Return from Oa!

That job was simple. Escort missions are hardly ever this simple within Infinity Unleashed. The quiet young Lannister made escorting him to Oa a walk in the park. There was little conversation between the two of us, so the few hours we traversed seemed to drag on. I didn't particularly mind it, but it would have been better if conversations had blossomed.

Following the completion of his job, Lannister and I began our journey back to Astana. The same treeline that guided our trip the first time greeted us with a mild temperament. Although I hadn't particularly noticed during our first arrival at Astana, the roadways to and from the great city were impeccably managed. It was impressive, but I suppose having access to magic can be used in that manner.

"So Lannister… you seem quite helpful to your grandmother. She seems to be grateful for your assistance.", I say, breaking the hour-long silence between the two of us.

While at first, I imagined that the silence between us would be beneficial, I soon found it quite tiresome. Traveling for an extended on foot was once an arduous task in my previous world. I'll just be honest, my youthful energy was quickly zapped by my injuries. It rendered a once bountiful well of physical potential to a shell of its former glory. Combine that with the usefulness and dependence on vehicles, then you have yourself a rather sedentary lifestyle.

In comparison to my previous body, my current one is like the newest update with all the newest bells and whistles. My regenerative capabilities seem to be solid all things considered. Although there haven't been many ways to test such an ability. The thing about a kitsune's healing is the fact that one must be hurt for that effect to be kicked into effect. There was no direct danger to me during my short tenure inside of our temporary home. With the exception of tearing into my own flesh, there is no way to test out the limits of that ability.

Following my clash with the Lynx, I managed to learn that even major injuries like fractures could be healed in mere hours. I suspect that there must be a method to streamline my healing process. Upon accepting my new reality, I was able to boost my strength and heal my finger from being sliced by Gerald's sword. If I were to master my healing and increase the effectiveness of it, then I could prove to be a formidable fighter.

"I... I like to think that I can be useful to her.", Lannister responds in a hushed voice.

To be honest, if not for my enhanced hearing I would've likely overlooked the young boy's words. His words were like whispers from a ghost.

"Being useful is a good thing. I too enjoy showcasing my usefulness. It was a trait that I learned from my grandmother as well.", I said.

A silence fell upon us once more, but the young boy slowly began to lag. At first, it was subtle, but I picked up on it quickly. I contemplated how to resurrect our conversation again, but that was unnecessary. To my surprise, Lannister spoke up first.

"I...I hate to sound rude, but..", the boy halted his words before stopping in his tracks.

Meeting his actions, I stopped as well before turning to face his small stature. He fidgeted under the weight of my gaze as if he was guilty of a crime. His vision rested squarely on his feet, and I could sense the gears turning in his head.

"You are wondering how a lowly foxkin such as myself managed to convince your grandmother of our deal, right?"

Lannister's eyes shot up out with genuine confusion coloring his face. No doubt he was curious about how I arrived at his current thought. I like to imagine that he assumed that I was capable of reading his mind.

"How did you..."

"I have a mind beyond your normal foxkin in this land. There might be few rivals even amongst the elves and the humans. Your grandmother is a smart woman. In fact, I am sure that you realized that as well.", I said, adjusting my glasses with my fingers. "It is a negotiating tactic that I used. I wanted the map, and I became aware of your current situation with a glance."

As expected Lannister didn't follow up with a response, so I continued my explanation. "I hate to say it like this, but clearly you and your grandmother live in a desolate environment. Looking at the state of the shop is enough to tell me that you both are just barely living in the black, so I decided to take a chance. Since I desired only one map, but I didn't have the compensation necessary. I brokered a trade."

Upon looking at Lannister's expression which one painted with struggle, I could sense that perhaps I was speaking above his comprehension. So I decided to double back and re-explain.

 " In short, I help your grandmother and in return, she returns the favor."

Lannister nods in response to my simplified explanation. Throughout the escort, there was a certain smell in the air. It was one that I was far too familiar with. The once thin, white clouds darkened high above. The wind settled off and on them carried a mixture of different scents. The nearby fauna as well as any wildlife that just happened to be in the pathway of the breeze.

Notably, the heavy scent of incoming rain filled my canine-like nostrils. It was simple to compare my current body to my previous one.  When I was a human many of these scents that I detected now were easily passed over with a simple thought. Even though I attempted to be the 'stop and smell the roses' type of guy, my sense of smell much like my sight was less than remarkable. To be honest it was fitting. A broken, fragile, and subpar body for a shattered, weakened, mediocre man. It was a curse. To have obtained so much knowledge, but to be reduced to living out my talents in the virtual world.

Yet, there was something oddly...satisfying about it. Every scar that that old body possessed, every pain and blur my eyes produced was a part of my being, and now as I stand, it was gone. Thinking back at it I wasn't living a terrible existence. Although I was nothing more than a common machine, there was one gift that liberated me from that curse... and that was infinity unleashed.

If I were to compare myself to young Lannister, I suppose that in itself put me over him in the luck category. I can tell that this boy has no real father figure in his life. Once upon a time, I too carried immense pressure and weight on my shoulders. Traveling long distances carrying heavy material for my grandmother. In Lannister's case it may be a crate of maps, and mine it was bags of groceries, but I know that look on his face all to well.

It was a face of resolution. The poor boy has resolved himself to his fate. The fate of being a nobody. The fate of being like Mark Nicholson.

"Say Lannister-", I say, grabbing the boy's attention. "Where is your mother?"

Upon hearing my question, Lannister's mood loomed like the clouds above. I know that we don't know each other, so digging into his personal life might seem inappropriate if this was an official mission. Even still, I am a man beholden to his curiosity for better or for worse.

Lannister must've agreed since he didn't bother offering a proper response. Had I been a more irratble man perhaps I would've interpreted his behavior as disrespectful, but I can sense the sadness in his silence. As they say, no response is still a response.

"So it's like that. I assume that your father is also out of the picture?"

"My father... My father is gone. So is my mother."

It was just as I expected. Based on his somber expression, I could deduce that his parents rather of simply abandoning him have passed on. I suppose that is a tragedy, but I come to expect such circumstances where they live. On the surface, it may be reckless for a grandmother to allow her only grandson to go off with a stranger, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With Lannister's father out of the picture, that only leaves the boy to do a man's job.

Frankly, it makes me sound despicable, but I detected that upon laying feet inside of their establishment. I have no doubt that made it even easier for me to negotiate the terms that I required.

"Demi-humans like you and I will have it rough. Less sympathy will be thrown your way especially when your grandmother goes to stay with your parents. Unfortunately for you, you were simply born at the wrong time... at least that is what I would like to say."

The young Lannister continued his silence as if it were a religious vow, but I could tell that he was listening to my words. His floppy ears twitched with my every syllable.

"I'm not one of those all-knowing gods, but I do have an eye for potential. Make of it what you will, but I can foresee a different path for you other than that of an orphaned errand boy.-"

'Hold on that's odd..'

I'm sure that it is common for wildlife to sometimes waltz onto the road, but this seemed different. Before I realized it, we had traveled a good bit of distance from Oa on our trek back to Astana. On our initial way there we bumped into a few stragglers, but none of them gave off such a suspicious vibe as the individual just ahead of us. I knew that I was about to rain, but a black hooded cloak always triggered my common sense. That must not be the case for my traveling partner as the young man moved ahead without haste.

Minutes passed and the cloaked figure grew closer, and with that, they became more and more suspicious. They weren't doing anything of note, but it was the fact that they had their hood up even though it hadn't begun raining yet. That alone is enough to trigger a red flag for me.

I eyed them with a watchful intent to see if I could spot any unconcealed weapons. The fact that I didn't only earn them even more scrutiny in my eyes. Unless you're a broke boy like me then you would have a weapon. Traveling a road like this without an open weapon shows that you're an easy mark to be robbed of your goods.

That is why I remained hypervigiliant just in case. That logic should apply both ways, so they should have a sword out for all to see, but they don't.  Not to mention the glaring problem with how they're approaching us. No regular individual would occupy the center of the pathway as they approach someone.  In response to this revelation, I held my position and waited for their approach.

I assumed Lannister had begun picking up on my mannerisms because I could sense him shuffling behind me. His feet kicked my tail as he sought my protection. Demi-humans like us have heightened senses and with those heightened senses we can easily detect danger. While my common sense dictated my actions, I could tell by his shaking that Lannister's instincts drove his.

As the cloaked figure approached I noticed another detail that seemed off. With Lannister behind me, I could detect his scent. I can confidently say that I could probably track down Bonner, Q, and Claire by their distinctive scents. Hell, I could likely differentiate Lannister's grandmother in a crowd by her scent too, but this guy was different. This bastard had no defined scent, and I knew that something was amiss. With those facts fueling my words, I let out a booming, 

"Aight bastard! Another step closer, and I'll knock yer shit out right here!"