Onward to Oa!

The longer that I stood before the shop, the more aware of my surroundings that I seemed to become. The distant flapping of nearby birds alongside the idle chatter from the individuals that happened to pass by. While I wouldn't consider myself a superstitious man, I did find oddity in the idea of random leers. It felt as if there was someone constantly surveilling me, but I knew that couldn't be the case.

While there are individuals who were tailing us yesterday when we were following Claire, I believe that they were there for her. Not many people in this world even know of our existence. Therefore, it would be both arrogant and ludicrous to believe that I was to be followed. In the grand scheme of things, I am of little importance to the people of this world. Even though a lot of those people passing by eyed me with suspicion.

Naturally, I took in their features with my sharpened focus. With my hands placed behind my back, I must've appeared to be a noble, and handsome guard for this establishment. I would even say that I was akin to a rose sprouting out of the concrete. Even the smog of poverty would not dose my badassery.

"Excuse me...Sir..."

My body shook slightly as a voice manifested from behind me. Without looking at the individual, I could determine that the one responsible for it was young. Shifting my gaze to my right, I noticed the small, slender frame of a young boy. His ears were short and floppy, and his brown hair was disheveled as all of the other poor beastmen in this area. It didn't take a genius to determine that this youngin' was a resident.

In comparison to my frame, the young beastman's head resided below my waist. His clothes were weathered and had indications of being crudely repaired. Despite his appearance, he wore a friendly smile as he greeted me with a bow. He was rather tiny and frail in appearance, but on his back was a medium-sized crate. Upon laying eyes on the sight, I was instantly surprised. A child of his stature shouldn't be capable of carrying a box that size strapped onto his back. 

"You're the youngin', Lannister, right?", I asked.

The boy nodded in confirmation. Of course, I knew that, but it is always best to ask. You wouldn't want to waste time dealing with someone that I didn't have to.

"I am sure that your grandmother has explained your job to you, but I'll explain mine. I will protect you on your trip to Oa, and assist you there. Once you are finished then, I will escort you back here. All things considered, I expect this to be a simple matter."

Just as before, Lannister simply nodded his head in response. I could sense a pattern brewing, so I decided that silence would be best for our journey. While it would be normal for someone to offer to carry the item for a younger person, I am not so generous. I imagined that he would be used to carrying items of that size. From what I can tell, the only two people who operated their establishment were Lannister and his grandmother. 

It would be condescending to him for me to imply that he was incapable of offering my assistance. Instead, I provided him with the service that was requested to me. In a swift motion, my hand traveled into the satchel that Lannister's grandmother gifted me and pulled out the map that I required. Upon analyzing the contents of the map, I made my decision on the route that I would take.

"You can just follow… I know the way."

Sensing the young Lannister's eyes, I shifted my own towards his direction. He seemed intrigued at first, but he soon looked away from me. Much like his grandmother, I assume that he was aware of the interpretation of us, lowly foxkins. Although he might've viewed it as kind to offer his assistance, I saw it differently. I could only see it as an insult to my intelligence. If I were truly an asshole, then I would have informed the peasant boy that I could read just fine. 

"Good, I'm glad one of us knows, because I have no idea what this thing says."

There are times when one must put up a front. Although I don't appreciate it, I can only play with the cards dealt to me. With that understanding in mind, I followed the interpretation that was bestowed upon me. 

"I have taken this trip several times… so you can count on me.", Lannister says sheepishly.

"I'll count on your experience then."

Without hesitation, the boy initiated our journey to Oa. As I expected he followed the route that I mentally traced during my glimpse of the map. That same map that I rolled up and returned to the satchel following Lannister's suggestion to lead the way. Leaving the city wasn't as difficult as I imagined. Upon arriving at the southern gate, Lannister spoke to the guardsmen who were on duty. 

Instinctively, I stood away from the group as the men interacted with Lannister. Soon enough, he returned to my side informing me of his success. Minutes later, the two of us were free to exit Astana. So days after finding myself in this new world, and immigrating to Astana, I found myself outside the city's walls.