While doing dinner king asked.. "what did he said to you??can you tell me what exactly has happened?"

I told him that he got call...and then said it's an emergency so he left...

"This is second time right??"king asked.

"Yes... why?"I asked..

"Nothing... enjoy... "King Said and started to eat...

On our way back to home I was feeling like sleeping...

"Ava.... if you are tired you should sleep .. don't worry I'll carry you to your room.."king said.

"You love to carry me right?"I said.

"That's the stupid question.." he said and laughed...

I thought I'll not sleep but I don't know....

I woke up on my bed next day..