
I was still looking at him, he too realized I was little worried and this was make me think like if he is really like this, like cruel who hurts people when he gets angry, and have plan to escape, he just showed me his dark side now, for the first time, that too when there wasn't much need, mark was questioning but it wasn't the right way to shut his mouth.

I was in my thoughts when doorbell rang making me almost jump on the place I was standing king observed me and smiled while walking to open the door, I am so dumb!!! Always behave like kid, he must be thinking I'm such a childish person, but it's not my fault, what happened earlier made me behave like that, I am just an innocent little human, ok ok not so innocent but still.

TADAA!!! Standing at door, with bags in both hand may had wide smile on her face, "I bring food for us, it your favorite food Ava," she said and was about to enter inside, "awww!!!! Such a cute cat." she put the bags on table and grabbed the kitten like baby, after playing with her few minutes she pick up the bags, "what can be suitable name for her??"I said, listening to me May stopped and looked at me where she was, king too looked at me, he was busy in his phone. "Her?" He asked. "Yes, I must name her something good." I was thinking about name, but don't know why may laughed and left to kitchen, king to shook head and focused back on his phone.

I was wondering why they were behaving like this, anyways I took out my phone and called my manager as I saw her texts saying call me, "hello, bro what took you so long to call?" as soon as she picked up the call she started to complain. "I was busy in some stuff, anyways what were you saying?" I replied.

"Ok, leave it, actually tomorrow is last date of audition and this is really big project, don't miss it my darling!" She said, "What?? And what is it about?" I got excited after hearing that, "yes, I am not sure about what is it about but we must to there tomorrow, ok I'm busy call me when you left for it."She said in hurry and hung up the call, this lady is always busy.

Seeing king smiling at phone I was wondering with whom he must be talking, is it any woman? Or anything else, his smile was making me more curious to check what exactly it was making tis stone smile.

I put kitten beside and walked toward window pretending I wanted to watch out of it, he was so busy in his phone he didn't even observed me, well it was good for me I can see easily what he was doing. I managed to peep in his phone, he was still reading the comment and watching the news about me and mark. This dude was really enjoying this, I never saw him this much interested in any news.

"What making you watch this all again?" I asked, he looked at me and said, "it's my phone, my choice I will watch whatever I want." He said, he then got up and went to his room and locked himself, I was standing there, what made him behave like this, this dude sometimes really behave like kid, I just ask him, nothing so serious.

After locking himself in room king sat on his bed, how can I be so absent, she came behind me and observed what I was doing, I was so busy watching comment and this behavior of mine is not acceptable, I am a bodyguard, I should be careful, I wonder she must be judging me, sitting on the bed king was worried.

In the living room, may was ready with food, she was searching for horror movie and the room was darken, she did it by closing curtains and switched on some dim lights making the room whole mood.

I came downstairs and seeing all this my mood was changed, "woaaah!!! Babe this is awesome, which movie are we watching?" I asked. "How about conjuring??"She said. "How many times we are going to watch it?" king said coming out of his room wearing boxers, his legs were living proof of his hard work out. I think we should watch re/member.

May looked at me for my approval, she knew I was scared and I used to watch horror movie that I have watched already because it make me fear less and whenever I watch it for first time I fear, king was unaware about this and may already had idea about what will happen.

I nodded my head approving to watch the movie he suggested and I was ready to watch it although I was scared as hell.

The movie started and I was already waiting for it to end, may and king both were watching it without any fear and there was no effect on them, obviously no adult scare this much excerpt me, the movie, I actually can't talk about movie because all the time I was either under blanket or eating.

After some time, I was unaware about the time but I fell asleep and I don't know when the movie ended. I was laying on the sofa when I felt someone was trying to wake me up, "get up ava, it's over, have you even watched it? I think you were sleeping all the time." May said. "I haha, I watched it, it was good movie." I said. "Wow, she really watched it," king said, "so tell me what was name of that ghost?" He asked, "I forgot." I said and was about to leave. "I didn't though you are such a coward ava." he said and laughed loudly.

"Ok, fine I am one, good night." I said and headed to my room. I was already sleepy and didn't wanted to entertain both of them more, so I decided to better sleep. I went into my room and sleep peacefully but my sleep again was disturbed by someone, someone was knocking the door, "gosh this two have no chills, don't even let me sleep peacefully, I'm so done." I headed toward door and opened it, it was king wrapped inside blanket standing in front of me like an ice cream cone.