The Fox Who Dreams!

Sneaking over Astana's walls was easier than anticipated. While my good eye wasn't that good, it did its job. Utilizing my other sense of smell and hearing I was able to locate the best area to jump over that wall. It took considerable effort in my deteriorated condition, but I soldiered through it. There were times when you needed to do what was necessary, and now was one of those moments.

The first thing I did was return Lannister unharmed to his home. Under the cover of clouds and rain, I was able to do so. He seemed distant, but that was to be expected. In a way, his life was endangered on multiple occasions and you could point to his association with me as the main culprit.

"I will return either tomorrow or the day after for my reward.", I informed Lannister'.

It would not have been ideal for his grandmother to see me in such a disheveled manner, so I had her grandson be my messenger. He was dutiful I'll give you that. I could respect that competence. He would pass on my message, so I didn't bother sticking around to converse any longer than necessary.

Normally it would have been difficult to escape the questioning eyes of any people that I passed, but this was a different case. The gloom of the falling rain prevented most people from being out at this moment. It was this emptiness of the street that allowed me to return to the inn with no complications. 

I limped up the stairs in front of the building before turning to take in my surroundings. I usually wouldn't hesitate to exit the rain, but there was something off and I could feel it. I felt as if someone was watching me. Their eyes burned into my back from an area out of view. I couldn't explain it, but my instincts informed me of that. I may have led some unneeded eyes to this establishment.

Being in no shape to play it off I took hold of the doorknob and twisted it. The door creaked allowing me access to the inside. I made my first step inside, hoping to be allowed to rest. I wanted to deal with this injury. It was a flawed dream that the sudden surge of pain reminded me to take seriously. I nearly collapsed the moment that I entered the building. I was grateful that my arms were long enough to catch the wall for support. Whether it was the comfort or the dissipation of the adrenaline keeping me going, I felt my energy level drastically drop.

"Horace?! Bonn-"

I tried to call out to the two men, but as soon as the words slipped out darkness took my vision.

"Be calm, and accept this gift, Marktavious."

I forced my eyes open to locate the origin of those words. They were the exact words of the mysterious individual as they claimed one of my eyes. I found myself at the nexus point of my arrival. Without a doubt, this was the cave within the Hidden Grotto. Those beautiful crystals shone pushing away the darkness that gripped my body. I felt unshackled from the heavy shadows that seemed to contain me.

The crystals sang harmoniously as the wind blew the breath of life throughout the area. It was obvious to me where I currently stood. This is where I squared up with the Lynx. There was no indication of the collapse of the cave, so I wondered whether or not my plan to crush it succeeded. 

I felt drawn to those crystals again and as I approached the melody stopped. My eyes found my reflection in the aquamarine stones. I could sense that there was a change in me. I couldn't explain it, but a single question echoed inside my mind.

'Why am I here?'

My thoughts seemed to echo through the area as if they were projected as soon as they formed inside my head. 

"Did the Lynx cast another spell before it managed to be crushed to death? That damned cat!", I hissed.

While the Lynx did manage to cast the temple spell in its final moments, I began to wonder about the chances of it doing another. If it were me, I would have made sure my enemies were tormented for defeating me too. I can respect the decision, but the Lynx can't break my spirit. It should take its loss with stride and move on to the afterlife.

'The afterlife...'

My hand quickly went to the wounded area that the red-haired elf managed to inflict and found nothing there. In fact, as I looked into my reflection once again, I realized that my face was uninjured too. Both serious injuries that crippled my body were now gone without a trace.

My mind was suddenly filled with events that transpired when I was last in this settling. I finally managed to confront the doppelganger, and I felt what seemed to be the sensation in its purest form. Just what was the reason that I was summoned in this world? It appeared that the being that had the power to do so didn't appreciate that it was me that they received. They used underhanded tactics to try to break my spirit using my likeness to demean me in hopes that I would succumb to whatever power they forced onto me.

This world required a hero from the sound of it, but I was viewed as unqualified to undertake the task. Back in Infinity Unleashed, the game started with that same call to arms from the player. The initial intent of the game was to force the players to become heroes. It was in the game's marketing, but there was a flaw in the system. If you were to grant all the players the role of a hero, the game would become mediocre. 

It was only natural that people like me existed. Not everyone desires to be a savior. Some people prefer the option to choose, that is what Infinity Unleashed pivoted to after its release. It became a game where you had the choice to do whatever you desired, and now after facing that individual, I realized something. I don't have to play by the rules of people that attempt to force me to comply. This world may be unknown centuries after the existence of the game that I knew, but I don't owe anyone a goddamn thing.

This world is flawed and I seem to be on the receiving end of its wrath. That's the thing about wrath. Wrath is complex, but it is also omnidirectional. I don't know why that individual attempted their actions when I was summoned within the realm of darkness, but they made a crucial mistake.

It was the same mistake that Aywen made. Percival Blois and the red-haired elf were foolish enough to make it too. 

"Listen well, Doppelganger, we will meet again, and then I will show you why you do not look down your nose at Martavious Nicholson! You just made a powerful enemy!", I screamed to the heavens.

I had no proof, but I knew that the only individuals powerful enough to rip people from worlds were Gods. That person and the asshole that ripped out my eye were no doubt divine beings. 

"So what now?"

I snapped around as an unfamiliar voice shook the cave to its core. My eyes darted around and my body shifted in an attempt to locate the individual responsible. Is this not a dream? If not, then have they dragged me into another realm once again?!

"Marktavious Nicholson? You say that name as if it carries importance. Even its structure is unimpressive. Then again why would anyone expect anything more from a man who hides and bends a knee at the first sign of trouble?" 

I couldn't help, but roll my eyes at the first sign of provocation. The intent was so clear that even without my glasses I could see that coming. 

"You may see my actions as cowardly, but cowards do survive. I live-"

"For now. You are a man who is out of his element. This world is not like your own."

"I assumed as much, but that doesn't matter at all. I would say I am the same person, but now I sense there is a change. I'm willing to bet that it is this change that prevents you from showing yourself to me. I'm also willing to bet that you know that the same thing that happened to your friend will also happen to you!"

"Oh? Then let's see if the bravado of a coward remains once confronted."

The words shook the cave once more before a swelling of energy soured my mood My ears twitched as I located a fixture of the crystals that erupted in an explosion. The ground around that area exploded and with it, purple lightning illuminated the darkened area. 

Out of the hole sprouted bright purple flames that engulfed the area. Its heat forced me to jump back or else I too would have been incinerated. As I recovered my footing from the sudden leap, a frown appeared on my face. 

"Hey! You asshole! You won't turn me any blacker than I currently am!", I growled.

My eyes narrowed as I detected a slim figure within the cloud of smoke. Upon clearing, an immense power poured in my direction. It weighed heavy on my body as if it was forcing me to take a knee. The bright purple aura took on a clouded mist shrouding the person responsible for it in an unrecognizable shadow.

"Is this what you call a confrontation? Or are you the coward you were referring to?!", I questioned.

Without an injury weighing me down, I knew this time I could run these hands. I clenched them as I ignored the overwhelming pressure that the mist created. The purple mist shooting my way, but I didn't bother getting out of the way. I will stand my ground and I will kick their ass. That is what you can believe!

With a swipe of my hand, I mustered the feeling of the sensation and placed it into action. I put my theory to the test right here. Roktavor can blow this mist away with his strength, so you better believe I could too. The air around my arm howled in a frenzy as the mist parted down the middle. 

"Now let's see what that cowardly mug of yours!", I declared.

The wind gust pulverized the mist and hit the individual who used it as a cloak. I half expected them to be carried by the weight of the gust, but what transpired next surprised me. My wind gust dissipated the moment that it made contact with her body.

"Well, well, I am impressed, but you are three hundred years too late to match my power, Little Kitsune! I am on another level!"