The Fox Who Dreams of... Conquest?

The pieces seemed to be clicking together for me. If the god known as Valdus desired my destruction, then why would he attempt that method? It was far riskier than it needed to be, so I could only conclude that it was personal. I mean disguising himself as my past version and berating me into submission is as personal as it gets. As I looked up in the greyish X eyes of Sine, I saw that I managed to impress her somehow. 

She seemed to be testing me from the looks of it, but I did not know the reason that she decided to do so. Her motives were questionable to me until she mentioned that the hierarchy of Gods was reshuffled. Taking in the sight of the throne amidst a storm of ash, I could only imagine that this once was the center of her power and authority. 

"You are as perceptive as I hoped.", Sine says after a moment of silence. 

"What you say is true. I do want something from you, and it is very simple. I desire change in this world much like all the others in my position. I mentioned that I can not directly interfere and guide it, but I can indirectly do so. It has been five hundred years since I was able to select a champion to bear my mark. Valdus has made sure of that."

"I'll stop you there then. First off, fuck you! I have no intention of being your pawn! If I were to do that, then it would be no different from my previous world! I'd sooner have my ass kicked before I work for another untouchable scumbag at the top of the food chain! I am not some common machine nor am I foolish enough to accept your burden on my shoulders! Althou-"

Sine's eyes widened with anger and before I could react, she gripped me by my neck. Her power was undeniable and with it she completely dominated me. I was helpless to prevent her from lifting me and throwing me as if I were trash. Her massive aura flared, creating purple flames to coat her fists. It would be accurate to say that Sine was using me as a punching bag. 

She tossed me up in the air with one hand and with the other spiked me down like a tennis player with her fist. I barreled through the air several feet before the woman marched to my location. There wasn't enough time to stand before she stopped my attempt. Before I could realize what was transpiring I found the woman's boot pressed against my back. It was clear that she aimed to use her immense power to force me to submit to her desire.

"Perhaps, I have overestimated your perception. You should've realized that you have to accept my offer. You don't have much of a choice.", She growled.

"On the contrary, Sine. I don't have to do anything, but be black and die. You can whoop my ass all that you want, but that doesn't change a goddamn thing. I have no intention of being a pawn for anybody. Your might is impressive, hell I'll even admit that I can't defeat you, but that is a two-way street and you know it."

 I couldn't stop myself from smirking as the grin that once resided on the woman's face had melted into a scowl. She may have looked down on me, but she knew I was correct. It was written on her face. I took this opportunity to speak, but my words did come out strained due to her previous attack.

"How about you take your boot off of my back, and we talk this out? It would be best if you also learned to control that temper of yours. It is unbefitting of a goddess of your stature.", I said, condescension dripping from my words.

Sine didn't appreciate being looked down on, but I didn't care. I knew that physically I could not beat this woman, she was a god after all, but there are alternative methods of getting what you desire. What I desired was for her to spill the beans on why she brought me to her throne room. What reason could she have for giving me that so-called gift?

To find that out, I must lure out her motives by attacking her at her core since she isn't willingly divulging that information. Just as I arrogantly demanded Sine gave her permission. There was frustration present in her expression as she likely realized that I would not comply with violence. I will not be intimidated even if she is a goddess due to one simple fact. I heard straight from the horse's mouth that Gods can not interfere with this world directly, but only indirectly.

Yet, there is one thing that brought the sentiment into question. Both Sine and Valdus interfered before, and I deduce that my near-death state granted them that opportunity. Once the goddess' boot was removed from my back, she stood next to me with a bewildered look in her eyes. 

"I wouldn't be too confident that you are untouchable if I were you. You're playing with powers beyond your comprehension, little kitsune.", Sine said with a disapproving head shake.

To my surprise, the woman decided to offer me a hand, and I was gracious enough to accept her offer. 

"That may be true, but I know my worth. In this world, I can foresee incredible potential in this new body. In my current state, I am far too weak and inexperienced, but once I gain the strength necessary I will be a force like no other."

There was a flicker in the woman's eyes when I spoke as if my words captivated her. Her sharky grin widened before she erupted in a fit of laughter. The ash around us displaced from the sheer force of her laughter alone. 

"I would hope so! I'm sticking my neck out for you! Most people would jump at the chance of being God's servant. They would throw themselves at my feet and beg for my favor! Yet, here you are defying my will and I wonder why."

"I suppose I could dignify that question with a response."

Due to all of her sudden roughhousing, my glasses were displaced on my snout. I would correct their position as I spoke, "I can acknowledge your divinity, but... I see no merit in aligning myself with you. Look around us, Sine, there is nothing more than floating ash."

I would gesture toward the woman's throne in the distance and continue my explanation, "You have a nice throne there, but you were quick to dismount it."

After the sentence, I placed my arms behind my back and sized up the larger woman. She still oozed bewilderment, but her godly confidence still flickered in the background.

"There is no merit to align yourself with me? You would be a God's chosen champion. That is reason enough for anyone to swear their allegiance. Certain perks could arise from their service.", Sine argued. 

"True, but you are not Cyto.", I reply.

The woman flinched and I thought that I would find myself on the receiving end of her divine wrath again. Instead, she exhaled and shot a glare in my direction. It was daring me to complete the comparison.

"I am far greater than that bastard.", Sine declares with contempt dripping from her words. She wore a scowl as if the comparison pissed her off.

"In my brief time exposed to the history of this world, I saw one name when it came to the Gods of this realm. It spoke of Cyto, and names like Valdus did appear. I do remember that now. Yet, I do not recall the name of Sine. There is no mention of you, and looking at this destroyed throne room tells me why."

I approached the woman carefully as theories spun inside of my mind. I might have written off the religious texts of the Church of Cyto at first, but I never imagined that I would have encountered this world's divinity so early in my journey. Sine repeatedly declared that she was sticking her neck out for me, and I believe that I know the reason now.

"You were bested, weren't you, Sine? Your temple lies in ruin, and Valdus prevents you from gaining champions so that you cannot jockey for position in the world. With no champions carrying out your will, the populace won't worship you. Their love and affection instead are funneled towards the man who does receive their admiration. I'm willing to bet that your allies' loyalty swapped immediately and embraced the new regime, and that leaves you here."

"Impressive, Little Kitsune. Yet, there is one thing that you haven't figured out.", Sine says while crossing her arms. "What you say is true, but there is a reason why I fell from influence. Cyto's last champion was groomed into an efficient and brutal dictator and as a result, he instilled Cyto as the prominent figure in his nation."

"You say that he was groomed, correct? Are you implying?-"

"Yes. His master was a kitsune with ambition that was only rivaled by his arrogance. It was that connection with his master that started him on a path that would lead to the destruction of his master's people and the persecution of their descendants. Those people were my faithful vassals."

'A kitsune with ambition that rivals his arrogance... I could think of a few that fit the criteria.'

If this world's history stemmed from my playthrough of Infinity Unleashed, then there are a few kitsunes that fit that category. Lilanna the False Empress, Kanno of the Midnight Guild, Victor Von Rocksteady, and...

'No way.'

Realization struck me like a lightning bolt! 

'Cy...Cy-to... Cy of Tocorant... Damn it!'

"I assumed that I would be getting someone destined for greatness. A hero who could save the world..."

The words of Valdus once again bounced around my head as the connection was obvious to me. I scoffed as the man's words took on another meaning for me. Mixed with Sine's actions and words left me clamoring to put the pieces together. There was one more kitsune that fit that bill, and Sine declared that he was the relevant one.

A Hero of Chaos, and the figure that guided Cy of Tocorant to his eventual prominence. He is the man who resided in the background and aimed to guide the land to a future of his design. His brilliance and cunning made him a formidable foe and his ally's loyalty was unshakeable. While he was not the strongest of his species he was one of the more ambitious. 

"Valdus wanted Roktavor, didn't he?", I inquired to the pleasure of Sine.