
This is really something..

I mean I never thought I will meet this punk again and here..

I almost forgot that he is son of my dad's friend so obviously he lives here..

I saw her crush looked at me and his eyes became wide open with surprised emotions on his face...


"Ava..."mona was calling me to get up and sit in back...

"Yeah..."I replied.

"Can you please go to back." she Said.

This bi***is really something...but it's ok.. I'll go..

"Ok.. "I Said and went to seat in back.

King was already there...but he was watching something in his phone..like if he was trying his best to not make eye contact or to talk with me..

I looked at him for like 10 seconds but then decided to let not pay attention to him.

He is behaving like if it was all my fault..

Ok then fine...if he don't want to talk I'm also not dying to talk.

"Hey August meet ava.. I told you about her...do you remember??"mona said.

"Oh..yes I do... hello ava.. I have watched your drama and you are really beautiful and talented.. I'm so glad to meet you.." August said.

"Thank you August..." I said.

We were on our way...

Mona and aug was talking with each other and I was listening to them,but king didn't said anything to me or to anyone like if he was forcefully here ....

Also I thought not to talk with him because that will make him feel more proud...

When we reached there was rooms booked for everyone,mona is really good at arranging things...

We planned to go for lunch first then to go on boating...

But when everyone went to their respective rooms mona came to my room..

"Why are you coming here..." I asked..

"Just tell me what is going on between you two??"she asked.

I told her everything..

"Um... I think it's not totally anyone's fault but I think he was wrong .."she replied.

"Yeah .. "I Said.

"What yeah...but it doesn't mean that you can say anything to him .."she said.

"Leave that stuff... what should I do now??" I asked because I was really confused about what to do ..

"Do you want him as your bodyguard?"she said with smile...in teasing way.

Why are you smiling like that?? I asked.

"Then... if you want him...you have to make apology..."she Said. "That's the only way."

"Let's see..." I said.

"Ok,call me when you get ready.."she said and left.

After getting ready I called her and came out of room...

The rooms were arranged in hexagonal manner...in the middle there was fountain and benches..

This was really good,it felt like if I'm standing at backyard or something...

I saw king was there sitting on bench at some distance and was busy in his phone..

He looked at me..and immediately shifted his gaze somewhere else..

With that back puffy kind of jacket and black hairs with bang..he was looking really handsome...yeah.. I have to say this everytime what to do... I can't control appreciate his looks...

After five minutes mona came out of the room...she came and stood beside me ..

"What's going on??are you guys talking or not?"she asked.

"He is not even making eye contact." I said.

"Oh poor ava... wait, let's go talk with him untill my crush comes.."she said.

When we moved to walk toward him...he saw mona and smiled..

"Hey king!are you excited?" she asked him.

"Yes ..!"he Said happily..

"You guys are not talking to each other?"she Said.

"I don't want to talk with this girl.."he said and got up..." I'm waiting outside."

Mona didn't said anything she knew at this point I'm angry...

"What does he mean by he don't want to talk with me, I'm the one who is not interested to talk..."I was saying..

"Hey girls.. let's go!! "August said coming towards us...

"Yeah let's go.."I Said.

After having lunch we were ready to go for boating...

"Ava.. you are looking really beautiful.." August said..

"Oh thank you!" I Said while smiling and saw mona she gave me death stare...

I joined my hand saying sorry... because I was wearing the dress which was really beautiful and she wanted me to wear something ugly..haha...

We were enjoying boating... there was drinks, shacks,music everything and we were only four... after some time mona and August were talking with each other...

That time I felt bored...

King was busy in mobile...

I thought I should go and talk with him..

"Hey king.."I said.

He looked at me...and got up and started to walk opposite...

I don't know why is he doing this..it was not totally my mistake and I'm trying to solve but he is Just ignoring me..

This made me feel sad.

I wish I wasn't here...

I decided to sit alone..

Finally we came back..

"Mona, let's go for shopping.. I need to buy some stuff.."aug said.

"Ok..ava we will be back...you both please don't fight on the way back..."mona said and both of then left..

I can't handle this anymore... I was sitting in my room thinking about how to solve it... but at the same time.... I'm feeling like he is doing too much...who behaves like this? don't he know people die to talk with me? Who do he think he is?? enough...

I got up from my bed and went to his room I knocked the door...