Movie effect

An ice cream cone that I wished I could eat, I was busy admiring his cuteness when he said "may is out, her mom called her and she will come tomorrow morning." He completed his sentence. I thought he came here to tell me about May, I was not sure why he came here to tell this now, so I just said "ok." and was about to close the door. Seeing the door closing he shouted, "I…" and put his hand on door to stop it from closing, "I was not here just to tell about May." he said. "So? What else you want to say?" I was wondering.

"Actually on the ground floor there is just me alone there and may is out." he said and stopped, I was expecting more from him I was still confused about what he wanted to say, "so what's the problem with that?" I said my sleep was totally gone by now, "so the problem is actually," he paused for some seconds and said "I can't sleep alone, so I want you to come downstairs and sleep." "What?" Hearing him I couldn't help but laughed loudly, "so you are afraid Mr.?" I said I was feeling so proud that I wasn't the only one who was coward alone here.

"I am not afraid, its actually…" his brain stopped braining to find good excuse and he finally accepted that he was afraid alone, he was fine when May was there but no alone he was unable to sleep on the other hand I was free and was able to sleep because I didn't even saw the ghost.

"Ok, let's go, let me take my blanket." I said and went inside to get my blanket I picked the blanket but then an idea came in my mind, I wrapped it in the same way king wrapped. he was still waiting outside for me, when he saw me coming out of the room and wrapped In the same way he smiled, "you look cute" He said, haha, I smiled back, "not more that you." I closed the door and was coming down, he was walking next to me. "Careful you might fall." he said, "I am not kid." I replied. He looked at me the moment I said I'm not a kid, "you are not, but you look like one, want to see?" He opened his phone camera and took a selfie and showed me, "look at you, you are looking like baby in that pink blanket." he said with smile.

"Man, look at you too." I said, he looked at the photo, "we look cute." he said and stared to walk again, "you ruined my sleep king, I was sleeping so peacefully I don't know if I can sleep again, it's totally gone." I was complaining and listening to me he suddenly stopped and turned back to see me, but I was unaware and fell on him, his sudden break made me fell on him, wt.…

Ouch, we both were on the floor he was under me, I opened my eyes I was laying on his chest, "who told you to stop?" I complained again, "Are you ok?" I got up and asked, "you were telling me to be careful but you made both of us fall." I said, he got up too, "thanks to blanket." he said and walked toward sofa, "now my sleep is gone too." he said while sitting. I followed him and sat too, lights were on, "why kitchens lights are on, there is no need." I was about to go and off them but king hold my hand, when I looked at him he just shook his head to say don't go.

I understood there was failed trials done on by him to make him feel good, like turning on TV and lights and nothing worked so he asked me to give him company, I laughed thinking about all this. "Why are you laughing? On me?" He asked "or what? If you are so afraid who told you to watch such horror movie?" I replied and went to open curtains. I saw clouds crowding in the sky, "it might rain, when did May left?" I asked, "an hour ago" he replied sitting like cone.

"You can sleep if you want, mine is gone." I said looking at him, "I am sorry I made you wake up at this hour and disturbed your sleep." He said. "Don't be sorry and why are you acting so formal?" I sat beside him, he was disturbed by something.

"Are you judging me?" He said, "why would I, its ok, I'm scared too and that's why I didn't saw the movie I just pretended." I said. "I don't know I was sleeping but suddenly woke up, it was dream there was something weird and I woke up when I screamed loudly." he said.

"You woke up creaming loudly?" I asked, "yes, this never happened before and I am feeling guilty, I don't know why and how this happened." he said. "Maybe you saw this movie and so had dream." I said.

"This wasn't my first time watching horror movie but this happened for first time." he said.

"Ok, don't overthink about it now and sleep, I am here with you." I said. "No I am afraid, what If it happens again?" he said looking down at the floor I can say he was really disturbed because what happened. "You can put your head on my lap, you won't feel alone." I suggested, "No, I can't bother you anymore now." he said.

"You are not bothering me, you never bother me, it's totally fine, don't think too much and sleep." I said, after thinking about some minutes he put his head on my lap, "I am sorry already if I am bothering you." he said, "you are not." I said again.

He was disturbed because what happened with him, but it happens normally, I remember Mona used to scream in sleep while we were studying. So it's pretty common but I can understand how person feels when it happens, maybe it's because the movie this happened to him.