Mountain Abyss Bull

Rune had the bull-like creature by the horns, though, saying as much was a bit of an overstatement. The creature was so large that his hands could barely wrap around the very tips. The single burning eye that sat at the center of it's face sent chills down his spine, and Rune began to find himself getting pushed back.

What, it is strong enough to overpower level 5 Body Activation?!

Granted, it was the entry of level 5, but level 5 was still the highest he could go without injuring himself. He had not manged to break into level 6 during his time in Nereid. Rune was holding his own, and he wasnt struggling too badly yet, but he was definitely getting pushed back.

The bull creature's muscles bulged as it exerted more strength, and Rune dug his heels in. The skin covering it's body was almost like a person's and had a slimy sheen to it. No, if he was being more accurate, it was more comparable to a worm's.