I'm the worst cat mom out there!

"Can't you see that I'm trying to sleep? HUH?! Didn't I tell you that I don't want to see your sad pathetic faces, until you bring me back my missing dog and the bitch who cut off his leash?" Andrea said annoyed at the sight of one of his supposedly best men standing in his presence with his two minions behind him.

Andrea felt like this particular group of three men were bothering him while he tried to relax in his bedroom, or whatever was left of it anyways.

After the party last night, when Andrea came back home and found out that Sal has escaped, He had one of his worst fits of rage ever, he ended up destroying most of his bedroom by himself, his bed that he laid on might've been the only thing usable left.

While waiting for him to calm down, his men looked everywhere in town for Salvatore and his savior, they have spent all day and night trying to find any clue to Salvatore's whereabouts, but it was almost as if he just disappeared into thin air.

"I'm sorry boss, I don't know if the earth swallowed them or something but we couldn't find Sal nor the girl that saved him, I mean we never stopped looking Until the moment we came back here... they're just nowhere to be found!" One man spoke up, he was trembling in fear while awaiting for a response from Andrea.

Sighing, Andrea stood up and walked to the man who talked first, he placed his hands on each of the man's trembling shoulders and said, "First of all, Some stranger woman just happened to know where Salvatore is, and that he was in trouble and decided to save him!

Then SHE comes to break him out and you just let her?! you couldn't defeat her?! And now you can't find her nor Salvatore?!

Do you want to die? ALL OF YOU?!

Did you not learn from Salvatore's mistakes?! IF YOU'RE USELESS TO ME, THEN YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!"

"Boss, we really tried... besides! So many of us got injured just fighting that girl...She is well-trained, she could've killed us so easily if she had time to spare for that!

I'm sorry but you weren't there to see her, She was a real monster!" the man replied.

Sighing again, "Don't complain to me, Monster MY ASS?! I'M THE MONSTER YOU SHOULD FEAR YOU FUCKING IMBECILES!" Andrea screamed, then he took a deep breath "Have you looked everywhere? Like every...where." he asked.

"Yes, everywhere, but he's nowhere...to be found.

We know undoubtedly, he didn't go to the police.

Also, I'm sure Sal was shot, we were certain he'd need urgent medical care, but even-so we couldn't find him anywhere at the hospital." The man said.

"Did you search there well?" Andrea asked, "We did whatever we could...I admit We didn't start with the hospital right away, we went this morning actually, but there was a little problem facing us...the hospital was full of familiar faces when got there." The man replied.

"What are you talking about?" Andrea asked, "Apparently one of Jin's friends, that girl Ha-yoon...she was hospitalized, so Jin and Nikolai were at the hospital this morning, That Black kid with the white hair too and also that korean chick Flint kidnapped was there with her a woman who's I think is her mom, even Joel, that weird cop was there!

Actually some of them didn't leave all day... they're still at the hospital as we speak.

So with them around, we tried to be as careful as possible while looking for any sign of Salvatore ever being there." the man explained.

"So what? he's not there too? are you even sure you guys shot him?!" Andrea asked.

"We're positive!... Maybe he was in the hospital but was hidden?!

Do you think Radka maybe helped him? she controls the town's hospital like it's her own." The man asked his own question.

"Sei proprio un asino, non hai imparato nulla!(You're a real idiot, you haven't learned anything!)" Andrea said slapping the back of that man's head, "Radka may not be on our side, but she's also not on Salvatore's! if he ended-up in her hands, we would've found his corpse by now." he added.

"I'm sorry Boss! it's just we really can't find him anywhere here.

I thought Radka may have been the one to help him...because of that girl, like I said Salvatore's savior was well-trained, it was too odd to be just a coincidence.

You said not to mess with Radka or her girls, and I believe that the person who saved Salvatore might be on the same level in terms of skills, as Radka's girls." The man explained his pov.

Andrea was surprised by this explanation, "I'm sure that Radka wouldn't help Sal, but I see what you're getting at...

While Not all of Radka's girls are well-trained, It's unlikely that a girl so skilled wouldn't be working for her." Andrea began understanding what his underling was trying to say.

"Yes! Only her girls around here, can carry out a mission like breaking Salvatore out." the man spoke again with less trembling, as he felt proud that Andrea was agreeing with him.

Then suddenly the man felt even more proud when Andrea smiled brightly at him, his boss smiling meant that he wasn't going to get scolded.

"Thank you for your hard work 'Dante', you and those two can leave my room now...I still need to get some sleep, we can work on this in the morning." Andrea said.

The man was so happy that Andrea called him by his name, "Of course boss! we'll let you rest." He said, but then asked "What about the search?"

"It's okay...suspend it for now.

I have a feeling that Salvatore is no longer in town, Judging by how you guys couldn't find him...so don't bother looking for him until I give out a new order." Andrea replied.

"Understood." Dante said then walked out of the room with his two minions.

"Jesus...we fucked up...I thought he was gonna kill Us." one minion said to Dante.

"I'd lose my mind too, we really got humiliated by that bitch...Who thought Sal had friends like that?" the second minion replied.

"Dante, Are you sure we should follow boss and suspend the search? Don't forget that Sal knows too much, and if he's really gone somewhere we can't reach him already...Then there's no telling what he's gonna do with the knowledge he has on us." the first minion spoke again.

"Yeah, after what Boss did to him...it wouldn't be a surprise that Salvatore might want revenge." The second minion replied.

"Shit...Sal is a nutcase! no one would want a scary guy like him coming after them." the first minion said shivering in fear.

"Yeah! and Remember, Boss wasn't the only one who messed with Salvatore...we all did, we all mocked and beat the shit out of him because boss gave us the chance, so he might come for us too." The second minion replied.

"Be quiet you two! let's just do what boss said and stop looking... it's useless." Dante spoke up annoyed at the two men behind him.


"You're finally back, took you long enough." Lydia greeted Joel with a mysterious yet big smile as he came into his house, "Sorry, I had to do a last minute grocery shopping, since you're staying here...i mean I never had a girl over before.

Anyways, did something good happen while I was Away? you're kinda smiling too much." He asked while heading to the kitchen to put away the grocery he bought.

"I'm just happy you asked me for help...I thought you'd blacklist me like everyone else around Radka is currently doing.

Thanks to you now I don't have to worry about where I stay for the next few days." Lydia said, then she chuckled softly.

"Don't worry about overstaying, you can stay here as much as you like since I live alone.

Listen Lydia...You're a good girl I'm sure Radka will realize that Soon." Joel replied, "So don't worry, okay?" he added.

"Thanks...that's very nice of you to say." Lydia replied chuckling again.

"Oh, and btw, I took care of those two, luckily neither of them is gonna die from their wounds." Lydia spoke again.

"Awesome! and if I my ask for another favor Lydia, don't tell anyone about these two, okay?" Joel said.

"I owe you that much, so don't worry.

These lips of mine are sealed!" Lydia replied.

"Perfect, so...what are you going to do now?" Joel asked, "Shower perhaps?" he added while eyeing her bloodied clothes.

"Yeah, is there anything I can wear when I'm done? I didn't bring anything with me." She said.

"You're free to try my clothes, but I'm not sure they'll fit." Joel replied, then he paused to think for a minute before he spoke again,

"Actually I think my clothes may be a little bigger than you, let me go look for something real quick." he said before heading somewhere in his house.

...Few minutes later...

"Here, this was Julian's." Joel said handing out an old highschool tracksuit to Lydia.

Surprised, "Julian's?" she asked as she took the clothing in her hands, inspecting it with her eyes.

"Yeah...I kept most of his belongings, including his clothes.

like I said, I'm all alone here... Julian died, then my brother went insane, you're the first person here in a long while." Joel replied.

"Are you okay with me, wearing this?" Lydia asked.

"I guess so...I hope you don't mind that it belonged to my dead nephew." he said.

Smiling, "I'm actually grateful for this Joel.

Thornton Wilder once said that 'The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude'." She replied.

"That's deep, anyways if you want to eat anything, remember i brought a bunch of snacks, you'll find them all in the kitchen.

You can use my brother's room to sleep in, I may have given you Julian's clothes but I would appreciate if you don't go to his room.

It's locked anyways but I know you're a good lock-picker." Joel said.

"Okay, noted...are you going to sleep now?" Lydia asked, "Yeah, it's been a long day for me." he replied.

"Goodnight then.

once I shower, I'll keep watching over those two in the basement until I go to sleep myself, so you can rest assure." Lydia said.

"I'm counting on you!" Joel replied before yawning, then he headed towards his bedroom while Lydia took the tracksuit with her and headed to shower.

...An hour later.

"It's a good thing I'm used to staying up so late to draw." Lydia said while she was grabbing snacks from the kitchen.

Suddenly while she was rummaging through the cabinets, she heard cats meowing outside making her remember something, "My cat! I completely forgotten about 'Mister Cyrus'!"

Lydia quickly searched for her phone with the intent to call Rushil and ask him about her cat, but then she paused to think whether calling Rushil at this late hour and from an unknown number since she got rid of her old phone because the Flint incident, would be a good idea.

Sighing, "This feels like a bad idea, Maybe I should call in the morning...he could be asleep and Radka might be by his side." she said to herself.

Sighing again, "I'm the worst cat mom out there! how can I have forgotten about my little baby!

I can't believe myself! I hope Mister Cyrus doesn't hate me for this!" she said to herself in disappointment.

Feeling defeated, Lydia grabbed herself some snacks and decided to go back to the basement, where the two captives were still asleep from all the drugs she gave them while tending to their wounds.