
Guards yelled from their pedestals, triumphed with their power. Blood trickling down my spine by endless days of lashing. Cuffs hard as the nails which used to fall into our cells strangled my wrists. Everywhere around me was brimming in misery. Women and children dry from crying with no voice.

My final memories would die embedded in a lonely, dark forest which welcomed none. Hanging over our heads, bellowing sorrow and terror into anyone's bones. "A natural death you've all been gifted, praise our lord for your mercy scums," hollered a man, fat of exploited riches.

My knees sunk into the soil, breath stuck in my chest. Thirst and starvation had already become normal but this final betrayal of humanity felt somehow new. I'd die before reaching 15 all I wondered was what would happen after. How would I wake up with a dead, broken body.

Thoughts wavered in my mind as the jungle's loom came ever further away. Beckoning for another step til you hit the darkness. All who I knew never came, taken early from angered masters. Us who were left walked until we couldn't feel the pain on our feet anymore.

I took the first steps, my heart beat drummed in my head and shivers escaped through my body.

This is it, this is where I'll die. I ventured further in seeing blood on trunks and leaves making my heart sink further and lost hope vanish for another day. Humid air crept along my skin while noises danced along the rooftops of high trees wrapped in vines.

A perfect bare patch laid by a pretty flower, more colourful than what I'd ever seen before. Pink and purple blended around the petals. I collapsed on my hands, throwing my body on the ground. It was so dark, so lonely, just the perfect place to rest.

The my heart slowed and my breathing quivered, it became almost peaceful. My mind to rest deafening the beasts which stalked my final slumber. Making food for a few hours at most would suffice for a free open meal which was dumb enough for offer herself so willingly. Alas from my hopes I felt pain overcome my whole body but as quick as it came, it left.

Not even sweet death wanted me.