The Fox Who Dreams Of Impossibly Powerful Goddesses!

To think that this figure who resorted to hiding in shadows would be this massive. A powerful, fiery aura flared from the woman once the rest of her purple mist finally disappeared. Standing six feet and six inches tall, this figure had me eclipsed when comparing heights.

While my attire was shrouded in various shades of green, this woman had chosen dark black. Her skin was a darker shade of grey, and purple eyes beamed holes into my flesh. Within that domineering gaze were oddly shaped irises that housed the shape of the letter X. 

She wore what I could only describe as an armored leotard with her arms and thighs exposed. Her black armor had greyish Xs that marked various spots across her torso. Her shoulder was protected by spikey armor that threatened to gore anyone she managed to tackle. There is one thing that impressed me, and no, it wasn't that modest chest that she had. The grey, illustrious cape that ran down her back was far more impressive.

I will not lie, but that cape she wore made me jealous to the nth degree. Seeing such a cowardly scumbag rocking such a majestic cape made me want to kick her ass even more. If ripping my eye out of its socket wasn't reason enough, seeing that cape flowing was enough to push me forward.

Now that she resided in my sights, I decided not to give her the chance to teleport to me this time. Crouching down, I utilized my incredible jumping ability to pounce on the woman. I rewound my fist, and with the assistance of gravity, I launched it in her direction. I assumed she would have dodged, but that is not what happened. 

The cave around us shook from the impact, but nothing was gained from my actions. A devious grin appeared on her stern face as the woman found amusement in her actions. 

'Hell, nah! She blocked my punch with... a goddamn headbutt?!'

There was nothing that could have prepared me for that moment. My fist collided with her forehead, yet the only thing that changed was me falling on my feet in front of her. A tooth grin appeared on her face as she moved to crush me with her right hand. I wasn't going to be outdone, so I decided to block her attempt with one finger!

"Ah, shit! Not this again!"

Surprise colored my face to the pleasure of the woman. With her overwhelming power, the woman pressed past my defense and slammed her open palm against my chest. There was no way in hell that I could overcome her power, and she knew it. She didn't bother pushing away, either. Her intent was something far more humiliating! 

Once her palm reached my chest, she somehow swept my legs from underneath. Gravity called my name, and thanks to this brute of a woman, I answered it. My back slammed against the cave's floor with what seemed like an effortless display. Blood slipped out of my lips as the impact forced the air from my lungs.

"It's pointless, Little Kitsune! You may be somehow resistant to my pressure, but you're far too weak to come to blows with me! I applaud your efforts to ambush me, but..." A wicked smile appeared on the woman's face, revealing the serrated shark-like teeth in her mouth. "as they say in your world, hell will freeze over before you ever manage to defeat me!"

I managed to scoff at her words; they were apparent attempts to provoke me to act rashly. My hands gripped her wrists as I attempted to power my way out of her grip. Yet, such an attempt didn't amount to anything. Her aura flared once more, but this time, it eclipsed her previous effort.

Her bright, crossed eyes bore into my figure, creating a heightened dread. I once assumed that dinosaurs had emotions. If I am correct in that assumption, then I, too, must know how it feels to be crushed by something as massive as the meteorite that claimed their existence.

"Alright- Alright, you've proven your point! I surrender.", I declared halfheartedly.

The woman's expression didn't change, but she did release me. She moved with an air of confidence and for good reason. I'd still stand no chance if I were foolish enough to try again. Realizing that I sat up and stared at the woman. She clenched her fist and mockingly flexed her muscles.

"Why are you invading my dreams?" I asked flatly.

"I didn't think you would give up so quickly. You are smarter than I imagined. You were defiant not too long ago but look at you now. All of that bravado ceased the moment you were crushed like an insect.", she responds.

"That doesn't answer my question. Defeating you isn't as important to me now. I have far more important things to deal with."

"Aw- You're just saying that because you lost. No doubt you'd be singing your own praises if I was the one sitting on my ass!" she said before erupting in gruff laughter.

"Let's get things straight. You may have pinned me down, but I am not done just yet. I still live, and that is what matters," I said. I managed to climb to my feet, only to be face to chest with the annoying nuisance. 

'So you say. You are faced with overwhelming power, yet you stand there with condescension in your tone. It is amusing, and... it is interesting."

The woman lowered her face closer to mine with a devilish grin. Immense pressure shot around her, threatening to engulf me once more, yet I resisted much like before. 

"You should be thanking me, but instead, you attack me on sight. That is admirable, but it is pointless."

The woman began to piss me off with her nonsensical babbling. Her voice was already annoying, but she continued reiterating past events as if I wasn't there.

"I'll tell you what is pointless! This conversation is pointless! You continue to dance around my question as if I didn't speak it! Tell me why you dragged me here?! What is the point of your bringing me to this world?! In fact, tell me who the hell you are!"

"Tch- Alright, buzzkill.", she replied, waving off the increase in my voice.

I was fuming, but that didn't stop the woman from snatching my glasses right off my face. I squinted to accommodate, but the pesky woman placed them on her face. In swift movements, she put her hands behind her back as if mocking me.

"I am not the one who brought you into this world."

"Then who-"

"I can't disclose that. It wouldn't be as fun if I spilled every detail on you. Plus, there are rules when it comes to interfering with others. I've already stuck my neck out for you once before, and I'm further doing so now."

The woman pushed up my stolen glasses before striking a power pose with her hands on her hips.

"I know a lot about you, Marktavious Nicholson, also known as Roktavor. There are a few other aliases that you have used in other worlds, but that one is the only one relevant."

My eyes would have narrowed if I had been squinting. She noticed my struggles, so she decided to toss a dog a bone. It was unfortunate that I was the dog and my glasses were the bone. I scrambled to catch my lenses before they fell onto the cave's floor. Once they were retrieved, I slid them onto my nose with no hesitation.

Now that I could see, I was surprised to see the woman's back facing me.

Her hand twirled through the air, and with it, purple flames began to swallow the cave from underneath our feet. The flames moved quickly, reducing the once vibrant and beautiful cave to a plain of falling ashes. The wind picked up on the queue, displacing the ashes and creating what appeared to be ash falling in perpetuity. In front of the woman appeared a refined black stone walkway that led to a matching black staircase. 

"You may know my name, but some random hacker online could figure that shit out as well. What is impressive about that?" I challenge.

"Mark Nicholson, eldest son of Harriet Nicholson and second eldest son of Francis Conners. Born November 3rd, 2000, in Yandersville, Alabama. At sixteen, you moved to Greek, Georgia, and that is when your mediocre life took a turn. Should I mention that you were a standard citizen within Earth's lone superpower?"

I flinched as the woman revealed some unexpected lore about me. Here I was in another world, and this woman could list my government name and the names of my mother and father. She said that with a smug tone as she made her way up onto her platform. Her cape floated powerfully before she turned to me and sat on a throne.

Her eyes scanned me, waiting to spot any imperfection in my expression. I acknowledged her words by giving her a hardened glare. Revealing this amount of information is no doubt a tactic to intimidate me.

"Okay, you may know all that, but what of it? What's your endgame here? You said you stuck your neck out from me, but I fail to see how ripping my eye out of my socket is fucking sticking your neck out for me.", I declared while approaching her.

Before I could enter the steps, purple flames erupted in front of me, forcing me to jump backward to evade. I sighed in frustration.

"I don't understand why you are so hung up about that. Listen and listen well, for I will explain things for you." With a flick of her wrist, a green aura poured from her fingertips and raced in my direction.

"For starters, I am Sine. I am what you mortals would call a divine being or what you foolishly call yourself a God." Almost on cue, the green aura made an electrical crackle before something emerged from it. "...You don't seem surprised."

"I'm no idiot; I realized that on our first encounter. When you prevented me from enacting payback on that bastard that stole my face.", I snapped.

Out of the green aura rose a marble statue housing the face of Sine and two others. I didn't recognize either of them.

"If I were you, I'd reconsider doing something like that again. You were lucky that I intervened when I did. The person that you were siphoning power from is named Valdus, and he is a supporter of Cyto and heavily favored. Valdus has a neat ability that he uses to bring in candidates to shape this world. He is a bit shy, so he hides his appearance out of necessity."

"So this Valdus is the reason that we are here. If he wanted me here, then why would he attack me? Shouldn't I be a candidate too? He said that he wanted a hero?"

Sine shrugged her shoulders, which was a bit deflating. 

"From your memories, you were summoned within those caves. It is unfortunate for Qayshaun Bedgood and Bishop Bonner that your presence tainted them. Valdus is a bit idealistic when it comes to granting his summoning. In his eyes' both of them were likely worthy candidates for being heroes. Good-natured, reasonable, and chivalrous. Yet, when it comes to you... I doubt that he could trust your hidden ambition. Association with you likely caused him to change his mind about them.

After all, he fully intended for the three of you to experience a gruesome death at the hands of those creatures within the caves!" she said before erupting in laughter.

I opened my mouth to give her a piece of my mind, but she quickly pivoted.

"These summonings are interesting for Gods and Goddesses like me as they are prime opportunities to snatch up a champion! Usually, we don't intervene directly with the world's events other than sending chosen heroes or champions to enact our wills. It is always a roll of the die to see what transpires after that. It is riveting stuff!"

"I bet that it is.", I remark.

Thinking back on my previous encounter with Valdus, I could now see what he was attempting. Wearing my face and using it as a vehicle to tear me down in hopes that he could finish what the Lynx couldn't.

'If Gods were not allowed to interfere with this world directly, why did Valdus attempt to do that very thing?' 

That is the question that I pondered as I twisted my mustache. My gaze shifted to my surroundings, taking in the desolate ash downpour.

"Tell me this then. If you cannot interfere, how are we having this conversation? I would assume that Valdus' attempt at my life and your actions against my eye would be considered interference. What's the difference?"

Almost on cue, Sine's sharky grin expanded on her face. It was nearly as if she was waiting for me to ask the question. She pushed up from her throne, and her commanding aura flared like a raging inferno. 

"That stab wound did a number on that weak body of yours! Death was more than willing to welcome you, and Valdus was determined to take advantage!" She declared.

Witnessing my life flash before my eyes would signal the beginning of the end for most. I had faith that my new body's healing would see me through, but I now believed Valdus didn't want that. The only way for me to be slain in that situation is if I were to accept my death and not heal my body. I cannot access this body's functions if my mind and new body are not synced. 

"It is unconventional, but his efforts could have been successful if he were dealing with another person. Passing yourself off as their inner consciousness and destroying their will to live is interference any way that you slice it," I said while pushing my glasses atop my nose. 

I turned to take in my surroundings once again. The ash seemed to shimmer in the light for a moment.

"Valdus believes he's made a mistake in summoning me to this world. Well, in a way, he is correct. I had no desire to live a mundane life in this new realm, but recent events made me realize something."

"What might that be?" Sine asks. Once I saw her grinning face, my expression mirrored her own.

"This world is desperately in need of a reshuffling of the hierarchy. I have not visited other cities outside Astana, but I could smell it. It was Cyto's appearance that caused the demise of the kitsune race, and it was the influence of his religion that encouraged the mistreatment of their kin. Even those that look similar struggle by proximity. This world is in utter chaos in my eyes."

"It isn't just your race that is affected by that iron grasp. The heroes of old have ensured that the current power structure is endorsed. The current batch helps maintain it. It is thanks to that the power structure up here has also taken a drastic turn. I was once revered in that land and will soon return to my former glory."

"Now your intentions are clear.", I remark, catching the puzzled gaze of the goddess.

She stepped forward and, in a few steps, found herself in front of me. Her fiery gaze created a wave of fear coursing through my veins, yet I matched her energy despite that. While she placed her hands on her powerful hips, I returned my own behind my back. 

"I couldn't fathom at first why a goddess like yourself decided to show yourself to me. You risked angering Valdus and Cyto from the sounds of it. You prevented me from getting my vengeance on the former and summoned me here once again. The natural conclusion I arrived at is that you wanted something from me." The woman seemed more confident than before, even when I turned my back to her and began to pace. After collecting my thoughts, I found her mentioning a gift as the most notable point. I must dig deeper as I know that I am close.

"So Goddess Sine, what is it that you desire from me?"