Returning Home

"You're late!"

Upon arriving at Mako's forge, Rune and his party were greeted by Reef. He would be joining the Crimson Bulls as part of their development team. The plan was to have him work alongside Shelly. Reef was not a fighter so it was simpler to have him teleport directly to the forge rather than escort him across the sea.

"Quickly take off the device. I want to see what kind of data we got!" Reef was camping at the bit to analyze the the magic tool he gave to Rune, but his hopes were dashed.

"I don't think so," Mako said, flicking her brother in the forehead. "I'm not about to let you go and trash my forge."

Mako always kept her working space neat and tidy but the brief glimpse Rune had gotten of Reef's lab looked like a disaster area. It was understandable why she wouldn't want him to get carried away. She had all the tools and materials necessary for him to do his work but she had no intention of letting him use them.

"Aw, but sis!"