It's love that's driving you crazy.

"Minnie Where's Jin?"

"Umm, Jin had an emergency... he'll be here when he's through."

"Minnie what happened? where's my boyfriend?"

"I told you, He's out on a personal matter, Nothing to worry about!"

"I may not see it, but I can hear it in your voice.

You're a terrible actress Minnie, you've proven that yesterday when you played the role of the waitress." Nikolai said, "Ouch, that one hurts! I really tried hard...but whatever, I knew singing was my strongest suit anyways." Minnie joked but there was a hint of nervousness in her voice.

And Nikolai finally had it "Seriously Minnie! speak up! I can tell things are NOT okay!"

"Even if I tell you, you're just gonna worry yourself extra! There's nothing you can do to help, so chill." Minnie said, "Thanks for calling me useless! did Jin ask you to keep me in the dark?" Nikolai replied.

Sighing, "Niko, ugh fine!...It's his sister, happy Now?!" Minnie gave in, "Seong-min was taken by someone last night, right after I dropped her home." she added.

Nikolai couldn't believe his ears, "Are you being serious?! she got kidnapped? poor girl, it happened again."

"Wait Niko, you knew she was kidnapped before?!" Minnie asked.

"I did, Any suspects this time?"

"Ye-eaaah, you ain't gonna like it dude."

"Minnie...Speak up."

"Okaaaaay... Flint, Flint Miles."

"Jesus fucking Christ?! that pervert?! have you guys contacted the police?" Nikolai asked, "Yeah, officer Joel Baker at least...Your mother's friend." Minnie replied.

"You mean My Mom's new bitch, and if you're wondering how I know, word travel fast!

Although I must admit Joel's worth the trouble, somebody better make him a sheriff soon, he's better than the whole police department combined." Nikolai said.

Disturbed by his lack of reaction, "You know about Joel and Your mother's friendship?" Minnie asked, "You mean business relationship? yes." Nikolai replied.

"Nikolai, Just how much do you know?"

"Everything Minnie...i did tell some to Jin if you're inquiring.

Now, where's my phone? give it to me! quick."

"Your phone? got someone to call Niko?"

"Yeah, I'm calling my my blind ass a favor and dial her number for me, I wanna ask her for something."

Minnie reached out for Nikolai's phone and did as requested, then the moment the phone began ringing, she handed it to Nikolai.

Before it could ring a second time, Radka picked up.

Radka: Niko Dear! what a lovely surprise! how's my favorite son?

Nikolai: funny, I'm your only son mom.

Radka: You know what I mean dear.

Nikolai: Where are you? it's kinda unusually quiet...

Radka: Home, with your dad! he's sleeping currently...if you know what I mean *giggles*

Nikolai: Unfortunately I do.

Radka: Anyways, Why am I being graced with your phone call?

Nikolai: I need your help.

Radka: figured you weren't calling because you're a good son and you missed me *giggles*

Nikolai: Sorry about it, but jokes can wait because Seong-min, Jin's sister has been taken.

Radka: oh my! Taken As in kidnapped?

Nikolai: Yes and I'm surprised you don't know.

- "Actually I forgot to report that." Minnie said nervously but loud enough for Radka in the other side to hear it.

"Put her on speaker, so you can join the conversation Minnie." Nikolai said and Minnie followed his command.

Minnie: I apologize Madame, I should have reported to you that Jin left to meet up with Ha-yoon, they've already told Joel and are possibly seeking help from another person.

Nikolai: the other person must be Cyrus.

-Minnie was surprised, Nikolai seemed to know more than what he let on, "Julian's boyfriend? you know him too?" she asked him.

Nodding, "Ever heard of Cyra Melaina?" Nikolai replied with a question of his own.

"Matter of fact I did! I Know her, She was Going to our school! itty bitty girl with an eye patch and a gothic black dress.

And from one Black girl to another, I tried to look after her because she seemed lonely and shy, but I realized she just wasn't friendly... actually I think I've seen her only talk to Julian at school.

Wait don't tell me...!" Minnie came to a realization, "It was never a 'she', Cyra or more correctly 'Cyrus', was Julian's boyfriend, and Julian was my bestfriend at the time so of course I would end up knowing about Cyrus, even if it was pretty late.

Cyrus and Seong-min share something, a goal." Nikolai explained.

"The revenge! Ha-yoon said Cyrus and Seong-min worked together on a revenge plan!" Minnie replied.

Radka: You guys forgot you have the phone on speaker? talk to me!

What are you talking about? this Cyrus guy and Seong-min were planning to get revenge, on who?

Minnie: They're after Jin and Nikolai's ex bullies, those three boys.

Nikolai: Seong-min started with Rudy and crossed him off the list, since he turned out to be a good person after all.

Minnie: Her next target must be Flint, we think he's the one who took her.

Radka: Any reasons?

Minnie: I think Flint likes her. According to Ha-yoon, Seems like Flint only dates women that look like Seong-min and if they reject him, they end up missing.

At the hospital way before the incident with Ha-yoon, Flint and Seong-min argued and he tried to hurt her, but I stepped in.

Radka: Are we talking about the same Flint Miles? why aren't you reporting these incidents to me Minnie?

Minnie: Sorry Madame.

Radka: *sighing* i heard Flint is a famous ViewTuber or something.

why would he do something like this? put his reputation on the line, and get the law chasing him.

Nikolai: I think he badly wanted Seong-min to date him.

Radka: speaking of which, you Still haven't explained why you're calling.

Nikolai: I need you to assist Jin in finding her.

Radka: I'm sorry, You're asking me to find a missing girl?

Nikolai: basically I'm hiring you...The least you can do, for Lily's son, is help him find his sister before she follows his mother to the grave.

Radka: ... ... ...

Nikolai: what? did you suddenly forget how to speak mom.

Radka: it wasn't me, for the records.

Nikolai: Yeah of course, a woman like Lily who can speak multiple languages, can drive about any vehicle, and is trained to literally defeat an entire group of men while being unarmed, turns up dead in the most strangest of circumstances.

And the only other woman in town that can be a match to her, A legit Hitwoman to say the least! miraculously doesn't have anything to do with her death!

Radka: I Knew it, you knew this whole time about my real business.

Nikolai: I did, but because I love you and dad, I chose to hide it like you hid your double lives from me.

I kept my distance and moved out, because i didn't want to further ruin the innocent image you guys have in my mind.

Radka: I didn't kill her.

And for the record, I don't kill everybody that comes to me on a file Nikolai!

I choose my targets very Carefully, and they are always bad people...Lily wasn't one of them but somebody did want me to kill her.

Nikolai: *sarcastically* How Noble! Then why is she dead?

Radka: Tell Jin to Ask Miss Kim.

Nikolai: ... ... ...

Radka: What? did you suddenly forget how to speak son.

Nikolai: ... ... ...

Radka: *sighing* let's clear things up, okay?

first of all dear, I didn't kill Lily and I wish she didn't die.

Second of all, I did try to kill her at first when I didn't know who she was, but it happens years ago when you were a kid and before she moved into our town...when I did go to kill her, I couldn't because she overpowered me, I didn't stand a chance against her wits.

Lily had a chance to kill me then but instead she spared my life, so I became in her debt and therefore didn't pursue the hit job anymore and, i promised I won't follow her or search for her anymore.

Nikolai: what about Jin?

Radka: I didn't know Lily had a child, and she clearly didn't want me to know.

she hid herself in plain sight! she moved Into town without me knowing.

And when you started dating Jin, I had no idea he's her son!

Nikolai: How come she was around and you didn't know that!

Radka: I said I promised to let her go, and to be honest, at the time I had more important matters to tend to than chasing Lily around.

Nikolai: It was her...the girl they say she almost stole your heart.

Radka: in a way...Lily has a special place in my heart, and to return the favor of sparing the life of an indecent person like me.

it's my job now to make sure that you and Jin are safe, so if you want to request something from me concerning the two of don't need to threaten me Niko.

Nikolai: I guess I overdid it ...i'm sorry mom, I think I panicked or something.

this isn't my world, yet I reached out for his sake... Seong-min was right to have faith in me and Jin.

Radka: I get it dear, it's love that's driving you crazy, been there and done that with Rushil.

As for Lily, I had deep admiration for her, she was a mystery, and so is her son.

The way Lily and Jin came into our lives... it's destiny's weird way of reminding us we're not that strong as we thought.

Love is our weakness Nikolai, and I'm sorry for all the lies dear, you of all people deserve to not live in a lie.

Nikolai: For someone so honest, you sure do hide Alot.

Radka: *sighing* I'll do whatever I can to help Seong-min out.

Nikolai: Thank you.

Radka: Nikolai you know I love you son, right?

Nikolai: I know, I'm just not okay with what's going on...I wish things were normal.

Radka: Me too.

I understand the kind of business I'm in, is bothersome to you and that's why I tried to keep it a make life as Normal as I could for you.

Nikolai: You guys gave me an awesome childhood to be honest, accepted and supported matter what I did.

Radka: because your father and I know first hand, what it's like to be different.

Having someone that has your back no matter what in this world, is a blessing not many have.

Nikolai: do you really kill people mom?

Radka: I'm not just a hitwoman, I do other more peaceful businesses...we do.

your dad is as much involved as I am.

Nikolai: you just snitched on your own husband.

Radka: *chuckles* I did.

Nikolai: Mom...I

Radka: This phone call is getting longer than it should be, how about we meet later and talk more about this, you me and your father?

We'll explain everything the best we can, and after that I understand if you wish to cut us off for good.

Although I don't plan on letting you go until the death threats are off the table, your health is completely recovered and until the only person you need to keep you safe is Jin...

I will remain in your life, until then please tolerate me.

Nikolai: I expected much...

Radka: Son, if there's any information I should know of, tell Minnie and she'll let me know.

if this is all, then I'll take it from assure, Seong-min will be back before Cinderella leaves the ball.

Nikolai: Bye...fairy godmother.

Radka: Minnie will keep you in touch, bye dear.


When Radka hanged up, "You guys need family therapy or something...Y'all are just too comfortable spilling your own tea in front of people." Minnie spoke-up sniggering.

"Minnie...can you help me with something else?" Nikolai asked.

"Tell me." she replied.