
I breathed new life in darkness. My eyes blinded, only hearing a low dying beat thump at my head. I gnawed at the warmth instinctively and trickles of liquid crept down my throat, barely suppressing my new, stronger hunger. I felt weak and tired but refreshed. Warmth was all around comforting me and coaxing my mind into another deep sleep for what felt like days.

Regaining consciousness at the sound of chirping pups ringing my ears, everything so loud and off put. Dizzying my mind as I tried to open my eyes while my head felt heavy. Did I really die? Was I reborn?

Black fur greeted me when I finally regained sight. I looked up to see sharp, golden eyes gazing down upon me. A big-big cat. Trembling, I slipped my... My front foot? I had black paws, I could only imagine an image of the cat in front of me as myself. My speech only came out as low squeaks, nearly whines trying to speak.

I felt hopeless for what felt like months fed only by my mother.

I felt a connection with her as she looked gently at me with pride but laid her head down as her neck stiffened. I rubbed against her, unsure if something was wrong when her lungs could barely let air out and her body shivered in pain. I desperately wanted her to be okay.

"I'm alright my cub," her voice calm and majestic filling my eyes with tears. I wasn't certain how I could understand it but relief fell over my body. She looked at me with deep meaningful eyes and spoke once more, "I see intelligence in you, live your life free and... enjoy it."

Her voice quivered slightly, her eyelids sinking over her eyes. I was so confused and baffled by her words, of course I would live my new life better and stronger but what's happening to her? I was worried but weakness in my body still took control, drifting me to sleep.

No sound other than cries awoke me, the warmth surrounding me faltered with every breath. The heartbeat which drummed low could now not be heard. I tugged at my mother's long fur crying out for her to wake up... but she laid motionless on her side.

My siblings, hungry and confused, didn't know what to do.