I fucking knew this guy is not normal!

All of the sudden, "Jin, what are we waiting for?"

"What do you mean by 'we' Niko? is there something we're waiting for?"

"We should take our relationship to the next stage."

"Next stage...?" Jin was clueless, "You seemed more sure of yourself when The convertible car thing happened." Nikolai said making Poor Jin who was sitting across from him, choke on his Breakfast rice.

A curious Minnie who sat besides Jin, poured The choking man a glass of water as she asked "I feel like I'm intruding but what happened in the car?"

Blushing, "Haha! nothing, Niko meant...*cough* a trip, to take the car and go for a trip, just him an I." Jin lied, trying to save the situation.

"I didn't know people have a stage for going on trips in their relationships." Minnie said, "Nonetheless, you two can't for the meantime go on a trip, I'm sorry! madame's order." she added.

"We didn't take a trip, we visited my parents, I got accidentally drunk which he didn't know at the time, and Jin gave me a hand job in the car." Nikolai said making Jin choke again.

Minnie glanced at Jin with buggy eyes, "WILD! Jinnie You def on Santa's naughty list dude...and here I thought you're the Innocent one in this relationship." she whispered at Jin.

After clearing his throat "Do you enjoy torturing me Niko?! how can you say something like that with a straight face, In front of her!" Jin spoke up horrified, "I'm my Momma's boy? I'm just being honest besides, Minnie doesn't seem to mind our conversation." Nikolai replied smirking.

"You're lucky, you can't see what expression I'm making." Minnie said sniggering.

"You literally just got out of a hospital, you sustained a TBI! do you know what that means? Traumatic Brain Injury!" Jin spoke up a little Angry.

"And?" Nikolai said nonchalantly, "And it means your body is recovering from a major blow!

Sex, should be the last thing on your to-do list." Jin replied.

"Okay, loser." Nikolai said annoyed, "Hey, that's manipulation! if you think you can get me to change my mind by insulting me, then you're wrong." Jin replied.

"You two do need to get laid though." Minnie spoke up as she sipped on her Americano.

"See? I'm trying!" Nikolai said rolling his eyes, "You two are unbelievable!" Jin blushing, replied.

...Few minutes Later...

"He's fast asleep, again.

I know head injuries cause sleepiness, but I didn't expect Niko to fall asleep right after breakfast." Jin said after placing a sleeping Nikolai on the couch.

"You Heard what the Doc said, he's gonna be like this for a while...poor dude!" Minnie replied.

"I'm sorry about the embarrassing ordeal from before, didn't think he'd be that bold." Jin said.

"Why you're apologizing? I'm used to this kind of situation thanks to the Madame.

I guess it's a thing in The Madame's family, to be too honest and with no filter, especially about sex." Minnie replied sniggering.

"It's kinda hard to believe I'm a virgin right?" Jin said.

"Speaking facts though? Yes!

Jin you are here being husband materials, it's fascinating.

You can cook and clean better than all the girls here combined, and you can fight.

And as a bonus, you have a nice body too...the kind that seems to be getting someone as Nikolai worked up anyways." Minnie replied.

"I've never engaged with anyone in these kind of things... I've been hit on relentlessly but I couldn't bring myself to do anything." Jin said, "Because none of them is Nikolai, right?" Minnie replied to which Jin nodded to.

"If you two didn't break up that time, you could've long tied the knot or something." Minnie spoke again, "I guess our love story falls in the second chance category." Jin joked.

"The Madame and Mister were like that in the past, or so I heard." Minnie said.

"You mean Radka and Rushil? they had an actual falling out?" Jin asked intrigued.

"I kind of heard this story from one of the older girls, she said that some time ago, Madame and Mister had a rough patch in their relationship.

Apparently another woman appeared in their life, specifically the Madame's life, and it seemed like the Madame took a huge likening to her which bothered the Mister." Minnie explained.

"I'm not going to lie, I want to hear more about the story, but how come you're comfortable telling me this?" Jin asked.

"Doing it to kinda make you feel normal about any weird behavior, like what happened earlier with Nikolai, he didn't lie when he said he is his mama's boy.

I mean for example the Madame talks about sex all the time, it became a normal thing to us girls and the Mister.

you should have heard what she said in the hospital when Ha-yoon came to take your sister...she sent that music producer lady running." Minnie explained.

Remembering something, "I just realized I didn't call my sister yet, to see if she made up with Ha-yoon!" Jin said pulling out his phone.

For few minutes, Minnie watched Jin worriedly as he Called over and over, but Seong-min didn't pick up.

"I think you should try calling the Other Woman, maybe your sister is asleep?" Minnie suggested.

"It's unlikely for my sister! she's such a morning person.

Seong-min usually goes for a bike ride in the morning, maybe she forgot her phone at home?" Jin speculated.

"I know you're mad at Ha-yoon but you should call her, if anybody knows where your sister is that will be her." Minnie said.

"I guess I have no other choice." Jin replied pressing on Ha-yoon's number.

It took him few tries, before Ha-yoon picked up.

It was obvious to him, that Ha-yoon has just woke up from her voice.

Ha-yoon: who's calling...I'm fucking hangover!

Jin: Naya baboya! (it's me you idiot)

Ha-yoon: Mwo?! Jin-i neoya? (huh? Jin is that you?

Jin: Yes it's me? I want to talk to my sister is she there?

Ha-yoon: What are you talking about? your sister? didn't she stay with you last night?

Jin: Excuse me?

Ha-yoon: Seong-min she never came home, I thought she slept at Nikolai's house because that's where you were.

I mean I tried to get her back home at the hospital, but that weird girl Minnie and Nikolai's Mom, they didn't let me take her.

-Jin could feel his heart now pounding in his chest, this wasn't happening again was it?

Jin: Nalang jangnanchijima! (don't joke with me!) where's my sister?!

Ha-yoon: Naega eotteohge al-aya habnikka? (how should I know?) she didn't step a foot inside last night! if she did I would've known.


-Minnie was stunned by Jin sudden screaming on the phone, but she was more alarmed by the conversation.

"Hey Jin, gimme the phone I'll talk to her." she said, reluctant but with no option, Jin handed Minnie his phone and she put in on speaker.

Ha-yoon: Jin are you there?! talk to me dammit!

Minnie: Ms Kim this is Minnie Barlow, I was listening on your conversation and it seems like Jin's little sister didn't make it home, correct?

Ha-yoon: You're the girl who didn't let me take her home.

Minnie: Grudges aside, I need to know are you sure Seong-min never went inside, didn't step a foot inside the house?

Ha-yoon: I'm sure, I'm walking around the house now, I can't find her clothes that she was wearing last night, no sign of her shoes too.

but why are you interested in knowing that?

Minnie: Because this makes me the last person to see her before she disappeared.

Ha-yoon: Disappeared? you guys mean you don't know where she is?! like really?!

Minnie: On her request I drove Seong-min to your house last night, she didn't stick around for dinner at Nikolai's place so I bought her food and ice cream on the way, she still had the ice cream untouched by the time I dropped her.

Miss Kim, I need you to check the front door, see if any of her items are there.

Ha-yoon: Okay I'm going there!...wait!

Minnie: You found something?

Ha-yoon: The ice cream and her keys, they are laying outside the house! oh my god...

Minnie: Miss Kim I need you to calm down and focus with me, this is a possible kidnapping.

- "Calm down?! Minnie are you joking?!" Jin spoke up, "You too need to get your shit together." Minnie replied to him.

Ha-yoon: This is all my fault after what happened at the hospital, I was so pissed.

All I did was drink and drink until I passed out, I should have waited for her to come back home! I usually never go to sleep before making sure she's at home, but last night I was so mad...Oh god I should have waited!

Minnie: You'll have time to regret your decisions later, but now our main focus is to find her.

Ha-yoon: I don't understand if she did get kidnapped, then who was it this time?

Minnie: She got kidnapped before?!

Ha-yoon: Happened 2 years ago.

Jin: Ha-yoon, I think I know who it was, who took her.

-As Jin said that, he gave Minnie a strange look, and then she herself realized it.

Minnie: oh no I think I know too.


Ha-yoon: who did it?

Minnie: most likely Flint Miles, the reason I didn't let you take her, was because at the hospital he threatened her and I chased him away.

Ha-yoon: I fucking knew this guy is not normal!

Jin: you know something?

Ha-yoon: a friend of mine told me this weird information.

Apparently a bunch of women that look Alot like Seong-min, have gone missing around Flint.

Minnie: this is no coincidence! she definitely became his next Target! oh for fuck sake I expected him to be a lot of things, but a serial killer?

Jin: A serial killer?! you're telling me Flint Miles became serial killer?! my sister is in his grasp?!

Ha-yoon: There's no definitive evidence on him yet, just circumstancial but seems he was around all the victims and they were like six girls in Total...so the police in his residential area were supposedly keeping an eye on him.

Jin: Where is he?! where is he staying?! does anybody know where Flint is at?!

Ha-yoon: I'm sorry I mean your sister tried to include me into her plans, but I said no!

I said that I don't want to hurt you Jin, so this time I didn't try to help her out, so I don't know what she knows about Flint and to be honest I warned her about him.

Minnie: So no one knows what she was planning to do, or what she knows about Flint?

Ha-yoon: Actually there is someone who knows, Cyrus.

Jin: Julian's boyfriend.

Minnie: Julian? I think I heard that name before.

Ha-yoon: Your sister and Cyrus begin their plan with Rudy, but when she realized Rudy was a good person she abandoned her plan to get revenge on him, and that angered Cyrus.

The two broke off there business relationship, but if anybody knows something about Flint or your sister's disappearance, it's gotta be Cyrus.

Minnie: You mean she was after revenge? what for?

Jin: Rudy, Flint, Moses... Seong-min wanted to get revenge on the bullies who caused me to break up with Nikolai.

Minnie: Julian...our classmates who killed himself!

Jin: You see the connection now.

Ha-yoon: I'll talk to Cyrus, Jin you talk to Joel, alert the Police.


Ending the call, Ha-yoon quickly called for Cyrus while trying to find her car key.

He picked up almost immediately.

Cyrus: Ha-yoon, you're awake early? that's new.

Ha-yoon: Flint! I know you know his whereabouts.

Cyrus: What happened?!

Ha-yoon: Seong-min, Flint took her! I need your help.

Cyrus: WHAT?!