I'm whatever you want me to be.

"Good morning!" Seong-min said opening the blinds, "Shit! My eyes!" Ha-yoon hissed at the sudden light that invaded her shut, tired eyes.

"Wake-up, you're gonna leave the hospital today!" Soo-Min said cheerfully while stretching her arms and legs.

"UGH! I can finally leave this depressing place?!" Ha-yoon groaned in satisfaction.

"Yes, Let's hurry-up, I have to go somewhere today!" Soo-Min said yawning.

"Where you going Noona?" Ha-yoon asked, "If I wanted to tell you I wouldn't use the word 'Somewhere' silly." Soo-Min replied sticking her tongue out.

"Fair enough." Ha-yoon replied back.

Suddenly, someone knocked from outside before they came into the room.

"Rudy! Hi!" Seong-min greeted the redheaded Male-nurse.

"Hello Ladies!" he said happily.

"Holy Shit...you're glowing dude?" Ha-yoon asked.

Blushing, "Really?!" Rudy Asked, "Yeah, hehe!" Seong-min replied giggling.

"I take it something good happened with Blake?" Soo-Min Asked, "Huh?!" Rudy said blushing more, "I guess you can say that... I'm happy because Blake and I are going to the carnival tonight." he explained.

Groaning again, "Oh shit, today is the 4th of July! I forgot about that shitty traveling carnival!" Ha-yoon said.

"Carnival?" Soo-Min questioned, "That sounds so fun!" Seong-min said.

"It is!.... Actually, Our Town is quite quiet, it's not much of a destination to the average person, and we rarely ever get tourists or newcomers, so there isn't that many attractions around here." Rudy said, "But occasionally, we get stuff like the traveling carnival, they are like moving funfairs or festivals that come into town once in a while." he added.

Skeptical, "I can only imagine what an independence-day carnival would look like." Soo-Min said, "Everything is in Blue, red and white with star prints everywhere, but it's still enjoyable.

But Don't worry, we don't have many of those Super-American people, everyone goes there for good times.

Anyways, They've been setting their game, food and merchandise tens for the whole week before 4th of July, preparing for today's opening." Rudy replied.

"And how long does it last, this Carnival, fair-thingy?" Seong-min asked.

"Oh right! they start right after sunset and they continue working everyday after sunset, for a week." Rudy explained.

"A 7days carnival for independence day... is there like any requirements to get in or can anybody come and have fun?" Seong-min asked.

"I don't think there is any requirements to get in? you don't really have to be a citizen to get there.

I mean everybody can get in as long as you pay the entrance fee." Rudy said chuckling, "However, take it as an advice for me, don't go there alone, unless you can make friends easily.

You'll feel so lonely if you go alone, I tried it last year and it sucked, it's much more fun for groups like couples, friends or family." Rudy replied.

"Why did you go alone last year, was Blake not around?" Ha-yoon asked.

"Blake couldn't come with me last year because of work, but he's here now and we can go together finally!

Anyways like I said, there's a lot of fun games, souvenirs to collect and awesome food at the carnival, cool music too!

Plus, there's like this big firework show at the end, it's the main event for this whole thing." Rudy explained enthusiastically.

"Hey! don't you think going there is a good idea? we can finally have some outdoors fun in this Town." Seong-min said.

"You mean with us?" Ha-yoon questioned.

"Yeah with you two? like who else am I going to go there with? even if my brother decided to go, he would probably go with Nikolai, and I think girls should stick together right?" Seong-min said.

"I'm not sure princess, I have no idea when I'm going to finish my business today." Soo-Min replied.

"And you can forget about me.

I was actually going this year with Cyrus, but he and I are having the worst time in our relationship lately, and I don't think taking him to the fair is anymore, an option." Ha-yoon replied.

"You guys fought again?" Seong-min asked and Ha-yoon nodded.

"You were going with Cyrus, was this your birthday gift to him?" Soo-Min asked

"Sort of? you know his birthday is today?!" Ha-yoon questioned, "Princess told me." Soo-Min replied.

"Cyrus's is born on the 4th of July? sounds like a Cool birthday-date!" Rudy exclaimed.

"Not really, Cyrus hates it.

As for the Fair/Carnival whatever, Cyrus wanted to go with me last year but I didn't agree...

The truth is I wanted to surprise him this year, and take him myself there, i thought this would make his birthday, a good day for a change... but then again, he's been an asshole for the past few weeks, and I don't think I can handle him anymore.

Personally I would've hoped that he would take his dad instead of me, or at least someone else that would actually enjoy going to that fair.

I pity him Ngl, dude shares his birthday with the nation, but like I said it's getting harder and harder to handle him Lately, and I'm not one for babysitting boys." Ha-yoon explained.

"But aren't you good friends with him, Seong-min? why don't you take Cyrus then?" Rudy asked.

"Let's just say Ha-yoon is not the only person who fought with Cyrus." Seong-min replied.

"I don't like to judge people not knowing who they are, really...and the truth is I'm still kind of sensitive about what you two did together to me and Blake." Rudy said.

"I'm really sorry about that." Seong-min apologized, "I know you are, and although i Don't think Cyrus is the same as you... I still think that deep down Cyrus is just a lonely kid who's looking for someone to save him from his loneliness.

for me, being alone never felt right. sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.

Maybe if you give him good company, he will become less of an asshole, not that I'm encouraging his behavior or whatever he did, I'm just saying that he seems so lonely to me... I can be an asshole sometimes when I'm lonely." Rudy said.

"I've already picked a fight with him, inviting Cyrus to the fair would make me look like a hypocrite, but then again you're right! it's obvious that he's doing what he's doing because he's lonely." Seong-min replied.

"I have to admit that I don't like Cyrus a lot currently.

He's proven himself to be a troublemaker, but considering that I'm not the best character myself, and considering also the fact that despite his negative traits, Cyrus also got good ones too... I'd say you give him one last chance before completely throwing the towel on him." Soo-Min said.

"If you do decide to take Cyrus with you, I should just warn you about one last thing.

If you noticed that he's not acting normal or being okay, don't pressure him into telling you why... I get it that a lot of people think being on your birthday means that you have to be happy 24 hours, but people can also be sad or even angry at days like these.

Cyrus could be like a pressure cooker at this time of the year, so even if you two went together, Focus on yourself having fun and don't pressure him to do the same as you." Ha-yoon said.

"I'm having mixed feelings, I honestly don't know what to do?!" Seong-min groaned in frustration.

"Did your crush on him evaporates or something? And why did you pick a fight with him anyways?" Ha-yoon asked.

"It doesn't matter, I have until sunset to think about this...so I guess I'm going to go get a coffee and think about it." Seong-min replied sighing.


As Jin placed their breakfast on the table, "Hey?! Today's the 4th of July! wouldn't that carnival be starting already?" he asked before going towards the fridge to grab the lemonade he made earlier.

"They still do that weird carnival around here? I haven't gone to it in over 7 years." Nikolai replied sitting down.

"I actually never went there before, I'm not a festive person and my mom was too busy to go with me.

I didn't want to go there alone, and it's not like I wanted to go with Moses, he would just push me around to bully other kids there with him, simply because he's bored." Jin said.

"So you really never been there?"

"Yeah...Why? is it weird?"

"No, not really? i mean you are an introvert, I understand.

I would've suggested that we go together today, but half of the town if not most of it is gonna be there, and knowing my mother she's not gonna let me go there so easily... there's a lot of people and a lot of chances for me getting hurt." Nikolai replied sighing.

"You're right, I think your mother is going to be even more paranoid now that Minnie has gone to see her mother." Jin said, pouring lemonade for both of them.

"Also, it's not like I can do much anyways, I can't see shit." Nikolai said chuckling, the he suddenly sighed, "Shit...I feel bad for not being able to go to a carnival I don't even enjoy." He added.

"I wanna make it up to you Niko, I feel responsible that you're in this situation...it's unfair that you can't go again to that event after so many years." Jin replied while sitting down.

Scoffing, "Responsible? you're talking as if you pushed me down stairs." Nikolai said.

"You're on a healing journey, but it seems like the whole world doesn't want you to forget about what happened to Julian, so I feel like I should at least be on your side and help you move on." Jin replied.

"What are you...A freaking angel?" Nikolai said mockingly.

"I'm whatever you want me to be Niko, just ask and your wish is my command."

"Haha! Very funny, would you become a worm if I asked you to?"

"As long as you love me when I become a worm, Haha!" Jin replied laughing.

"When that happens, I'll put you in my garden and use you to eat dead roots and leaves off of my precious plants." Nikolai said.

"Oh c'mon! you won't do that! would you?" Jin asked.

"I didn't say I'll kill you, I said I'll find another way to make you useful to me." Nikolai replied.

"So you won't love me if I became a worm?" Jin said faking his annoyance.

"Can we change the subject?" Nikolai asked.

"Fine! but just so you know I'm mad at you!" Jin replied.

Flustered, "Okay, how about going to my parents house as an apology?" Nikolai suggested.

"I don't understand?" Jin said, "My mom won't probably let me go to the carnival nor the beach now, but we can go to her and use the pool there.

that way we can have fun and my mom wouldn't be worried...She might loosen security." Nikolai replied.

"I see! let's do it! but I'm still mad at you, I'll complain to your mom!" Jin replied.

Scoffing, "Do it, I dare you! I'm surprised by how okay you are, knowing what she does for living...I mean I'm her son, and I'm still shocked." Nikolai questioned.

Chuckling, "I was surprised at first...but I had an unusual mother myself, she traveled around, carried guns and slept with one eye open at night." Jin replied.

"I'm Still wondering about your mom, do you think she was a criminal too?" Nikolai asked

"That I don't know.

But I know she was a good mom to me, she taught me important skills like cooking, speaking multiple languages and fighting.

And now I'm using those skills to get myself a husband." Jin replied making Nikolai blush.

"Unfortunately, my future husband just said he wouldn't love me if I was a worm." Jin spoke again faking A sad tone.

"JUST SHUT UP AND EAT!" Nikolai shouted in embarrassment.