Battle for the Sea



"Stella, what are you doing!? We are running out of time!"

Stella snapped to at the sound of her name being called and looked over to see Fleur shouting with a panicked expression. She looked down at her hands and saw a change in her body. Her gift from the great spirits had been received and she now had temporary control over the life element. The radiant emerald glow emanating off of her in waves had caused patches of grass to sprout up all inside the barrier.

"Sorry… I guess I was spacing out…" Stella replied with a pause. Then she slapped her cheeks a few times and began to channel mana.

From the looks of things, her time inside that space had lasted only an instant on the outside. The spike piercing Runes body had almost completely dissolved from Rienn's acid, leaving her just enough time to recite the necessary words of power. They left her lips in a solemn whisper carrying the weight of her resolve and determination.